Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
The attached is a MyISAM table of 10,000 rows. The blobs contain random valid vectors of 300 dimensions, with decimal values in the range [-1,1], rounded to 3 digits.
The table does NOT contain a vector key yet, to keep the attachment within allowed limits.
The key is added in the test case.
When the results were originally observed, a table was created with the key right away, and the data was inserted later, so the sequence of these events is not important.
The test case assumes that the attached .tar.gz has been downloaded into /tmp/t1.tar.gz.
Non-debug is recommended for the speed, although the results were observed on both debug and non-debug (optimized) builds.
--let $datadir= `select @@datadir`
set @@mhnsw_cache_size; |
set global mhnsw_cache_size = 1024*1024*1024*16; |
show variables like 'mhnsw%'; |
--exec cd $datadir/test && tar zxf /tmp/t1.tar.gz
flush tables;
show create table t1; |
select v into @x from t1 where a = 3315; |
alter table t1 add vector(v) distance_function=euclidean; |
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 ignore index(v) order by d limit 5; |
alter table t1 drop index v; |
alter table t1 add vector(v) distance_function=cosine; |
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 ignore index(v) order by d limit 5; |
# Cleanup
drop table t1; |
set global mhnsw_cache_size =; |
Variables and results with ignore index are expectedly always the same, so I will only put them once:
bb-11.6-MDEV-32887-vector 77be73c489fb7c21ca58e78cef10e0c166f293d8 |
show variables like 'mhnsw%'; |
Variable_name Value
mhnsw_cache_size 17179869184
mhnsw_distance_function euclidean
mhnsw_max_edges_per_node 6
mhnsw_min_limit 20
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 ignore index(v) order by d limit 5; |
a d
3315 0
7635 12.50324915924236
9334 12.563088310469816
6648 12.608954182338042
9172 12.707197837452801
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 ignore index(v) order by d limit 5; |
a d
3315 0
7635 0.7771883486270881
5520 0.8046445031934746
9334 0.8086114040573656
9172 0.8102427237123788
Results with the key:
Run 1 (not even close) |
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
6648 12.608954182338042
3111 12.786672011857574
6820 12.823950330913943
7551 12.928194851581154
5809 12.98145983473916
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
8409 0.8386867487818171
3306 0.8412524384535305
1828 0.8414313336328335
4703 0.8435710622067698
7909 0.8519108809341281
Run 2 (cosine is a bit better, euclidean is not) |
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
1177 12.93642435869211
6235 13.026700988526791
1324 13.079036454820425
2448 13.095841745779792
656 13.122851969401845
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
3315 0
5520 0.8046445031934746
9172 0.8102427237123788
7394 0.8127154394866568
5485 0.8231259039959056
Run 3 |
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
7635 12.50324915924236
6648 12.608954182338042
1404 12.723599357424018
3111 12.786672011857574
1391 12.93990258318726
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
3315 0
9172 0.8102427237123788
7866 0.837638193766091
1389 0.8410038139530068
4987 0.8442649503706942
Run 4 |
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
4254 12.767494074180155
1177 12.93642435869211
1391 12.93990258318726
3507 12.966269694714853
255 12.970943053477262
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 5; |
a d
5520 0.8046445031934746
4350 0.8190976187144863
391 0.8232104976427741
7551 0.8287919274151629
8468 0.8384453379517783
Same exact test, but with limit 20 (to check that it's not caused by the limit being less than mhnsw_min_limit):
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 20; |
a d
7635 12.50324915924236
6648 12.608954182338042
1404 12.723599357424018
3111 12.786672011857574
3306 12.823136865380373
6820 12.823950330913943
295 13.007126973370685
306 13.057057241979072
1324 13.079036454820425
2870 13.13617213513499
2897 13.14262895892705
3937 13.148377252067812
3448 13.160321764636343
3035 13.160573340948721
1360 13.186843854252368
5015 13.194576904696737
284 13.218408697029098
8390 13.221548034320039
2866 13.243591886142184
221 13.26426526394774
select a, vec_distance_euclidean(@x,v) d from t1 ignore index(v) order by d limit 20; |
a d
3315 0
7635 12.50324915924236
9334 12.563088310469816
6648 12.608954182338042
9172 12.707197837452801
1404 12.723599357424018
4254 12.767494074180155
3111 12.786672011857574
3306 12.823136865380373
6820 12.823950330913943
1672 12.832487804471619
7756 12.849441666575796
4350 12.849856891070015
6910 12.884293858360516
7394 12.89493025099165
2027 12.910620369385416
9266 12.921002581438557
3437 12.92536904913946
7551 12.928194851581154
1177 12.93642435869211
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 order by d limit 20; |
a d
1404 0.8244472141765844
7551 0.8287919274151629
3418 0.8414019840534113
3013 0.8420972403078036
6862 0.8611517082215528
6548 0.8619836870922029
9666 0.8654217200832848
2032 0.8704524872350232
656 0.8797460565666559
6235 0.8799792113360422
841 0.8853988672739864
3597 0.8861685294170588
2729 0.8898933361683874
5541 0.8940726801394091
1406 0.9004069304945477
5550 0.9020265731424626
8672 0.9088167751619433
6644 0.9101736435569907
8487 0.9129824876523147
3959 0.9160429870969378
select a, vec_distance_cosine(@x,v) d from t1 ignore index(v) order by d limit 20; |
a d
3315 0
7635 0.7771883486270881
5520 0.8046445031934746
9334 0.8086114040573656
9172 0.8102427237123788
7756 0.8125144540813232
7394 0.8127154394866568
4350 0.8190976187144863
3437 0.8203684064084903
5485 0.8231259039959056
391 0.8232104976427741
1404 0.8244472141765844
9266 0.8249084943882273
4254 0.8275833756230361
1672 0.8279814979458477
2870 0.8287906907312421
7551 0.8287919274151629
1208 0.8300718978436028
953 0.83157330363886
8211 0.8322335194569056
Increasing the number of edges also doesn't seem to help much (tried 12 and 50 with limit 5).
Issue Links
- is caused by
MDEV-34939 vector search in 11.7
- Closed