Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Implement online ALTER TABLE above the storage engine layer by mimicking what InnoDB does since MariaDB 10.0.
ALTER TABLE can perform many various table metadata alterations, individually or batched (many alterations at once). It supports different algorithms for applying those alterations and different lock levels restricting access to the table while it's being altered. What algorithm and lock level to use depends on the storage engine, requested alterations and explicitly specified algorithm and lock, if any. If no algorithm or lock level is explicitly specified, the server is supposed to select the best algorithm/lock combination automatically.
While certain alterations (like adding a column) can be done by certain storage engines (like InnoDB) internally (using InnoDB-specific ALGORITHM=INSTANT) and without locking the table (LOCK=NONE), the most universal ALTER TABLE algorithm that supports arbitrary alterations in arbitrary combinations is the COPY algorithm and it locks the table, allowing only read access during the whole ALTER TABLE duration. When the server has to resort to the COPY algorithm (because no other one can perform the requested set of alterations) it often means long periods of the application being essentially down, because the table cannot be written into.
The goal of this task is to allow the COPY algorithm to work without read-locking the table. In other words, this should make the combination ALGORITHM=COPY, LOCK=NONE possible.
The COPY algorithm for ALTER ONLINE TABLE is supposed to do the following:
- Exclusively acquire the table Metadata Lock (MDL).
- Acquire the table lock for read (TL_READ)
- Read the first record. In table is empty, online is skipped (goto 11).
- Set up (a separate, per-table one) row-based replication for tracking changes from concurrent DMLs ("online changes").
- Downgrade the MDL lock.
- Copy the table contents (using a non-locking read if supported by the storage engine).
- Apply the online changes from the replicated contents.
- Unlock the table lock
- Exclusively lock the table MDL (upgrade to MDL_SHARED_WRITE).
- Apply any remaining online changes.
- Swap the old and new table, unlock, drop the old table.
This would remove some limitations that currently exist with the InnoDB-only online table rebuild. Basically, anything that is supported by ALGORITHM=COPY should 'just work' (however see the limitations section). The bulk copying could still happen in copy_data_between_tables(). A few examples:
- Arbitrary changes of column type will be possible, without duplicating any conversion logic.
- It will be possible to add virtual columns (materialized or not) together with adding indexes, while allowing concurrent writes (
MDEV-13795,MDEV-14332). - The ENGINE or the partitioning of a table can be changed, just like any other attribute.
[Not implemented here] We should remove the online table rebuild code from InnoDB (row_log_table_apply() and friends), and just let InnoDB fall back to this. The only ALTER ONLINE TABLE that could better be implemented inside storage engines would be ADD INDEX. Then, ALGORITHM=INPLACE would no longer be misleading, because it would mean exactly the same as the ALGORITHM=NOCOPY that was introduced in MDEV-13134. Before this, we must implement MDEV-515 (bulk load into an empty InnoDB table) to avoid a performance regression.
Behavior of different engines
The per-engine behavior depends on what operations can happen concurrently while TL_READ is held.
- Innodb can do any DML (except TRUNCATE i presume). It lazily opens the read view once the first record is read during the copy stage. This means that in theory some transaction can slip concurrently between TL_READ-locked table and first record is read. This is why we first read one record out, and then set up the online change buffer.
- Myisam/Aria only allow inserts in parallel with reads: The last table's record offset is remembered for the table handle, so copy stage will read out only the changes, that are already there. Other DMLs will be blocked until table lock is released.
- Online is disabled for temporary tables.
- For other engines, it depends on whether is it possible to acquire a particular table lock in parallel with TL_READ.
- Embedded server doesn't support LOCK=NONE, Until HAVE_REPLICATION is enabled there (or until some finer refactoring).
- DROP SYSTEM VERSIONING is not currently supported, but the support can be added on demand
- ALTER TABLE ... ORDER BY is not and cannot be supported
- Tables which are referenced by FOREIGN KEYs with CASCADE operations, see
- Adding autoinc to the existing column, when NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO is not present, and there were no unchanged UNIQUE NOT NULL keys. A NULL column is always impossible to update to AUTOINC with Online COPY.
