Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Add a plugin to field types (column types)
10.2.0-1, 10.2.0-2, 10.2.0-4, 10.2.0-5, 10.2.0-6, 10.2.0-7, 10.2.0-8, 10.2.1-1, 10.2.1-3, 10.2.1-4, 10.2.1-5, 10.2.2-3, 10.3.1-1
Issues to solve:
- read/write: that's easy, the plugin provides some kind of a "store" method that serializes the data into something that can be memcmp-ed. And "val" methods as appropriate.
- indexing: not at issue, the engine thinks the column type is BINARY and indexes is accordingly
- don't forget that field definition may use parameters, like in VARCHAR(10)
- protocol
- text protocol - what to send as field metadata? variant: MYSQL_TYPE_PLUGIN and a string with the type name
- binary protocol - how to send the value to the client: variant: as a string. how the client send the value to the server? either way, the server converts it from number/string/etc just as for INSERTs
- replication, RBR
- similar, use MYSQL_TYPE_PLUGIN, and as additional metadata - field type as a string, parameters, whatever
So, a plugin would need to provide
- store() method from at least some of the basic types
- val() methods to at least some of the basic types
- description of whatever parameters a field definition takes
- informational methods, like store_length(), etc
This task doesn't cover everything! It is assumed that we can expand this API later to add more features. In particular, the following is not solved:
- data types that cannot be efficiently memcmp()'ed. For example, this proposal doesn't allow to implement a string type with charset support.
- data types that require special indexes, such as XML, spatial data, etc.
see also the original issue description in the history
Issue Links
- blocks
MDEV-274 The data type for IPv6/IPv4 addresses in MariaDB
- Closed
MDEV-4913 External ENUM Field definition
- Open
MDEV-4958 Adding datatype UUID
- Closed
MDEV-10018 Timestamp with time zone
- Open
MDEV-10575 sql_mode=ORACLE: Date and timestamp formats
- Open
MDEV-10592 sql_mode=ORACLE: TYPE .. TABLE OF for scalar data types
- Open
MDEV-10593 sql_mode=ORACLE: TYPE .. AS OBJECT: basic functionality
- Open
MDEV-11058 Put user defined exceptions to the same name space with variables
- Open
MDEV-11829 Please add support for datetime with time zone literals (ISO 8601)
- Open
MDEV-12252 ROW data type for stored function return values
- Closed
MDEV-12307 ROW data type for built-in function return values
- Stalled
MDEV-12308 Accessing ROW type function fields
- Open
MDEV-12513 INTERVAL data type
- Open
MDEV-12786 Feature Request : New Column Type Apt Version
- Open
- duplicates
MDEV-7931 Custom types support through extensions
- Closed
- is blocked by
MDEV-7199 Introduce the concept of data type handlers
- Closed
MDEV-8092 Change Column_definition::field_name from "const char *" to LEX_CSTRING
- Closed
MDEV-9170 Get rid of LEX::length and LEX::dec
- Closed
MDEV-9188 Split Column_definition::check() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-9211 Split Column_definition::init_for_tmp_table, into methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-9215 Detect cmp_type() and result_type() from field_type()
- Closed
MDEV-9216 Split into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-9217 Split Item::tmp_table_field_from_field_type() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-9218 Add a helper class Record_addr
- Closed
MDEV-9220 Split and into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-9221 Derive Item from Type_handler virtually
- Closed
MDEV-9234 Add Type_handler::union_element_finalize()
- Closed
MDEV-9235 Add Type_handler::is_param_long_data_type()
- Closed
MDEV-9238 Wrap create_virtual_tmp_table() into a class, split into different steps
- Closed
MDEV-9316 Add Field::store_hex_hybrid()
- Closed
MDEV-9319 ALTER from a bigger to a smaller blob type truncates too much data
- Closed
MDEV-9326 Split field_conv_incompatible() into methods in Field
- Closed
MDEV-9327 Split memcpy_field_possible() into virtual methods in Field
- Closed
MDEV-9334 ALTER from DECIMAL to BIGINT UNSIGNED returns a wrong result
- Closed
MDEV-9337 ALTER from DECIMAL and INT to DATETIME returns a wrong result
- Closed
MDEV-9340 Copying from INT/DOUBLE to ENUM is inconsistent
- Closed
MDEV-9391 InnoDB does not produce warnings when doing WHERE int_column=varchar_column
- Closed
