Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
5.5.51 & 10.2.2, 10.2.2-1, 10.2.3-1, 10.2.3-2, 10.2.4-4, 10.2.4-1, 10.2.4-5, 10.0.29
Poor MySQL has received some negative feedback over the years 1 2. As entertaining as it is watching and listening to developers struggle and whine, I think it's about time we changed some of the defaults and made the config easier to understand.
Oracle are working on changing more defaults in 5.7 3 4 5, I think we should too.
Something else they have done, is to radically change the simplicity of the default server config file, /etc/my.cnf:
It's quite clear there, the sql_mode has been set, which will satisfy most developers and users looking for an ACID compliant database with little tweaking, and a rough note on increasing or decreasing RAM needed for InnoDB. MariaDB now probably needs something similar for Galera, CONNET and TokuDB.
Proposed new defaults:
innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2 (was: 1)
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown = ON (was: OFF)
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct = 25 (was: 100)
innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup = ON (was: OFF)
innodb_checksum_algorithm = CRC32 (was: INNODB)
innodb_file_format = Barracuda (was: Antelope)
innodb_file_format_max = Barracuda (was: Antelope)
innodb_large_prefix = ON (was: OFF)
innodb_log_compressed_pages = ON (was: OFF)
innodb_purge_threads = 4 (was: 1)
innodb_strict_mode = ON (was: OFF)
binlog_annotate_row_events = ON (was: OFF)
binlog_format = MIXED (was: STATEMENT)
group_concat_max_len = 1M (was: 1025)
lock_wait_timeout = 86400(1day)(was: 1year)
log_slow_admin_statements = ON (was: OFF)
log_slow_slave_statements = ON (was: OFF)
log_warnings = 2 (was: 1)
max_allowed_packet = 16M (was: 4M)
replicate_annotate_row_events = ON (was: OFF)
slave_net_timeout = 60 (was: 3600)
sync_binlog = 1 (was: 0)
aria_recover = FORCE, BACKUP (was: NORMAL)
myisam_recover_options = FORCE, BACKUP (was: OFF)
Issue Links
- includes
MDEV-7261 Backport the default autosized value of "table_definition_cache" from MySQL 5.6.8+
- Stalled
MDEV-8429 Change binlog_checksum default to match MySQL 5.6.6+
- Closed
MDEV-8923 [PATCH] port innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct + have buffer pool dump and reload set as default
- Closed
MDEV-9999 Change the default value of optimizer_use_condition_selectivity
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDEV-13247 innodb_log_compressed_pages=OFF breaks crash recovery of ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED tables
- Closed
- relates to
MDEV-6066 Merge new defaults from 5.6 and 5.7
- Closed
MDEV-7845 update date column with erroneous date does not return an error but sets to null
- Closed
MDEV-10244 Change default to use optimistic mode of in-order parallel replication
- Closed
MDEV-11062 Different result for time type with optimizer_use_condition_selectivity=4
- Closed
MDEV-11082 mysql_client_test: test_ps_query_cache fails with group-concat-max-len=1M
- Closed
MDEV-11092 Assertion `!writer.checksum_len || writer.remains == 0' failed
- Closed
MDEV-11094 Blackhole table updates on slave fail when row annotation is enabled
- Closed
MDEV-11095 rpl.rpl_row_mysqlbinlog test fails if row annotation enabled
- Closed
MDEV-11235 LOAD DATA does not honor strict modes
- Closed
MDEV-11269 In NO_ZERO_DATE mode, multiple timestamp fields with no default can't be created
- Closed
MDEV-11527 Virtual columns do not get along well with NO_ZERO_DATE
- Closed
- Open
MDEV-11666 rpl.rpl_row_index_choice fails with higher binlog-row-event-max-size
- Confirmed
MDEV-11685 sql_mode can't be set with non-ascii connection charset
- Closed
MDEV-11691 CSV: Table marked as crashed and should be repaired
- Confirmed
MDEV-11819 NO_ZERO_IN_DATE: Incorrect generated column value
- Closed
MDEV-11822 Virtual columns: No warning on data truncation
- Open
MDEV-11908 New default configuration produces warnings about itself upon startup
- Closed
MDEV-11995 ALTER TABLE proceeds despite reporting ER_TOO_LONG_KEY error
- Closed
MDEV-9474 group_concat_max_len not being read from /etc/my.cnf
- Closed
MDEV-10981 Check for side effects on switching on ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO
- Closed
MDEV-11040 Different checksum values
- Confirmed
MDEV-11060 sql/ void Protocol::end_statement(): Assertion `0' failed
- Closed
MDEV-11874 "Data too long for column" instead of "Invalid default value for" upon ALTER in strict mode
- Closed
MDEV-11875 Inconsistent behavior of CREATE TABLE AS ... <string function> depending on strict mode
- Open
MDEV-11876 CONVERT produces a warning and result depends on strict mode
- Open
MDEV-11888 SELECT produces more warnings in non-strict mode than in strict mode
- Open
MDEV-11890 Effect of NO_ZERO_DATE and NO_ZERO_IN_DATE is reversed
- Stalled
MDEV-11891 Warnings on wrong function parameters are not quite accurate
- Open
MDEV-11892 Warning caused by NO_ZERO_DATE is different for TIMESTAMP and other date-related columns
- Open
MDEV-11893 Query execution plan depends on strict mode
- Open
MDEV-11895 NO_ZERO_DATE affects timestamp values without any warnings
- Closed
MDEV-11907 Bogus 'Division by 0' warnings upon using COUNT as a window function
- Closed
MDEV-13272 Document default change on parameter innodb_log_compressed_pages=ON
- Closed
I disagree, rather strongly. Keeping binary logs can be crucially important for various reasons. Removing them automatically by default can be a disaster, which the user will only find out when it's too late. Size does not matter here – the activity can be low, the disk can be large, and any reasonable real-life setup will monitor the disk status anyway, and the admin will make the decision about binary logs if it comes to that.