On Buildbot, we have a few cases of assertion failures in mariabackup --prepare, because buf_pool.n_pend_reads is not zero. mleich was able to reproduce the error under rr record, and I analyzed a case which is reported in MDEV-24448.
In the analyzed trace, we are recovering 4 page reads. The read callback for 3 of the pages was finished (with no log to be applied, because the pages were up to date), but for the last page, the read callback was still in progress. Yet, srv_start() would concurrently initiate shutdown. We failed to wait for all asynchronous reads to complete. This omission could cause the failure to apply log to some data pages.
While this error started to occur on Buildbot after we replaced the InnoDB mutexes with native ones (MDEV-21452), I think that it is possible in 10.5, and probably in older versions as well, even though the code was heavily refactored in 10.5, starting with MDEV-16264. The earliest known failure for the 10.6 main branch was as follows:
10.6 cf2480dd77a45cf56389015a1eabf567
mariabackup.xb_fulltext_encrypted w2 [ fail ]
Test ended at 2020-12-16 04:19:07
CURRENT_TEST: mariabackup.xb_fulltext_encrypted
mysqltest: At line 19: exec of '/mnt/buildbot/build/mariadb-10.6.0/extra/mariabackup/mariabackup --innobackupex --apply-log /mnt/buildbot/build/mariadb-10.6.0/mysql-test/var/2/tmp/backup 2>&1' failed, error: 34304, status: 134, errno: 11
2020-12-16 4:19:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Starting final batch to recover 7 pages from redo log.
I think that there are two causes to this bug in 10.5 and 10.6:
io_callback() was invoking read_slots->release() before invoking the callback function (for write callbacks the existing order is OK)
recv_sys_t::apply() is missing a call to read_slots->wait() before flushing the buffer pool. The recv_sys.apply(true) was called by srv_start(), so this should fix the observed race condition (MDEV-9663).
Issue Links
relates to
MDEV-22373Unable to find a record to delete-mark ends up crashing mysqld process after upgrading from 10.1.43 to 10.4
MDEV-25198mariadb backup fails with signal 6 and signal 11 during prepare
MDEV-25344Two hosts crashed at the same time with: Failing assertion: !cursor->index->is_committed()
MDEV-27734Set innodb_change_buffering=none by default
One more note: I think that the test to reproduce this must involve
SETGLOBAL innodb_change_buffering_debug=1;
SETGLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug=1;
and an INSERT in to a table with many secondary indexes while mariabackup --backup is running. After the restore, we must execute CHECK TABLE. It could be useful to have a loop inside the test, with a backup, prepare, restore steps inside the loop, so that the error has a chance of accumulating. Either the secondary index or the change buffer should hopefully become corrupted.
Instead of an INSERT, it could be even better to have something like UPDATE t SET indexed_column=indexed_column+1, so that the number of rows in the table will remain constant, while the secondary index will make extensive use of the change buffer.
Marko Mäkelä
added a comment - One more note: I think that the test to reproduce this must involve
SET GLOBAL innodb_change_buffering_debug=1;
SET GLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug=1;
and an INSERT in to a table with many secondary indexes while mariabackup --backup is running. After the restore, we must execute CHECK TABLE . It could be useful to have a loop inside the test, with a backup, prepare, restore steps inside the loop, so that the error has a chance of accumulating. Either the secondary index or the change buffer should hopefully become corrupted.
Instead of an INSERT , it could be even better to have something like UPDATE t SET indexed_column=indexed_column+1 , so that the number of rows in the table will remain constant, while the secondary index will make extensive use of the change buffer.
I will try to repeat this after returning to work in January. I am confident that the one-liner fix will work. The only challenge should be to repeat the corruption.
Marko Mäkelä
added a comment - I will try to repeat this after returning to work in January. I am confident that the one-liner fix will work. The only challenge should be to repeat the corruption.