- Sequences are not supported
- MODIFY ... NOT NULL DEFAULT(NEXTVAL(..)), if the column initially was NULLable
- Sequences
- Engines S3 and CONNECT
[Old part] Challenges
We should replicate the online rebuild on slaves in parallel, so that the master and slaves will be able to commit at roughly the same time. This would be something similar to MDEV-11675, which would still be needed for native online ADD INDEX, which would avoid copying the table.
In InnoDB, there is some logic for logging the changes when the PRIMARY KEY columns are changed, or a PRIMARY KEY is being added. The 'row event log' online_log will additionally contain the PRIMARY KEY values in the new table, so that the records can easily be found. The online_log will contain INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE events.
We will need some interface from ROLLBACK inside the storage engine to the 'row event log', so that BEGIN; INSERT; ROLLBACK will also create a DELETE event. Similarly, we will need an interface that allows CASCADE or SET NULL operations from FOREIGN KEY constraints to be relayed to the 'row event log'.
Starting with MariaDB 10.2, there is an optimization that avoids unnecessarily sorting the data by PRIMARY KEY when the sorting does not change. Search for skip_pk_sort. It would be nice if the future MDEV-515 code inside InnoDB could be informed of this, so that it can assume that the data is already sorted by PRIMARY KEY.
If there exist FOREIGN KEY constraints on the being-rebuilt table, then this approach should work just as fine as the current online table rebuild in InnoDB: The constraints would be enforced on the old copy of the table until the very end where we switch the tables, and from that point on, on the new copy of the table.
Initially, we could disable ONLINE...ADD FOREIGN KEY. That could be easier to implement after moving the FOREIGN KEY processing from InnoDB to the SQL layer.
Issue Links
- causes
MCOL-5603 Online alter can break data consistency
- Confirmed
MDEV-28771 Assertion `table->in_use && tdc->flushed' failed after ALTER
- Closed
MDEV-28816 Assertion `wsrep_thd_is_applying(thd)' failed in int wsrep_ignored_error_code(Log_event*, int)
- Closed
MDEV-28825 Server crash in binlog_online_alter_end_trans
- Closed
MDEV-28930 ALTER TABLE Deadlocks with parallel TL_WRITE
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-28944 XA assertions failing in binlog_rollback and binlog_commit
- Closed
MDEV-28949 Deadlock between online alter and DML
- Closed
MDEV-28959 Online alter ignores strict table mode
- Closed
MDEV-28967 Assertion `marked_for_write_or_computed()' failed in Field_new_decimal::store_value / online_alter_read_from_binlog
- Closed
MDEV-29013 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND/lock timeout upon online alter with long unique indexes
- Closed
MDEV-29038 XA assertions failing in binlog_rollback and binlog_commit #2
- Closed
MDEV-29056 Replica SQL thread stops with 1846 error on ALTER ONLINE after LOCK WRITE
- Closed
MDEV-29067 Online alter ignores check constraint violation
- Closed
MDEV-29068 Cascade foreign key updates do not apply in online alter
- Closed
MDEV-29069 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon concurrent online auto-increment addition and DELETE
- Closed
MDEV-29506 Assertion `!table->pos_in_locked_tables' failed in tc_release_table
- Closed
MDEV-30891 Assertion `!table->versioned(VERS_TRX_ID)' failed in Write_rows_log_event::binlog_row_logging_function
- Closed
MDEV-30902 Server crash in LEX::first_lists_tables_same
- Closed
MDEV-30924 Server crashes in MYSQL_LOG::is_open upon ALTER vs FUNCTION
- Closed
MDEV-30925 Assertion `share->now_transactional' failed in translog_write_record / online_alter_read_from_binlog
- Closed
MDEV-30945 RPL tests are failing with MSAN use-of-uninitialized-value in bitmap_intersect
- Closed
MDEV-30949 Direct leak in my_register_filename / binlog_online_alter_end_trans
- Closed
MDEV-30984 Online ALTER table is denied with non-informative error messages
- Closed
MDEV-30987 main.alter_table_online times out with view-protocol
- Closed
MDEV-31033 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon online COPY ALTER on a partitioned table
- Closed
