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- MDEV-29519InnoDB: Failing assertion: rec in storage/innobase/lock/lock0lock.cc line 5052
- MDEV-28588SIGSEGV in __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms, strmake_root
- MDEV-28584Segmentation fault after failed CREATE followed by DROP
- MDEV-28583Galera: binlogs disappear after rsync IST
- MDEV-28581MSI installer does not install client shared libraries anymore
- MDEV-28578Server crashes in Item_field::fix_outer_field after CREATE SELECT
- MDEV-28557No results-set returned when results exists.
- MDEV-28552Assertion `inited==RND' failed in handler::ha_rnd_end
- MDEV-28550improper handling of replication event group that contains Gtid_log_list_event
- MDEV-28541Unused counter Innodb_encryption_key_rotation_list_length
- MDEV-28537Unused or useless InnoDB counters num_index_pages_written, num_non_index_pages_written
- MDEV-28534clang-12 compile warnings in bb.org amd64-ubuntu-2004-msan builder
- MDEV-28513mariadb-client-10.7 and mariadb-server-10.7 fail to install on Ubuntu 21.10 for arm64
- MDEV-28490Strange result truncation with group_concat_max_len=1GB
- MDEV-28484InnoDB encryption key rotation is not being marked completed
- MDEV-28478Assertion `mtr->get_log_mode() == MTR_LOG_NO_REDO' failed in void page_cur_insert_rec_write_log(const rec_t*, ulint, const rec_t*, dict_index_t*, mtr_t*)
- MDEV-28473field_ref_zero is not initialized in xtrabackup_prepare_func()
- MDEV-28471INSTALL ERROR Innodb engine settings Page size 64KiB causing error
- MDEV-28465Some calls to btr_pcur_close() are unnecessary
- MDEV-28461semisync-slave server recovery fails to rollback prepared transaction
- MDEV-28454Latching order violation (and hang) in ibuf_insert_low
- MDEV-28449Assertion `index->lock.have_x() == has_index_lock' failed in row_log_apply_op
- MDEV-28448Assertion failure for SELECT with subquery using ON expression
- MDEV-28446mariabackup prepare fails for incrementals if a new schema is created after full backup is taken
- MDEV-28445Secondary index locking invokes costly trx_sys.get_min_trx_id()
- MDEV-28443MDEV-15250 causes latch order violation
- MDEV-28437Assertion `!eliminated' failed in Item_subselect::exec
- MDEV-28431auth_pam tool left zombie processes.
- MDEV-28429audit plugin report OOOOO
- MDEV-28428Master_SSL_Crl shows Master_SSL_CA value in SHOW SLAVE STATUS output
- MDEV-28423IST is failing on Joiner node when active data load on donor node
- MDEV-28422Page split breaks a gap lock
- MDEV-28417Merge new release of InnoDB 5.7.38 to 10.2
- MDEV-28416Incorrect AUTO_INCREMENT may be issued when close to UINT64_MAX
- MDEV-28409Q2 2022 release merge
- MDEV-28405main.information_schema_tables fails sporadically with ER_NEED_REPREPARE or extra warning
- MDEV-28399Assertion failure in dict_table_check_for_dup_indexes upon concurrent DML/DDL
- MDEV-28391table_exists procedure fails when arguments contain escaped backticks as an quoted identifiers
- MDEV-28388Remove unneeded Travis files
- MDEV-28377galera.galera_as_slave_nonprim bind: Address already in use
- MDEV-28371Assertion fold == id.fold() failed in buf_flush_check_neighbor()
- MDEV-28369ibuf_bitmap_mutex is an unnecessary contention point
- MDEV-28354SIGSEGV's in free_root and st_join_table::cleanup
- MDEV-28344sys.ps_setup_save and dependent procedures fail with ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION
- MDEV-28342sys.create_synonym_db fails when a temporary table masks a base table
- MDEV-28340sys.table_exists doesn't recognize system views, sequences, versioned tables
- MDEV-28329galera_3nodes.galera_garbd_backup fails with extra connection lines
- MDEV-28317Assertion failures in row_undo_mod upon restoring backup
- MDEV-28314The Galera cluster primary node goes into hang mode when innodb_encryption_threads is enabled
- MDEV-28313InnoDB transactions are not aligned at cache lines
1 of 316
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