I made some success with a modified test and the above patch that adds os_thread_sleep():
10.2 8e3e87d2fc1e63d287f203d441dcb9360775c6b7
2020-12-28 11:05:32 140463661520832 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 30 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:05:32 140463661520832 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Page [page id: space=0, page number=61] still fixed or dirty
#4 0x00007fc03ecb9537 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
#5 0x000056215f5bf1aa in ib::fatal::~fatal (this=0x7ffdff0614e0) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/ut/ut0ut.cc:649
#6 0x000056215f62f162 in buf_all_freed_instance (buf_pool=buf_pool@entry=0x56216119d820) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6238
#7 0x000056215f62c29b in buf_pool_invalidate_instance (buf_pool=0x56216119d820) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6295
#8 buf_pool_invalidate () at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6326
#9 0x000056215f46f2da in recv_apply_hashed_log_recs (last_batch=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc:2545
#10 0x000056215f473691 in recv_group_scan_log_recs (group=group@entry=0x56216123a450, checkpoint_lsn=3976126, contiguous_lsn=contiguous_lsn@entry=0x7ffdff062160, last_phase=true) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc:3492
This is not directly proving MDEV-9663, but I would consider it as indirect proof. It occurred on the 298th run of the test, which was modified as follows:
/* Wait until all the pages have been processed */
- while (recv_sys->n_addrs != 0) {
+ while (recv_sys->n_addrs || buf_get_n_pending_read_ios()) {
const bool abort = recv_sys->found_corrupt_log
|| recv_sys->found_corrupt_fs;
A search for "still fixed or dirty" turns up MDEV-20481, where the message refers to page number 3 (clustered index root page), which cannot possibly be related to this bug, because the change buffer is only ever applied to secondary index pages (and never a root page).
I made one more try to reproduce a different failure, by reverting the above fix and applying one more patch to disable two assertions:
#5 0x000055ee3dd9efa2 in ut_dbg_assertion_failed (expr=0x55ee3e22faf6 "xdes_mtr_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, header_page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == FALSE", file=<optimized out>, line=<optimized out>, line@entry=3197) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/ut/ut0dbg.cc:60
#6 0x000055ee3dea7caa in fseg_free_step (header=0x7f30b3ad403c "", mtr=mtr@entry=0x7ffdf24b56b8) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc:3196
#7 0x000055ee3dd9cd5e in trx_undo_seg_free (undo=<optimized out>, noredo=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0undo.cc:1095
#8 trx_undo_commit_cleanup (undo=<optimized out>, is_temp=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0undo.cc:1789
#9 0x000055ee3dd8e7b5 in trx_cleanup_at_db_startup (trx=trx@entry=0x7f30b8171120) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1999
#10 0x000055ee3dd7f0ce in trx_rollback_resurrected (trx=<optimized out>, all=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:703
#11 trx_rollback_or_clean_recovered (all=<optimized out>, all@entry=0) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:838
#12 0x000055ee3dd4b7f9 in innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql () at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/srv/srv0start.cc:2468
#13 0x000055ee3dbd90da in innobase_init (p=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4290
This corruption, which occurred on the 410th run of the test, appears to be related to an undo log page, not a secondary index or change buffer page. But, we must keep in mind that both undo log and change buffer pages are being allocated from the system tablespace in this test.
With the same settings, I repeated this corruption on the 460th run of the test:
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 31 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: 1 transaction(s) which must be rolled back or cleaned up in total 0 row operations to undo
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Trx id counter is 13056
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Starting final batch to recover 28 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Cleaning up trx with id 0x311f
2020-12-28 11:35:06 0x7f34e1db47c0 InnoDB: Assertion failure in file /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc line 3197
I am afraid that this is the closest I can get to repeating a MDEV-9663 style corruption. Again, if I apply the 1-line fix, 2,000 rounds of the tests would succeed without any failures.
Results might be different if I had used real storage instead of a RAM disk, or if I enabled encryption slow down page I/O. I believe that the corruption that I repeated (a data page that is expected to be allocated is marked free for reuse) could explain MDEV-15608: a page that is supposed to be an undo log page might also be used for the change buffer, and corruption would ensue. Without having access to page dumps we of course can only make educated guesses.