MDEV-9392 Copying from DECIMAL to YEAR is not consistent about warnings
- Closed
MDEV-9393 Split Copy_field::get_copy_func() into virtual methods in Field
- Closed
MDEV-9395 Add Type_handler::Item_decimal_scale() and Item_divisor_precision_increment()
- Closed
MDEV-9396 Split Create_field::init() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-9397 Split into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-9398 Add Type_handler::cast_to_int_type
- Closed
MDEV-9406 CREATE TABLE..SELECT creates different columns for IFNULL() and equivalent COALESCE,CASE,IF
- Closed
MDEV-9407 Illegal mix of collation when using GROUP_CONCAT in a VIEW
- Closed
MDEV-9408 CREATE TABLE SELECT MAX(int_column) creates different columns for table vs view
- Closed
MDEV-9410 VIEW over a ROLLUP query reports too large columns
- Closed
MDEV-9495 Wrong field type for a UNION of a signed and an unsigned INT expression
- Closed
MDEV-9497 UNION and COALESCE produce different field types for DECIMAL+INT
- Closed
MDEV-9522 Split into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-10309 COALESCE(12345678900) makes a column of a wrong type and truncates the data
- Closed
MDEV-10811 Change design from "Item is Type_handler" to "Item has Type_handler"
- Closed
MDEV-11245 Move prepare_create_field and sp_prepare_create_field() as methods to Column_definition
- Closed
MDEV-11294 Move definitions of Derivation, DTCollation, Type_std_attributes from field.h and item.h to sql_type.h
- Closed
MDEV-11298 Split Item_func_hex::val_str_ascii() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11302 Add class Type_ext_attributes and Type_handler::join_type_ext_attributes()
- Closed
MDEV-11330 Split Item_func_hybrid_field_type::val_xxx() into methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11331 Wrong result for INSERT INTO t1 (datetime_field) VALUES (hybrid_function_of_TIME_data_type)
- Closed
MDEV-11333 Expect "Impossible where condition" for WHERE timestamp_field>=DATE_ADD(TIMESTAMP'9999-01-01 00:00:00',INTERVAL 1000 YEAR)
- Closed
MDEV-11337 Split Item::save_in_field() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11344 Split Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11357 Split Item_cache::get_cache() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11365 Split the data type and attribute related code in Item_sum_hybrid::fix_fields into Type_handler::Item_sum_hybrid_fix_length_and_dec()
- Closed
MDEV-11478 Result data type aggregation for pluggable data types
- Closed
MDEV-11482 Incorrect result for (time_expr BETWEEN timestamp_exp1 AND timestamp_expr2)
- Closed
MDEV-11485 Split Item_func_between::val_int() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11497 Wrong result for (int_expr IN (mixture of signed and unsigned expressions))
- Closed
MDEV-11503 Introduce Type_handler::make_in_vector() and Item_func_in_fix_comparator_compatible_types()
- Closed
MDEV-11514 IN with a mixture of TIME and DATETIME returns a wrong result
- Closed
MDEV-11528 Split Item_func_min_max::val_xxx() and Item_func_min_max::get_date() into methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11554 Wrong result for CASE on a mixture of signed and unsigned expressions
- Closed
MDEV-11555 CASE with a mixture of TIME and DATETIME returns a wrong result
- Closed
MDEV-11558 Split Item_type_holder::display_length into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11615 Split Item_hybrid_func::fix_attributes into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-11672 mysql_list_field() returns wrong default values for VIEW
- Closed
MDEV-11692 Comparison data type aggregation for pluggable data types
- Closed
MDEV-11815 SP variables of temporal data types do not replicate correctly
- Closed
MDEV-11913 Split sp_get_item_value() into methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12001 Split Item_func_round::fix_length_and_dec to virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12199 Split Item_func_{abs|neg|int_val}::fix_length_and_dec() into methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12238 Add Type_handler::Item_func_{plus|minus|mul|div|mod}_fix_length_and_dec()
- Closed
MDEV-12239 Add Type_handler::Item_sum_{sum|avg|variance}_fix_length_and_dec()
- Closed
MDEV-12303 Add Type_handler::Item_xxx_fix_length_and_dec() for CAST classes
- Closed
