New Feature
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
An umbrella task for all vector search features that are planned to make it into 11.7
Issue Links
- causes
MDEV-34967 MSAN failure in main.vector
- Closed
MDEV-34970 Vector search fails to compile on s390x
- Closed
MDEV-34971 Vector search fails to compile on x86_32
- Closed
MDEV-34989 After selecting from empty table with vector key the next insert hangs
- Closed
MDEV-35005 vec_distance_cosine can return negative values
- Closed
MDEV-35006 Using varbinary as vector-storing column results in assertion failures
- Closed
MDEV-35020 After a failed attempt to create vector index temporary file remains and prevents further operation
- Closed
MDEV-35021 Behavior for RTREE indexes changed, assertion fails
- Closed
MDEV-35028 Unexpected ER_DUP_ENTRY/ER_DUP_KEY, ASAN errors after TRUNCATE on table with vector index
- Closed
MDEV-35029 ASAN errors in Lex_ident<Compare_ident_ci>::is_valid_ident upon DDL on table with vector index
- Closed
MDEV-35031 Update on vector column returns error but modifies the value, results in further ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND
- Closed
MDEV-35033 LeakSanitizer errors in my_malloc / safe_mutex_lazy_init_deadlock_detection / MHNSW_Context::alloc_node and alike
- Closed
MDEV-35034 Non-debug assertion failure after unsuccessful attempt to add vector index
- Closed
MDEV-35035 Assertion failure in ha_blackhole::position upon INSERT into blackhole table with vector index
- Closed
MDEV-35036 Assertion failure in myrocks::ha_rocksdb::position upon INSERT into RocksDB table with vector index
- Closed
MDEV-35037 Invalid (old?) table or database name 't#i#00' upon creating RocksDB table with vector index
- Closed
MDEV-35038 Server crash in Index_statistics::get_avg_frequency upon EITS collection for vector index
- Closed
MDEV-35039 Number of indexes inside InnoDB differs from that defined in MariaDB after altering table with vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35042 Vector indexes are allowed for MERGE tables, but do not work
- Closed
MDEV-35043 Unsuitable error upon an attempt to create MEMORY table with vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35044 ALTER on a table with vector index attempts to bypass unsupported locking limitation, server crashes in THD::free_tmp_table_share
- Closed
MDEV-35055 ASAN errors in TABLE_SHARE::lock_share upon committing transaction after FLUSH on table with vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35058 Non-debug assertion failure upon concurrent vector index creation and select
- Closed
MDEV-35060 Assertion failure upon DML on table with vector under lock
- Closed
MDEV-35061 XA PREPARE "not supported by the engine" from storage engine mhnsw, memory leak
- Closed
MDEV-35063 Assertion `v->distance_to_target >= threshold' fails upon adding certain values to vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35069 IMPORT TABLESPACE does not work for tables with vector, although allowed
- Closed
MDEV-35071 Poor recall upon vector search (300 dimensions, 10K rows)
- Closed
MDEV-35077 Assertion failure in myrocks::ha_rocksdb::position_to_correct_key upon using unique hash key
- Closed
MDEV-35078 Server crash or ASAN errors in mhnsw_insert
- Closed
MDEV-35081 Assertion `!n_mysql_tables_in_use' failed after error upon binary logging of DML involving vector table
- Closed
MDEV-35083 ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION upon using HASH keys with InnoDB
- Closed
MDEV-35084 Assertion `v->distance_to_target >= threshold' fails upon adding overflowing values to vector key #2
- Closed
MDEV-35087 Server crash or ASAN errors in _mi_write_blob_record upon using BINARY of certain lengths as vector column
- Closed
MDEV-35092 Server crash, hang or ASAN errors in mysql_create_frm_image upon using non-default table options and system variables
- Closed
MDEV-35105 Assertion `tab->join->order' fails upon vector search with DISTINCT
- Closed
MDEV-35130 Assertion fails in trx_t::check_bulk_buffer upon CREATE.. SELECT with vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35131 Assertion `std::isnan(v->distance_to_target) || v->distance_to_target >= threshold' failed upon SELECT
