Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Report issue from 2.3.x 2.4.x to 1.8.0:
CONJ-675permit multiple alternative authentication methods for the same user (future MariaDB 10.4 feature)- {
CONJ-678] permit indication of truststore/keystore type (JKS/PKCS12), then not relying on java default type CONJ-378GSSAPI: client can provide SPNCONJ-667Support MYSQL_TYPE_JSON datatypeCONJ-652faster results buffering socket availableCONJ-659improve text performance reading date/time/timestamp resultsetCONJ-670ability to Refresh SSL certificateCONJ-642disable the option "useBulkStmts" by default
Minor changes
CONJ-628optimization to read metadata fasterCONJ-637java.sql.Driver class implement DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo, permitting listing options on querying toolsCONJ-641update maven test dependencies for java 10 compatibilityCONJ-643PreparedStatement::getParameterMetaData always returns VARSTRING as type resulting in downstream libraries interpreting values wronglyCONJ-623Increase connection logging when Primary node connection failsCONJ-384Add option permit having "affected" or "found" rows
CONJ-646possible NullPointerException when connection lost to database using aurora configuration with one nodeCONJ-672batch using multi-send can hang when using query timeoutCONJ-544disable SSL session resumption when using SSLCONJ-589correcting Clob.length() for utf8mb4CONJ-649datasource connectTimeout URL parameter is not honouredCONJ-650Correction on resultset.getObject(columnName, byte[].class) when value is NULLCONJ-665old MySQL (<5.5.3) doesn't support utf8mb4, using utf8 on 3 bytes as connection charset by defaultCONJ-671MariaDb bulk threads occupy full cpu(99%) while db connections brokenCONJ-673abording a connection while fetching a query still does read whole resultsetCONJ-669SQLSyntaxErrorException when querying on empty column nameCONJ-674make dumpQueriesOnException = false by default as per documentationCONJ-616correction on possible NPE on getConnection when using failover configuration and master is down, not throwing a proper exceptionCONJ-636Error in batch might throw a NPE and not the proper ExceptionCONJ-624MariaDbPoolDataSource possible NPE on configuration getterCONJ-622The option "connectTimeout" must take in account DriverManager.getLoginTimeout() when setCONJ-621wrong escaping when having curly bracket in table/field nameCONJ-618Client preparestatement parsing error on escaped ' / " in queryCONJ-644small optimization when validating galera connectionCONJ-625add coverage testCONJ-654DatabaseMetaData.getDriverName() returns connector/J with a lowercase c