MDEV-12338 Split Item_type_holder::get_real_type() into virtual Item::real_type_handler()
- Closed
MDEV-12426 Add Field::type_handler()
- Closed
MDEV-12497 Wrong data type for LEAST(latin1_expr, utf8_expr)
- Closed
MDEV-12504 Wrong data type for LEAST(date_expr,time_expr)
- Closed
MDEV-12506 Split Item_func_min_max::fix_length_and_dec() into methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12514 Split Item_temporal_func::fix_length_and_dec()
- Closed
MDEV-12546 Wrong metadata or data type for string user variables
- Closed
MDEV-12559 Split Item::temporal_precision() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12560 Wrong data type for SELECT NULL UNION SELECT Point(1,1)
- Closed
MDEV-12568 Add Type_handler::subquery_type_allows_materialization()
- Closed
MDEV-12574 MAX(old_decimal) produces a column of the old DECIMAL type
- Closed
MDEV-12582 Wrong data type for CREATE..SELECT MAX(COALESCE(timestamp_column))
- Closed
MDEV-12588 Add Type_handler::type_handler_for_tmp_table() and Type_handler::type_handler_for_union()
- Closed
MDEV-12594 UNION between fixed length double columns does not always preserve scale
- Closed
MDEV-12595 UNION converts INT to BIGINT
- Closed
MDEV-12599 UNION is not symmetric when mixing INT and CHAR
- Closed
MDEV-12601 Hybrid functions create a column of an impossible type DOUBLE(256,4)
- Closed
MDEV-12607 Hybrid functions create wrong VARBINARY length when mixing character and binary data
- Closed
MDEV-12617 CASE and CASE-alike hybrid functions do not preserve exact data types
- Closed
MDEV-12619 UNION creates excessive integer column types for integer literals
- Closed
MDEV-12649 Add Type_handler::Item_save_in_value
- Closed
MDEV-12655 Move Item_func::count_xxx_length() to Type_std_attributes
- Closed
MDEV-12665 Hybrid functions do not preserve geometry type
- Closed
MDEV-12687 Split Item::send() into virtual method in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12692 Split Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec
- Closed
MDEV-12695 Add Column_definition::type_handler()
- Closed
MDEV-12707 Split resolve_const_item() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12710 Fix Item_cache constructors to accept Type_handler instead of enum_field_types
- Closed
MDEV-12713 Define virtual type_handler() for all Item classes
- Closed
MDEV-12714 Determine Item::field_type() from Item::type_handler()
- Closed
MDEV-12716 Change Value_source::Context to operate Type_handler rather than Item_result
- Closed
MDEV-12717 Change Item_equal to operate Type_handler rather than Item_result
- Closed
MDEV-12718 Determine Item::cmp_type() from Item::type_handler()
- Closed
MDEV-12719 Determine Item::result_type() from Item::type_handler()
- Closed
MDEV-12721 Wrong execution plan for WHERE (date_field <=> timestamp_expr AND TRUE)
- Closed
MDEV-12769 Arithmetic operators with temporal types create excessive column types
- Closed
MDEV-12770 Add Type_handler::decimal_precision()
- Closed
MDEV-12772 Add Field::get_typelib() and Item::get_typelib()
- Closed
MDEV-12775 Reuse data type aggregation code for hybrid functions and UNION
- Closed
MDEV-12777 Change Lex_field_type_st::m_type from enum_field_types to Type_handler pointer
- Closed
MDEV-12798 Item_param does not preserve exact field type in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE AS SELECT ?' USING POINT(1,1)
- Closed
MDEV-12803 Improve function parameter data type control
- Closed
MDEV-12809 Bad column type created for TEXT(1431655798) CHARACTER SET utf8
- Closed
MDEV-12826 Add Type_handler::val_int_signed_typecast() and Type_handler::val_int_unsigned_typecast()
- Closed
MDEV-12833 Split Column_definition::create_length_to_internal_length() to virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-12849 Out-of-range errors when casting hex-hybrid to SIGNED and UNSIGNED
- Closed
MDEV-12853 Out-of-range errors when CAST('-1' AS UNSIGNED)
- Closed
MDEV-12854 Synchronize CREATE..SELECT data type and result set metadata data type for INT functions
- Closed
MDEV-12856 Wrong result set metadata for DIV
- Closed
MDEV-12857 Out-of-range errors on CREATE..SELECT 2222222222 DIV 1
- Closed
MDEV-12858 Out-of-range error for CREATE..SELECT unsigned_int_column+1
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-12860 Out-of-range error on CREATE..SELECT with a view using MAX and EXTRACT(MINUTE_MICROSECOND..)
