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- MDEV-20983Page 38:4016 may be corrupted. Post encryption checksum 3690179534 stored
- MDEV-19331Merge new release of InnoDB 5.6.44 to 10.1
- MDEV-18529InnoDB wrongly skips decryption of encrypted page if unencrypted and post-encrypted checksums match
- MDEV-1842410.1.38 merge
- MDEV-18379Unification of check for IPv6
- MDEV-18360out of memory with systemd >= 240
- MDEV-18349InnoDB file size changes are not safe when file system crashes
- MDEV-18347mariabackup doesn't read all server option groups from configuration files
- MDEV-18321Server crash or Failing assertion: 0 in ha_innodb::commit_inplace_alter_table upon adding virtual column
- MDEV-18279MLOG_FILE_WRITE_CRYPT_DATA fails to set the crypt_data->type for tablespace.
- MDEV-18269Off-by-one bug in
- MDEV-18265Replace deprecated variable debug to debug_dbug on Galera tests
- MDEV-18256InnoDB: Failing assertion: heap->magic_n == MEM_BLOCK_MAGIC_N upon DROP FOREIGN KEY
- MDEV-18255Server crashes in Bitmap<64u>::intersect
- MDEV-18243incorrect ASAN instrumentation
- MDEV-18237InnoDB: Unable to drop FTS index aux table and further errors (possibly bogus)
- MDEV-18233Moving the hash_node_t to improve locality of reference
- MDEV-18225mysqld crash on shutdown, in Statement_map destructor
- MDEV-18222InnoDB: Failing assertion: heap->magic_n == MEM_BLOCK_MAGIC_N or ASAN heap-use-after-free in dict_foreign_remove_from_cache upon CHANGE COLUMN
- MDEV-18195ASAN use-after-poison in my_strcasecmp_utf8 / Item::eq upon prepared statement with ORDER BY NAME_CONST
- MDEV-18183Server startup fails while dropping garbage encrypted tablespace
- MDEV-18176Galera test failure on galera.galera_gtid_slave_sst_rsync
- MDEV-18175table id overflow causes replication out of sync
- MDEV-18165ulint rec_get_converted_size_comp_prefix_low(const dict_index_t*, const dfield_t*, ulint, ulint*, rec_comp_status_t, bool): Assertion `len <= col->len || ((col->mtype) == 5 || (col->mtype) == 14) || (col->len == 0 && col->mtype == 1)' failed
- MDEV-18129Backup fails for encrypted tables: mariabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 1
- MDEV-18118MySQL users can break if using mysql_native_plugin in version 10.2
- MDEV-18059`support-files/mysql.server.sh stop` must run as root
- MDEV-18025Mariabackup fails to detect corrupted page_compressed=1 tables
- MDEV-18021Galera test galera_sst_mariabackup_table_options fails if AES_CTR is not available
- MDEV-18020Failing assertion: !prebuilt->trx->check_foreigns and its variations upon mixing FULLTEXT and FOREIGN KEYs
- MDEV-18017Assertion `!index->to_be_dropped' or Failing assertion: 0 in ha_innobase::commit_inplace_alter_table upon DROP fulltext INDEX
- MDEV-18016Assertion failure in dict_table_check_for_dup_indexes / ha_innobase::commit_inplace_alter_table upon ADD FOREIGN KEY or ADD FULLTEXT
- MDEV-17975Assertion `! is_set()' or `!is_set() || (m_status == DA_OK_BULK && is_bulk_op())' failed upon REVOKE under LOCK TABLE
- MDEV-17973Don't overwrite xtrabackup-v2/mariabackup SST logs by default
- MDEV-17957Make Innodb_checksum_algorithm stricter for strict_* values
- MDEV-17933slow server status - dict_sys_get_size()
- MDEV-17917perfschema.socket_connect and main.connect test failures
- MDEV-17904Server crashes in fts_is_sync_needed upon timed out FLUSH TABLES after unsuccessful ADD FOREIGN KEY
- MDEV-17898FLUSH PRIVILEGES crashes server with segfault
- MDEV-17868mysqltest fails to link with system PCRE libraries
- MDEV-17833ALTER TABLE is not enforcing prefix index size limit
- MDEV-17803Row-based event is not applied when table map id is greater 32 bit int
- MDEV-17797Add ASAN poisoning for mem_heap_t
- MDEV-17786Add mariabackup test case for galera_sst_xtrabackup-v2_data_dir
- MDEV-17771Add Galera ist and sst tests using mariabackup
- MDEV-17747engines/iuds.update_delete_number and engines/iuds.insert_number fail in buildbot with wrong result
- MDEV-17734AddressSanitizer: use-after-poison in create_key_parts_for_pseudo_indexes
- MDEV-17724Wrong result for BETWEEN 0 AND 18446744073709551615
- MDEV-17698MEMORY engine performance regression
- MDEV-17624Log full of [Note] InnoDB: ft_end() after upgrade to MariaDB 10.3.10
1 of 92
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