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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-22456

Dropping the adaptive hash index may cause DDL to lock up InnoDB




      If the InnoDB buffer pool contains many pages for a table or index that is being dropped or rebuilt, and if many of such pages are pointed to by the adaptive hash index, dropping the adaptive hash index may consume a lot of time.

      The time-consuming operation of dropping the adaptive hash index entries is being executed while the InnoDB data dictionary cache dict_sys is exclusively locked.

      (Data file deletion also takes place while the dictionary cache is locked. That is being covered by MDEV-8069.)

      It is not actually necessary to drop all entries from the adaptive hash index when a table or index is being dropped or rebuilt. We can let the LRU replacement policy of the buffer pool take care of this gradually. For this to work, we must detach the dict_table_t and dict_index_t objects from the main dict_sys cache, and once the last adaptive hash index entry for the detached table is removed (when the garbage page is evicted from the buffer pool) we can free the dict_table_t and dict_index_t object.

      Related to this, in MDEV-16283, we made ALTER TABLE...DISCARD TABLESPACE skip both the buffer pool eviction and the drop of the adaptive hash index. We shifted the burden to ALTER TABLE...IMPORT TABLESPACE or DROP TABLE. We can remove the eviction from DROP TABLE. We must retain the eviction in the ALTER TABLE...IMPORT TABLESPACE code path, so that in case the discarded table is being re-imported with the same tablespace identifier, the fresh data from the imported tablespace will replace any stale pages in the buffer pool.


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              marko Marko Mäkelä
              marko Marko Mäkelä
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