- Closed
MDEV-12861 FIRST_VALUE() does not preserve the exact data type
- Closed
MDEV-12862 Data type of @a:=1e0 depends on the session character set
- Closed
MDEV-12866 Out-of-range error with CREATE..SELECT..TO_SECONDS(NOW())
- Closed
MDEV-12876 Wrong data type for CREATE..SELECT sp_var
- Closed
MDEV-12916 Wrong column data type for an INT field of a cursor-anchored ROW variable
- Closed
MDEV-12917 Wrong data type for CREATE..SELECT year_sp_variable
- Closed
MDEV-12932 Remove enum Cast_target and use Type_handler to handle CAST
- Closed
MDEV-13526 Add Type_handler::Item_val_bool()
- Closed
MDEV-13964 Parameter data type control for Item_real_func
- Closed
MDEV-13965 Parameter data type control for Item_longlong_func
- Closed
MDEV-13966 Parameter data type control for Item_temporal_func
- Closed
MDEV-13967 Parameter data type control for Item_long_func
- Closed
MDEV-13995 MAX(timestamp) returns a wrong result near DST change
- Closed
MDEV-13997 Change Item_bool_rowready_func2 to cache const items at fix time rather than evaluation time
- Closed
MDEV-14454 Binary protocol returns wrong collation ID for SP OUT parameters
- Closed
MDEV-14467 Item_param: replace {INT|DECIMAL|REAL|STRING|TIME}_VALUE with Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-14494 Move set_param_xxx() in to methods in Item_param and Type_handler
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-15205 Remove mysql_type_to_time_type()
- Closed
MDEV-15293 CAST(AS TIME) returns bad results for LAST_VALUE(),NAME_CONST(),SP variable
- Closed
MDEV-15340 Wrong result HOUR(case_expression_with_time_and_datetime)
- Closed
MDEV-15363 Wrong result for CAST(LAST_DAY(TIME'00:00:00') AS TIME)
- Closed
MDEV-15406 NO_ZERO_IN_DATE erroneously affects how CAST(AS DATE) warns about fractional digit truncation
- Closed
MDEV-15597 Add class Load_data_outvar and avoid using Item::STRING_ITEM for Item_user_var_as_out_param detection
- Closed
MDEV-15689 Fix Item_func_set_collation to pass the collation using CHARSET_INFO instead of Item
- Closed
MDEV-15702 Remove the use of STRING_ITEM from Item_func_date_format::fix_length_and_dec()
- Closed
MDEV-15714 Remove the use of STRING_ITEM from the parser
- Closed
MDEV-15758 Split Item_bool_func::get_mm_leaf() into virtual methods in Field and Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-15834 The code in TABLE_SHARE::init_from_binary_frm_image() is not safe
- Closed
MDEV-15926 MEDIUMINT returns wrong I_S attributes
- Closed
MDEV-15946 MEDIUMINT(N<8) creates a wrong data type on conversion to string
- Closed
MDEV-15957 Unexpected "Data too long" when doing CREATE..SELECT with stored functions
- Closed
MDEV-15960 Wrong data type on CREATE..SELECT char_or_enum_or_text_spvar
- Closed
MDEV-15971 Split the code for CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH and CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH into methods in Field
- Closed
MDEV-16280 Add class Bit_addr
- Closed
MDEV-16309 Split ::create_tmp_field() into virtual methods in Item
- Closed
MDEV-16316 Replace INT_ITEM references in the code behind ORDER, LIMIT, PROCEDURE clause
- Closed
MDEV-16320 Replace INT_ITEM references in
- Closed
MDEV-16351 JSON_OBJECT() treats hybrid functions with boolean arguments as numbers
- Closed
MDEV-16379 Move Item_basic_const::used_table_map to Item_cache
- Closed
MDEV-16385 ROW SP variable is allowed in unexpected context