MDEV-31040 Server crashes in MYSQL_LOG::is_open upon ALTER on partitioned table
- Closed
MDEV-31043 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon concurrent ALTER and transaction
- Closed
MDEV-31058 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon concurrent CHANGE column to autoinc and DML
- Closed
MDEV-31059 "Slave SQL" errors upon concurrent DML and erroneous ALTER
- Closed
MDEV-31128 Server crashes in Rows_log_event::find_row upon concurrent DML and ALTER
- Closed
MDEV-31136 Online ALTER is allowed on master but fails on slave with ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON
- Closed
MDEV-31172 Server crash or ASAN errors in online_alter_check_autoinc
- Closed
MDEV-31563 Server crashes in MDL_ticket::downgrade_lock
- Closed
MDEV-31601 Some ALTER TABLE .. fail when they worked before, and with a wrong error message
- Closed
MDEV-31624 Online ALTER fails due to intermediate DML which is later overridden
- Open
MDEV-31631 Online ALTER adding auto-increment column to a table with history behaves differently from non-online
- Closed
MDEV-31646 Online alter applies binlog cache limit to cache writes
- Closed
MDEV-31677 Assertion `bitmap_is_set(cols, i)' failed upon online ALTER with binlog_row_image=NOBLOB
- Closed
MDEV-31755 Replica's DML event deadlocks with online alter table
- Closed
MDEV-31775 Server crash in Rows_log_event::update_sequence upon online alter on sequence
- Closed
MDEV-31776 Online ALTER reports the number of affected rows incorrectly
- Closed
MDEV-31777 ER_GET_ERRNO upon online alter with concurrent DML on CONNECT table
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-31804 Assertion `thd->m_transaction_psi == __null' fails upon replicating online ALTER
- Closed
MDEV-31812 Add switch to old_mode to disable non-locking ALTER
- Closed
MDEV-31838 Assertion fails in binlog_log_row_online_alter upon parallel replication with two-phase alter and MINIMAL binlog_row_image
- Closed
MDEV-31906 Processlist shows stage and max stage 0 during online alter
- Open
MDEV-32126 Assertion `!writer.checksum_len || writer.remains == 0' fails upon concurrent online ALTER and transactions with failing statements and binary log enabled
- Closed
MDEV-32444 Data from orphaned XA transaction is lost after online alter
- Closed
MDEV-32510 ASAN use-after-poison in online alter with rocksdb under SERIALIZABLE isolation level
- Open
MDEV-33094 row-by-row logging needs to be disabled for the online ALTER log application stage
- Open
MDEV-33330 Server crash or assertion failure in binlog_get_pending_rows_event
- Closed
- includes
MDEV-27986 Galera testing of ALTER ONLINE TABLE
- Closed
- is blocked by
MDEV-30985 Replica stops with error on ALTER ONLINE with Geometry Types
- Closed
- relates to
MDEV-9260 Improve progress report on on-line alter table
- Open
MDEV-12512 Accurately report progress for ALTER TABLE...ALGORITHM=INPLACE
- Open
MDEV-15250 UPSERT during ALTER-TABLE results in 'Duplicate entry' error for alter
- Closed
- Open
MDEV-18845 Introduce alter_lock to allow refusing non-online ALTER TABLE
- Open
MDEV-28942 Online alter does not support ORDER BY
- Closed
MDEV-28966 Assertion `row_data' failed in unpack_row / online_alter_read_from_binlog
- Closed
MDEV-29007 Assertion `marked_for_write_or_computed()' failed upon online ADD COLUMN .. FIRST
- Closed
MDEV-30985 Replica stops with error on ALTER ONLINE with Geometry Types
- Closed
MDEV-515 innodb bulk insert
- Closed
- Open
MDEV-11675 Lag Free Alter On Slave
- Closed
- Closed
MDEV-14332 Corruption during online table-rebuilding ALTER when VIRTUAL columns exist, causes assertion failure
- Closed
MDEV-15471 Assertion `new_clustered == ctx->need_rebuild()' failed in ha_innobase::commit_inplace_alter_table
- Stalled
MDEV-15641 InnoDB crash while committing table-rebuilding ALTER TABLE
- Closed
MDEV-18127 Handling DuplicateKey error while doing Online DDL
- Open
MDEV-28774 Assertion `table->in_use && tdc->flushed' failed in bool TABLE_SHARE::visit_subgraph(Wait_for_flush*, MDL_wait_for_graph_visitor*)
- Closed
- split to
MDEV-31942 Online alter: support cascade foreign keys
- Open
- links to
Thanks! Do you think that's what's causing the alternating active/inactive cycles, or is it something that's affecting the overall efficiency of the ALTER?