Marko Mäkelä
added a comment - I made some success with a modified test and the above patch that adds os_thread_sleep() :
10.2 8e3e87d2fc1e63d287f203d441dcb9360775c6b7
2020-12-28 11:05:32 140463661520832 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 30 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:05:32 140463661520832 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Page [page id: space=0, page number=61] still fixed or dirty
#4 0x00007fc03ecb9537 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
#5 0x000056215f5bf1aa in ib::fatal::~fatal (this=0x7ffdff0614e0) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/ut/ut0ut.cc:649
#6 0x000056215f62f162 in buf_all_freed_instance (buf_pool=buf_pool@entry=0x56216119d820) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6238
#7 0x000056215f62c29b in buf_pool_invalidate_instance (buf_pool=0x56216119d820) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6295
#8 buf_pool_invalidate () at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6326
#9 0x000056215f46f2da in recv_apply_hashed_log_recs (last_batch=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc:2545
#10 0x000056215f473691 in recv_group_scan_log_recs (group=group@entry=0x56216123a450, checkpoint_lsn=3976126, contiguous_lsn=contiguous_lsn@entry=0x7ffdff062160, last_phase=true) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc:3492
This is not directly proving MDEV-9663 , but I would consider it as indirect proof. It occurred on the 298th run of the test, which was modified as follows:
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/ibuf_not_empty.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/ibuf_not_empty.result
index 7c61e74850b..6c6ad3bf7d5 100644
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/ibuf_not_empty.result
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/ibuf_not_empty.result
@@ -20,7 +20,5 @@ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT 0,b,c FROM t1;
check table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
-test.t1 check Warning InnoDB: Index 'b' contains #### entries, should be 4096.
-test.t1 check error Corrupt
-SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;
+test.t1 check status OK
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/ibuf_not_empty.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/ibuf_not_empty.test
index a5093892b35..5f7c2b24b7d 100644
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/ibuf_not_empty.test
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/ibuf_not_empty.test
@@ -43,64 +43,11 @@ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT 0,b,c FROM t1;
let MYSQLD_DATADIR=`select @@datadir`;
let PAGE_SIZE=`select @@innodb_page_size`;
---source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc
-# Corrupt the change buffer bitmap, to claim that pages are clean
-do "$ENV{MTR_SUITE_DIR}/include/crc32.pl";
-my $file = "$ENV{MYSQLD_DATADIR}/test/t1.ibd";
-open(FILE, "+<$file") || die "Unable to open $file";
-binmode FILE;
-my $ps= $ENV{PAGE_SIZE};
-my $page;
-sysseek(FILE, $ps, 0) || die "Unable to seek $file\n";
-die "Unable to read $file" unless sysread(FILE, $page, $ps) == $ps;
-# Clean the change buffer bitmap.
-substr($page,38,$ps - 38 - 8) = chr(0) x ($ps - 38 - 8);
-my $polynomial = 0x82f63b78; # CRC-32C
-my $ck= pack("N",mycrc32(substr($page, 4, 22), 0, $polynomial) ^
- mycrc32(substr($page, 38, $ps - 38 - 8), 0, $polynomial));
-sysseek(FILE, $ps, 0) || die "Unable to rewind $file\n";
-syswrite(FILE, $page, $ps)==$ps || die "Unable to write $file\n";
-close(FILE) || die "Unable to close $file";
---let $restart_parameters= --innodb-force-recovery=6 --innodb-change-buffer-dump
---source include/start_mysqld.inc
+--let $shutdown_timeout=0
+--source include/restart_mysqld.inc
+--let $shutdown_timeout=
---replace_regex /contains \d+ entries/contains #### entries/
check table t1;
---source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc
-# Truncate the file to 5 pages, as if it were empty
-do "$ENV{MTR_SUITE_DIR}/include/crc32.pl";
-my $file = "$ENV{MYSQLD_DATADIR}/test/t1.ibd";
-open(FILE, "+<$file") || die "Unable to open $file";
-binmode FILE;
-my $ps= $ENV{PAGE_SIZE};
-my $pages=5;
-my $page;
-die "Unable to read $file" unless sysread(FILE, $page, $ps) == $ps;
-substr($page,46,4)=pack("N", $pages);
-my $polynomial = 0x82f63b78; # CRC-32C
-my $ck= pack("N",mycrc32(substr($page, 4, 22), 0, $polynomial) ^
- mycrc32(substr($page, 38, $ps - 38 - 8), 0, $polynomial));
-sysseek(FILE, 0, 0) || die "Unable to rewind $file\n";
-syswrite(FILE, $page, $ps)==$ps || die "Unable to write $file\n";
-truncate(FILE, $ps * $pages);
-close(FILE) || die "Unable to close $file";
---let $restart_parameters=
---source include/start_mysqld.inc
-SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;
---source include/restart_mysqld.inc
# Cleanup
diff --git a/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc b/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc
index 4c3886caeaf..fde96575c59 100644
--- a/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc
+++ b/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc
@@ -2265,8 +2265,10 @@ void recv_recover_page(buf_page_t* bpage)
+ const ulint n_addrs = recv_sys->n_addrs;