- Closed
MDEV-16388 Replace member Item::fixed to virtual method is_fixed()
- Closed
MDEV-16414 Add type_handler_xpath_nodeset and remove XPATH_NODESET
- Closed
MDEV-16426 Optimizer erroneously treats equal constants of different formats as same
- Closed
MDEV-16451 Split Item_equal::add_const() into a virtual method in type_handler()
- Closed
MDEV-16452 Split TIME and DATETIME handling in Item_func_between, in_temporal, cmp_item_internal
- Closed
MDEV-16454 Bad results for IN with ROW
- Closed
MDEV-16806 Add Type_handler::create_literal_item()
- Closed
MDEV-16814 CREATE TABLE SELECT JSON_QUOTE(multibyte_charset_expr) makes a field of a wrong length
- Closed
MDEV-16823 Add Type_handler::Column_definition_reuse_fix_attributes()
- Closed
MDEV-16852 Get rid of Item_temporal_hybrid_func::fix_temporal_type()
- Closed
MDEV-16861 Split Item::update_null_value() into a new virtual method in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-16864 Implement class Item_func_timestamp
- Closed
MDEV-16874 Implement class Item_handled_func
- Closed
MDEV-16881 Remove Item::get_temporal_with_sql_mode() and val_xxx_from_date()
- Closed
MDEV-16884 Remove tests for field_type() in Item_cache_temporal
- Closed
MDEV-16888 Add virtual Type_handler::cond_notnull_field_isnull_to_field_eq_zero()
- Closed
MDEV-16926 CAST(COALESCE(year_field)) returns wrong value
- Closed
MDEV-16939 Move TIMESTAMP truncation code to Field_timestamp::store_TIME_with_warn
- Closed
MDEV-17325 NULL-ability problems with LEAST() in combination with NO_ZERO_DATE and NO_ZERO_IN_DATE
- Closed
MDEV-17330 Wrong result for 0 + LEAST(TIME'-10:00:00',TIME'10:00:00')
- Closed
MDEV-17625 Different warnings when comparing a garbage to DATETIME vs TIME
- Closed
MDEV-17905 Add class Charset
- Closed
MDEV-19125 Change Send_field::type from enum_field_types to Type_handler*
- Closed
MDEV-19197 Move ASSERT_COLUMN_MARKED_FOR_XXX as methods to Field
- Closed
MDEV-19317 TEXT column accepts too long literals as a default value
- Closed
MDEV-19345 Cleanup inconsistency in setting HA_(BLOB|VAR_LENGTH|BIT)_PART flags
- Closed
MDEV-19377 Replace Virtual_column_info::field_type to Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-19550 Move specific parts of to and
- Closed
MDEV-19566 Remove Item::name related strlen() calls in constructors of some Item_string descendands
- Closed
MDEV-19593 Split create_schema_table() into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-19612 Split ALTER related data type specific code in to Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-19686 Add method Type_handler::dyncol_type
- Closed
MDEV-19710 Split the server side code in into virtual methods in Type_handler
- Closed
MDEV-19724 Add Field::tmp_engine_column_type()
- Closed
MDEV-19727 Add Type_handler::Key_part_spec_init_ft
- Closed
MDEV-19772 Add helper classes for ST_FIELD_INFO
- Closed
MDEV-19810 Reuse new I_S table definition helper classes for InnoDB
- Closed
MDEV-19818 Reuse new I_S table definition helper classes for TokuDB
- Closed
MDEV-19843 Modify ST_FIELD_INFO to use Type_handler and LEX_CSTRING
- Closed
MDEV-19888 Add abstract class Item_json_func
- Closed
MDEV-19908 Add class Type_collection
- Closed
MDEV-19923 Add type handlers for geometry sub-types
- Closed
MDEV-19944 Remove GIS data types from keyword list in lex.h
- Closed
