- MXS-5265Strange behavior of admin_pam_readwrite_service
- MXS-5417Multi-instance MaxScale monitoring
- MXS-4591change tls-verify-server-cert default to false
- MXS-5545Allow MariaDB Monitor route read_query to the slave(s) of external server if needed
- MXS-5413Add compatibility layer for MySQL multi-factor authentication
- MXS-5554Allow database and/or table filtering in WCAR filter
- MXS-5576Expand permission check on maxctrl.cnf to maxscale group
- MXS-5573Initialize Mono structure
- MXS-5575Prepare MaxScale Lite
- MXS-5096Add switchover monitor command to galeramon
- MXS-5548Design Manager MaxScale Interface.
- MXS-5523Verify that NoSQL uses indexes on expressions correctly.
- MXS-5574Export Otel metrics from MaxScale
- MXS-5571Create MaxScale monitor
- MXS-5314Resultset table not fully expanded for inactive query tab
- MXS-5546Investigate adding OpenTelemetry to MaxScale.
- MXS-5568Process filters while generating REST-API response
- MXS-5572Create SuperMax/MaxSxcale split
- MXS-5569Crash MaxScale 24.02.4 received fatal signal 6
- MXS-5570Optimize REST-API response generation
- MXS-4754Add replication information to maxctrl list servers
- MXS-4386DDL compare and sync
- MXS-3727Table data compare and sync
- MXS-4497Allow ODBC connections to be used in the query editor
- MXS-4639Add support for pipelined execution of COM_STMT_PREPARE
- MXS-4773Add support for catalogs
- MXS-4801Add manual support for indexes
- MXS-4977Schemarouter opens a connection to all shards
- MXS-4819Failover for async replication between 2 galera cluster
- MXS-5070Load a local file via the query editor
- MXS-5029Allow sending commands to all shards
- MXS-5062Support for Postgres clients
- MXS-5087adding KMS support to maxscale password hashing features
- MXS-5110Allowing local backup in the backup functionality
- MXS-5071A better way to export table data
- MXS-5170cooperative_monitoring: setting to control number of nodes participating in majority voting
- MXS-5168Editor user interface for updating table data
- MXS-5233Tracking active connection in Maxscale in order to comlete the full processlist table
- MXS-5180Support for roles for MaxScale user
- MXS-5270Maxscale | Custom Health Checks
- MXS-5330Add database firewall
- MXS-5348Raise NoSQL aggregation compatibility to 30%.
- MXS-5293Integrate parameter documentation in the GUI
- MXS-5347Raise NoSQL core compatibility to 40%.
- MXS-5337New debug option which logs all SQL commands (not reads) to log
- MXS-5423Configurable dashboard
- MXS-5425Pre-configured templates for the most common setups
- MXS-5424Initiate monitor operations directly from the server page
- MXS-5559maxctrl does not obfuscate password in ps output
- MXS-5567Wrong password in interactive mode is only seen after the first command
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