Technical task
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Find and fix problems of running main test suite with --view-protocol.
Note: It is "umbrella" task to find real problem and connect them here.
Issue Links
- includes
MDEV-27871 View is created with wrong column name if column name > 64 symbols
- Closed
MDEV-27872 Deleting database failed when running test with view-protocol
- Open
MDEV-27873 Test main.mysqlcheck fails with view-protocol
- Open
MDEV-27904 Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb3_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
- Open
MDEV-27938 Error on execution 'select from' view with 'GROUP BY LEFT('2018-08-24', 100) '
- Open
MDEV-27944 View-protocol fails if database was changed
- Closed
MDEV-27945 Select from view with multi-byte charsets gives incorrect result
- Open
MDEV-27957 Select from view with subselect fails with lost connection
- Closed
MDEV-28017 Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'between'
- Closed
MDEV-28535 View is created with wrong column name if there are more than one same column name or column name is empty
- Closed
MDEV-28536 Incorrect sequence in view column processing created as select with ROLLUP and repeated columns in GROUP BY
- Open
MDEV-28538 RELEASE_LOCK return NULL in the definition of the view if select statement has GROUP BY
- Open
MDEV-28570 Select from view fails if definition of view has 'HAVING' in query
- Closed
MDEV-28571 Select from view fails if definition of view has aggregate function ( like 'GROUP_CONCAT(COUNT(a))' ) in query
- Closed
MDEV-28573 View has to fail with error ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW (1242) but it doesn't
- Closed
MDEV-28585 Wrong result for view defined as SELECT ROW(1,2,3) = (SELECT 1,2,NULL)
- Open
MDEV-28602 Wrong result with outer join, merged derived table and view
- Closed
MDEV-28603 Invalid view when its definition uses TVC as single-value subquery
- Closed
MDEV-28643 view protocol fails due to different column name
- Closed
MDEV-28649 json_array(false) in the definition of view return 0 instead of "true"
- In Review
MDEV-28651 quote(NULL) returns incorrect result in view ('NU' instead of 'NULL')
- Closed
MDEV-28652 SUBSTRING(str,pos,len) returns incorrect result in view (returns an empty string)
- Closed
MDEV-28659 View returns wrong value for big digits nuber
- Open
MDEV-28660 TRUNCATE(X,D) returns incorrect result in view
- Open
MDEV-28661 MIN(X) returns incorrect result in view
- Open
MDEV-28673 View returns different value for min(year) function
- Open
MDEV-28677 UDF returns wrong string value in view
- Open
MDEV-28678 UDF + ORDER BY returns twice the value in view
- Closed
MDEV-28696 View created as "select b''; " references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
- Closed
MDEV-29207 Update view have to fail with error ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED (1369), but it doesn't
- Open
MDEV-29224 Wrong result with aggregate function in uncorrelated SELECT subquery in view definition
- Closed
MDEV-29231 View returns wrong value with SQL_MODE 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES'
- Stalled
MDEV-29278 Failed with wrong errno 1205: 'Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction', instead of 1213..
- Open
MDEV-29290 Hex value instead char in definition of view gives incorrect result
- Open
MDEV-29295 Double convert of ',' in view definition gives incorrect result
- Open
MDEV-29524 "-0000000000000001" changes to "-1" in view definition, so type changes from bigint to int
- Open
MDEV-29525 CAST in view definition returns string instead of NULL on warning and gives incorrect round
- Open
MDEV-29526 ROUND(X,D) returns incorrect result in view when D>9
- Open
MDEV-29534 In view FROM_UNIXTIME adds .000000 in the result
- Open
MDEV-29537 Creation of view with UNION and SELECT ... FOR UPDATE in definition is failed with error
- Closed
MDEV-29542 The first character in column name has lowercase instead of uppercase in view created on table " mysql.user"
- Closed
MDEV-29552 LEFT and RIGHT with big value for parameter 'len' >0 return empty value in view
- Closed
MDEV-29553 SQL_MODE=ORACLE for INTERSECT doesn't work for view
- Open
MDEV-29554 View created on view with order by does not keep sorting
- Open
MDEV-29601 View in view protocol uses incorrect character set with util connection
- Closed
MDEV-29645 OFFSET doesn't work with view
- Open
MDEV-29646 sformat('Num [{:20}]', 42) gives incorrect result in view
- Closed
MDEV-29647 ROW_NUMBER is not 0 for warnings in case without row in view
- Open
MDEV-30229 In view definition (in .frm) 'multipoint' is changed to 'geometrycollection' that causes internal error
- Closed
MDEV-35452 Always failing spider tests on Debug Last-N builder with --view-protocol
- Open
MDEV-35495 ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION works differently in various protocols
- Open
MDEV-36385 view-protocol: sys_vars.slave_parallel_threads_basic
- Open
MDEV-36386 view-protocol: connect tests connect.ini connect.bson_udf connect.json_udf connect.csv connect.json_udf_bin connect.grant
- Open
MDEV-36387 federated.federatedx_create_handlers fails under view protocol
- Open
MDEV-36388 rpl.rpl_semi_sync_wait_point incorrect result under view protocol
- Open
- relates to
MDEV-17951 Assertion `thd->transaction.stmt.is_empty() || thd->in_sub_stmt || (thd->state_flags & Open_tables_state::BACKUPS_AVAIL)' failed in close_thread_tables on slave
- Confirmed
MDEV-28475 Aggregate functions does not work when it is called from views
- Open
MDEV-31407 Add aliases in opt_trace.test for long column name for removing "--disable-view-protocol"
- Closed
MDEV-31408 Second SELECT from VIEW based on information_schema.optimizer_trace gives NULL result
- Closed
MDEV-33936 Select from view defined as SELECT DATE_FORMAT(..., %h) gives incorrect result
- Open
MDEV-33942 View cuts off the end of string with the utf8 character set in INSERT function
- Closed
Merge 2 commits together and OK to push!