MDEV-19957 Move Type_handler_geometry code from sql_type.h/cc to sql_type_geom.h/cc
- Closed
MDEV-19972 Move GIS code from Item_bool_func::get_full_func_mm_tree() to Item_func_spatial_rel::get_mm_leaf()
- Closed
MDEV-19991 Turn I_S tables GEOMETRY_COLUMNS and SPATIAL_REF_SYS into a plugin
- Closed
MDEV-19994 Add class Function_collection
- Closed
MDEV-20006 Move geometry specific code in Field_blob::get_key_image() to Field_geom
- Closed
MDEV-20009 Add CAST(expr AS pluggable_type)
- Closed
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-20052 Add a MEM_ROOT pointer argument to Type_handler::make_xxx_field()
- Closed
MDEV-20175 Move Type_handler_row from Type_collection_std to Type_collection_row
- Closed
MDEV-20326 Add class DTCollation_numeric
- Closed
MDEV-20332 Wrong UNSIGNED metadata flag returned for COALESCE(unsigned_field,timestamp_field)
- Closed
MDEV-20342 Turn Field::flags from a member to a method
- Closed
MDEV-20351 Window function BIT_OR() OVER (..) return a wrong data type
- Closed
MDEV-20353 Add separate type handlers for unsigned integer data types
- Closed
MDEV-20674 Reuse val_native() in ExtractValue() and UpdateXML()
- Closed
MDEV-20696 Remove Column_definition::key_length
- Closed
MDEV-20704 An index on a double column erroneously uses prefix compression
- Closed
MDEV-20706 Store scale in Column_definition::decimals rather than Column_definition::pack_flag
- Closed
MDEV-20708 Change make_table_field() to get TABLE_SHARE rather than TABLE
- Closed
MDEV-20712 Wrong data type for CAST(@a AS BINARY) for a numeric variable
- Closed
MDEV-20716 Unify make_table_field() and make_table_field_from_def() for integer and real types
- Closed
MDEV-20721 Implement sql_type() for Field_real and Field_int
- Closed
MDEV-20734 Allow reserved keywords as user defined type names
- Closed
MDEV-20760 Add Type_handler::KEY_pack_flags()
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-20831 Table partitioned by LIST/RANGE COLUMNS(inet6) can be created, but not inserted into
- Closed
- Closed
- relates to
MDEV-16443 JSON can not be implemented as a alias for longtext
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-21389 Derive Item_func_month from Item_long_func
- Closed
MDEV-4405 Dynamic Columns compression
- Open
MDEV-4631 CassandraSE: Encrypted column data type
- Closed
MDEV-5593 Feature request native support for UUID's as a column type
- Closed
MDEV-8284 Comparison of YEAR to '1970' is not consistent
- Open
MDEV-9417 "CREATE TABLE t1 SELECT int_sp_argument" produces a too large column
- Open
MDEV-9425 Hybrid functions and UNION do not preserve spatial REF_SYSTEM_ID
- Confirmed
MDEV-11361 Equal condition propagation does not work for DECIMAL and temporal dynamic SQL parameters
- Open
MDEV-11362 True condition elimination does not work for DECIMAL and temporal dynamic SQL parameters
- Closed
MDEV-15924 Wrong field type for CAST(temporal_column AS [UN]SIGNED)
- Open
MDEV-19927 Non-spatial key on POINT silently changes prefix key length
- Confirmed
MDEV-21392 Cleanup redundant overriding in Item_sum_num
- Closed
MDEV-23290 Add overloading support in MariaDB_FUNCTION_PLUGIN
- Open
- links to
We have some nice field type in PostgreSQL
for example XML functions of MYSQL 5.7 want a VARCHAR/CHAR/TEXT/BLOB as parameter, and a XML type could make some incompatibility...
well more definition is need before add more considerations...