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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-4414

INDEX - SUBSTRING, LEFT and others string functions that could be optimized with index



      Hi guys, i have a table like this:
      CREATE TABLE mov_boleto (
      cc_hash_key VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      linha_digitavel VARCHAR(54) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      PRIMARY KEY (cc_hash_key),
      INDEX linha_digitavel (linha_digitavel)

      with 500k rows
      i need to search part of 'linha_digitavel' field (the left part):
      LEFT(linha_digitavel,37), but i'm having a problem....

      check the query

      SELECT cc_hash_key
      FROM mov_boleto WHERE
      left(linha_digitavel,37) IN ("34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.420001","34191.09008 27471.701287 27580.422001");

      the problem is the optimization...
      "Using where", 521069 rows

      could it use the index linha_digitavel? like the "LIKE" operator?
      SELECT cc_hash_key
      FROM mov_boleto WHERE
      linha_digitavel like "34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.420001%" OR
      linha_digitavel like "34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.422001%" OR
      linha_digitavel ="34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.420001" OR
      linha_digitavel ="34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.422001"

      explain=> "Using index condition; Using where", rows =2

      could SUBSTRING(char field,1,?) and LEFT(char_field,?)
      FUNCTIONS be optimized for search?

      i'm thinking about a query rewrite in sql_select.cc or opt_range.cc, i think that opt_range.cc is better
      but we can optimize ENUM too when MDEV-4419 is done, in this case sql_select.cc is a better place to optimize...

      the point is, optimize rewrinting this:

      LEFT(column,1234) = "some string"
      SUBSTR(column,1,1234) = "some string"


      (LEFT(column,1234) = "some string" AND column LIKE "some string%")
      (SUBSTR(column,1,1234) = "some string" AND column LIKE "some string%")

      and this:

      LEFT(column,1234) IN ('string1','string2','string3')


      (LEFT(column,1234) IN ('string1','string2','string3') AND 
        LEFT(column,1234) LIKE 'string1%' OR 
        LEFT(column,1234) LIKE 'string2%' OR 
        LEFT(column,1234) LIKE 'string3%'

      or rewrite the LEFT(column,1234) to a virtual column, if it's exists, in this case we can use index


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            maybe MDEV-4430 could be used here too

            rspadim roberto spadim added a comment - maybe MDEV-4430 could be used here too

            feature request MDEV-4415 , could help optimizing this query without many (column LIKE value OR column LIKE value2 OR ....)

            rspadim roberto spadim added a comment - feature request MDEV-4415 , could help optimizing this query without many (column LIKE value OR column LIKE value2 OR ....)

            i tryed
            SELECT cc_hash_key
            FROM mov_boleto WHERE
            CAST(linha_digitavel AS char(37)) in
            ("34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.420001","34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.422001")

            no sucess, >500k rows in explain

            rspadim roberto spadim added a comment - i tryed explain SELECT cc_hash_key FROM mov_boleto WHERE CAST(linha_digitavel AS char(37)) in ("34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.420001","34191.09008 27471.621287 27580.422001") no sucess, >500k rows in explain


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              rspadim roberto spadim
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