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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-34697

Auto increment goes wild when inserting data from sequence storage engine into a InnoDB table




      When inserting data into a InnoDB table with an auto increment column with an INSERT INTO SELECT statement and the select clause contains a sequence storage engine the auto increment value is increased with the next power of two instead with the number of inserted rows.

      Create a table and insert some data from a sequence storage engine table.

      drop table if exists MY_TABLE cascade;
      create table MY_TABLE (
        col1 smallint not null auto_increment,
        col2 smallint not null,
        primary key (col1)
        engine = innodb;
      insert into MY_TABLE(col2)
      select seq
      from seq_1_to_17;

      Count number of rows and max value:

      select count(*), max(col1) from MY_TABLE;
      -- 17, 17

      This fine. Now, what is the value of the auto increment?

      select AUTO_INCREMENT
      from information_schema.TABLES
      where TABLE_NAME = 'MY_TABLE';
      -- 32

      – Not OK, expected 18 not the next power of two.

      Lets try again with a different number of rows from the sequence storage engine.

      drop table if exists MY_TABLE cascade;
      create table MY_TABLE (
        col1 smallint not null auto_increment,
        col2 smallint not null,
        primary key (col1)
        engine = innodb;
      insert into MY_TABLE(col2)
      select seq
      from seq_1_to_20000 seq;
      select count(*), max(col1) from MY_TABLE;
      -- 20000,20000
      -- OK
      select AUTO_INCREMENT
      from information_schema.TABLES
      where TABLE_NAME = 'MY_TABLE';
      -- 32768
      -- Not OK, expected 20,001 not the next power of two.

      In the attached SQL script more examples.

      Also, this effect appears when multiple tables of which one is a sequence engine table are joined.

      When the target table is an Aria table the auto increment value behaves as expected. And, when running the queries on a MariaDB 10.6.18 server the auto increment value behaves as expected.




            sanja Oleksandr Byelkin
            water P.R. Water
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