- Closed
MDEV-35141 Server crashes in Field_vector::report_wrong_value upon statistic collection
- Closed
MDEV-35146 Vector-related error messages worth improving when possible
- Closed
MDEV-35147 Inconsistent NULL handling in vector type
- Closed
MDEV-35148 Foreign key on vector column refuses to be created inconsistently and on a wrong reason
- Open
MDEV-35150 Column containing non-vector values can be modified to VECTOR type without warnings
- Closed
MDEV-35151 Alter table with vector operations is not atomic, temporary files remain
- Closed
MDEV-35152 DATA/INDEX DIRECTORY options are ignored for vector index
- In Review
MDEV-35158 Assertion `res->length() > 0 && res->length() % 4 == 0' fails upon increasing length of vector column
- Closed
MDEV-35159 Assertion `tab->join->select_limit < (~ (ha_rows) 0)' fails upon forcing vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35160 RBR does not work with vector type, ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED
- Closed
MDEV-35161 UPDATE and DELETE do not use vector key
- Open
MDEV-35175 Vector functions re-use JSON warnings
- Open
MDEV-35176 ASAN errors in Field_vector::store with optimizer_trace enabled
- Closed
MDEV-35177 Unexpected ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD, diagnostics area assertion failures upon EITS collection with vector type
- Closed
MDEV-35178 Assertion failure in Field_vector::store upon INSERT IGNORE with a wrong data
- Closed
MDEV-35182 crash in online_alter_end_trans with XA over vector indexes
- Closed
MDEV-35184 Corruption errors upon creation or usage of Federated table with vector key
- Open
MDEV-35185 Query cache used for results of vector search conflicts with the purpose of mhnsw_min_limit
- Open
MDEV-35186 IGNORED attribute has no effect on vector keys
- Closed
MDEV-35191 Assertion failure in Create_tmp_table::finalize upon DISTINCT with vector type
- Closed
MDEV-35192 Distance functions on vectors of different length return NULL without warnings
- Open
MDEV-35194 non-BNL join fails on assertion
- Closed
MDEV-35195 Assertion `tab->join->order' fails upon vector search with DISTINCT #2
- Closed
MDEV-35198 ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE or assertion failure after myisampack on table with vector key
- Open
MDEV-35203 ASAN errors or assertion failures in row_sel_convert_mysql_key_to_innobase upon query from table with usual key on vector field
- Closed
MDEV-35204 mysqlbinlog --verbose fails on row events with vector type
- Closed
MDEV-35205 Server crash in online alter upon concurrent ALTER and DML on table with vector field
- Closed
MDEV-35210 Vector type cannot store values which VEC_FromText produces and VEC_ToText accepts
- Closed
MDEV-35211 VEC_FromText does not return vector type but varbinary
- Open
MDEV-35212 Server crashes in Item_func_vec_fromtext::val_str upon query from empty table
- Closed
MDEV-35213 Server crash or assertion failure upon query with high value of mhnsw_min_limit
- Closed
MDEV-35214 Server crashes in FVectorNode::gref_len with insufficient mhnsw_max_cache_size
- Closed
MDEV-35215 ASAN errors in Item_func_vec_fromtext::val_str upon VEC_FROMTEXT with an invalid argument
- Closed
MDEV-35219 Unexpected ER_DUP_KEY after OPTIMIZE on MyISAM table with vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35220 Assertion `!item->null_value' failed upon VEC_TOTEXT call
- Closed
MDEV-35221 Vector values do not survive mariadb-dump / restore
- Closed
MDEV-35223 REPAIR does not fix MyISAM table with vector key after crash recovery
- Closed
MDEV-35230 ASAN errors upon reading from joined temptable views with vector type
- Closed
MDEV-35241 DROP TABLE on table with vector key not atomic, leads to ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE_IN_ENGINE
- Open
MDEV-35244 Vector-related system variables could use better names
- Closed
MDEV-35245 SHOW CREATE TABLE produces unusable statement for vector fields with constant default value
- Closed
MDEV-35246 Vector search skips a row in the table
- Closed
MDEV-35258 Mariabackup does not work with MyISAM tables with vector keys