+ if (!n_addrs) os_thread_sleep(1000);
/** Reads in pages which have hashed log records, from an area around a given
@@ -2407,7 +2409,7 @@ void recv_apply_hashed_log_recs(bool last_batch)
- os_thread_sleep(500000);
+ os_thread_sleep(1000);
@@ -2516,7 +2518,7 @@ void recv_apply_hashed_log_recs(bool last_batch)
- os_thread_sleep(500000);
+ os_thread_sleep(1000);
On a second try, it occurred on the 362nd attempt:
2020-12-28 11:09:12 140184457193408 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 30 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:09:12 140184457193408 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Page [page id: space=0, page number=319] still fixed or dirty
On a third try, it failed on the 371st round:
2020-12-28 11:11:29 140563794130880 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 35 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:11:29 140563794130880 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 38 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:11:29 140563794130880 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Page [page id: space=0, page number=331] still fixed or dirty
201228 11:11:29 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ;
With the 1-line fix additionally applied, 2,000 rounds of the test would pass:
diff --git a/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc b/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc
index 4c3886caeaf..95179ec2271 100644
--- a/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc
+++ b/storage/innobase/log/log0recv.cc
@@ -2501,7 +2501,7 @@ void recv_apply_hashed_log_recs(bool last_batch)
/* Wait until all the pages have been processed */
- while (recv_sys->n_addrs != 0) {
+ while (recv_sys->n_addrs || buf_get_n_pending_read_ios()) {
const bool abort = recv_sys->found_corrupt_log
|| recv_sys->found_corrupt_fs;
A search for "still fixed or dirty" turns up MDEV-20481 , where the message refers to page number 3 (clustered index root page), which cannot possibly be related to this bug, because the change buffer is only ever applied to secondary index pages (and never a root page).
I made one more try to reproduce a different failure, by reverting the above fix and applying one more patch to disable two assertions:
diff --git a/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc b/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc
index 9f3d743ada1..a86a9b3da51 100644
--- a/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc
+++ b/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc
@@ -1698,6 +1698,7 @@ buf_pool_contains_zip(
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+#if 0
Checks that all file pages in the buffer chunk are in a replaceable state.
@return address of a non-free block, or NULL if all freed */
@@ -1761,6 +1762,7 @@ buf_chunk_not_freed(
Set buffer pool size variables after resizing it */
@@ -6223,6 +6225,7 @@ buf_all_freed_instance(
buf_pool_t* buf_pool) /*!< in: buffer pool instancce */
+#if 0
ulint i;
buf_chunk_t* chunk;
@@ -6241,6 +6244,7 @@ buf_all_freed_instance(
This would cause an assertion failure a little later:
2020-12-28 11:23:12 140594869794752 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 35 pages from redo log.
mysqld: /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6306: void buf_pool_invalidate_instance(buf_pool_t *): Assertion `(buf_pool->LRU).count == 0' failed.
Let me ”fix” that one as well:
@@ -6299,6 +6303,7 @@ buf_pool_invalidate_instance(
while (buf_LRU_scan_and_free_block(buf_pool, true)) {
+ UT_LIST_INIT(buf_pool->LRU, &buf_page_t::LRU);
ut_ad(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) == 0);
ut_ad(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->unzip_LRU) == 0);
And it fails differently again:
#5 0x0000558f6dd73fa2 in ut_dbg_assertion_failed (expr=0x558f6e1f1cb5 "UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) == n_lru", file=<optimized out>, line=<optimized out>, line@entry=6542) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/ut/ut0dbg.cc:60
#6 0x0000558f6dde4044 in buf_pool_validate_instance (buf_pool=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6542
#7 0x0000558f6dddbc59 in buf_validate () at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:6577
#8 buf_page_optimistic_get (rw_latch=<optimized out>, block=block@entry=0x7fcd55abd580, modify_clock=modify_clock@entry=1, file=0x558f6e1ec05b "/mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/btr/btr0pcur.cc", line=line@entry=217, mtr=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:4926
@@ -6562,6 +6567,7 @@ ibool
+#if 0
ulint i;
for (i = 0; i < srv_buf_pool_instances; i++) {
@@ -6571,6 +6577,7 @@ buf_validate(void)
With those debug checks disabled, we are finally getting something that looks like ‘random’ corruption:
2020-12-28 11:29:07 139847306946496 [Note] InnoDB: Starting final batch to recover 28 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:29:07 139847306946496 [Note] InnoDB: Cleaning up trx with id 0x291f
2020-12-28 11:29:07 0x7f30bd0da7c0 InnoDB: Assertion failure in file /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc line 3197
InnoDB: Failing assertion: xdes_mtr_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, header_page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == FALSE