- Closed
MDEV-35263 rpl.vector fails when executed in a group of tests
- Closed
MDEV-35267 Server crashes in _ma_reset_history upon altering on Aria table with vector key under lock
- Closed
MDEV-35271 XA behavior changed, assertion fails in Ha_trx_info::is_trx_read_write
- Stalled
MDEV-35284 Server crash or ASAN errors in mhnsw_read_next upon using vectors within transaction
- Closed
MDEV-35287 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon INSERT into InnoDB table with vector key under READ COMMITTED
- Closed
MDEV-35292 ALTER TABLE re-creating vector key is no-op with non-copying alter algorithms (default)
- Closed
MDEV-35296 DESC does not work in ORDER BY with vector key
- Closed
MDEV-35302 ASAN errors or assertion failure in mhnsw_read_first upon vector search with join
- Closed
MDEV-35305 Vector search queries are written into slow log as "not using index"
- Open
MDEV-35308 NO_KEY_OPTIONS SQL mode has no effect on engine key options
- Closed
MDEV-35309 ALTER performs vector truncation without WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED or similar warnings/errors
- In Review
MDEV-35317 Server crashes in mhnsw_insert upon using vector key on a Spider table
- Closed
MDEV-35319 ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK not detected upon DML on table with vector key, server crashes
- Closed
MDEV-35320 Non-default distance function and M are not replicated
- Open
MDEV-35321 INDEX_STATISTICS does not show the use of a vector key
- Open
MDEV-35322 Vector search is not shown in perfschema, queries are counted as not using index
- Open
MDEV-35323 ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH shows wrong maximum length for vector field
- Open
MDEV-35324 Different index type shown in SHOW INDEX vs SHOW CREATE TABLE
- Closed
MDEV-35325 DROP TABLE on Mroonga table with vector key fails with ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE
- Open
MDEV-35328 Corruption-like errors upon and after REPAIR .. USE_FRM on table with vector key
- Open
MDEV-35337 Server crash or assertion failure in join_read_first upon using vector distance in group by
- Closed
MDEV-35338 Non-copying ALTER does not pad VECTOR column, vector search further does not work
- Closed
MDEV-35339 Different behavior of implicit vector conversion comparing to other types and DDL vs DML
- Open
MDEV-35340 In Oracle-styled SPs unspecified length of vector field defaults to 1000
- Open
MDEV-35354 InnoDB: Failing assertion: node->pcur->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON upon LOAD DATA REPLACE with unique blob
- Closed
MDEV-35769 ER_SQL_DISCOVER_ERROR upon updating vector key column using incorrect value
- Closed
MDEV-35792 Adding a regular index on a vector column leads to invalid table structure
- Closed
MDEV-35793 Server crashes in Item_func_vec_distance_common::get_const_arg
- Closed
MDEV-35834 Server crash in FVector::distance_to upon concurrent SELECT
- Closed
MDEV-36005 Server crashes when checking/updatng a table having vector key after enabling innodb_force_primary_key
- Closed
MDEV-36011 Server crashes in Charset::mbminlen / Item_func_vec_fromtext::val_str upon mixing vector type with string
- Closed
- includes
MDEV-32885 VEC_DISTANCE() function
- Closed
MDEV-32886 VEC_FromText() and VEC_ToText() functions
- Closed
MDEV-33404 Engine-independent indexes: subtable method
- Closed
MDEV-33406 basic optimizer support for k-NN searches
- Closed
MDEV-33407 Parser support for vector indexes
- Closed
MDEV-33408 HNSW for k-ANN vector searches
- Closed
MDEV-33413 cache k-ANN graph in memory
- Closed
MDEV-33414 benchmark vector indexes
- Closed
MDEV-33416 graph index: use smaller floating point numbers
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-33418 graph index insert: stronger selection of neighbors
- Closed
MDEV-34436 DDL: per-index attributes
- Closed
MDEV-34698 mhnsw: support AVX-512 instructions
- Closed
MDEV-34811 handlerton refactoring
- Closed
MDEV-34942 packaging dependency for eigen3
- Closed
- relates to
MDBF-796 Add Eigen onto BB workers
- Closed
MDEV-35082 HANDLER with FULLTEXT keys is not always rejected
- Closed
Branch bb-11.6-MDEV-32887-vector