#5 0x000055ee3dd9efa2 in ut_dbg_assertion_failed (expr=0x55ee3e22faf6 "xdes_mtr_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, header_page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == FALSE", file=<optimized out>, line=<optimized out>, line@entry=3197) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/ut/ut0dbg.cc:60
#6 0x000055ee3dea7caa in fseg_free_step (header=0x7f30b3ad403c "", mtr=mtr@entry=0x7ffdf24b56b8) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc:3196
#7 0x000055ee3dd9cd5e in trx_undo_seg_free (undo=<optimized out>, noredo=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0undo.cc:1095
#8 trx_undo_commit_cleanup (undo=<optimized out>, is_temp=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0undo.cc:1789
#9 0x000055ee3dd8e7b5 in trx_cleanup_at_db_startup (trx=trx@entry=0x7f30b8171120) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1999
#10 0x000055ee3dd7f0ce in trx_rollback_resurrected (trx=<optimized out>, all=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:703
#11 trx_rollback_or_clean_recovered (all=<optimized out>, all@entry=0) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:838
#12 0x000055ee3dd4b7f9 in innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql () at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/srv/srv0start.cc:2468
#13 0x000055ee3dbd90da in innobase_init (p=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4290
This corruption, which occurred on the 410th run of the test, appears to be related to an undo log page, not a secondary index or change buffer page. But, we must keep in mind that both undo log and change buffer pages are being allocated from the system tablespace in this test.
With the same settings, I repeated this corruption on the 460th run of the test:
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Starting a batch to recover 31 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: 1 transaction(s) which must be rolled back or cleaned up in total 0 row operations to undo
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Trx id counter is 13056
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Starting final batch to recover 28 pages from redo log.
2020-12-28 11:35:06 139865104271296 [Note] InnoDB: Cleaning up trx with id 0x311f
2020-12-28 11:35:06 0x7f34e1db47c0 InnoDB: Assertion failure in file /mariadb/10.2o/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc line 3197
InnoDB: Failing assertion: xdes_mtr_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, header_page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == FALSE
I am afraid that this is the closest I can get to repeating a MDEV-9663 style corruption. Again, if I apply the 1-line fix, 2,000 rounds of the tests would succeed without any failures.
Results might be different if I had used real storage instead of a RAM disk, or if I enabled encryption slow down page I/O. I believe that the corruption that I repeated (a data page that is expected to be allocated is marked free for reuse) could explain MDEV-15608 : a page that is supposed to be an undo log page might also be used for the change buffer, and corruption would ensue. Without having access to page dumps we of course can only make educated guesses.
The race condition with the one-line fix could explain various types of hard-to-reproduce corruption. That race condition is present in the very first InnoDB commit. The probability of encountering the race condition was significantly increased by the widespread use of hot backup tools (at least Percona XtraBackup or Mariabackup).
Based on a quick read of the MySQL 5.6 source code and my distant memory of the closed-source ibbackup program (the predecessor of MySQL Enterprise Backup), it might be that some versions of those tools are not affected by the bug. But, InnoDB crash recovery for sure always was affected.
Marko Mäkelä
added a comment - The race condition with the one-line fix could explain various types of hard-to-reproduce corruption. That race condition is present in the very first InnoDB commit . The probability of encountering the race condition was significantly increased by the widespread use of hot backup tools (at least Percona XtraBackup or Mariabackup).
Based on a quick read of the MySQL 5.6 source code and my distant memory of the closed-source ibbackup program (the predecessor of MySQL Enterprise Backup), it might be that some versions of those tools are not affected by the bug. But, InnoDB crash recovery for sure always was affected.
One more note: I think that the test to reproduce this must involve
and an INSERT in to a table with many secondary indexes while mariabackup --backup is running. After the restore, we must execute CHECK TABLE. It could be useful to have a loop inside the test, with a backup, prepare, restore steps inside the loop, so that the error has a chance of accumulating. Either the secondary index or the change buffer should hopefully become corrupted.
Instead of an INSERT, it could be even better to have something like UPDATE t SET indexed_column=indexed_column+1, so that the number of rows in the table will remain constant, while the secondary index will make extensive use of the change buffer.