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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-16168

Performance regression on sysbench write benchmarks from 10.2 to 10.3



      I noticed reduced performance numbers when running somewhat large update_no_index sysbench benchmark, when comparing 10.2 to 10.3
      Here is the setup

      • Windows Azure VMwith 16 virtual CPUs, 32GB RAM and SSD storage (I used Local temporary disk)

      Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz
      Sockets: 1
      Virtual processors: 16

      • MariaDB 10.2.14 vs 10.3.7 (recent build of 4a5e23e257e229b548599133dbed5162af9df6d9)
        the relevant part of my.ini file is as follows


      • sysbench 0.4 (I mention it because current versions of sysbench do not run on Windows anymore, but we do not need anything from the current versions)

      The update-no-index run on a single large table (50 mio rows), with number of users ranging from 1 to 4096, in powers of 2

      Loading table, sysbench prepare

      sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=50000000 --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-user=root --mysql-password= --db-driver=mysql --mysql-table-engine=innodb --max-time=300 --oltp-test-mode=complex --oltp-read-only=off --max-requests=0 --oltp-point-selects=0 --oltp-simple-ranges=0 --oltp-sum-ranges=0 --oltp-order-ranges=0 --oltp-distinct-ranges=0 --oltp-index-updates=0 --oltp-delete-inserts=0 --oltp-non-index-updates=1  --oltp-skip-trx=on --oltp-dist-type=uniform --mysql-socket=MySQL  --num-threads=1 prepare

      sysbench run

      sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=50000000 --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-user=root --mysql-password= --db-driver=mysql --mysql-table-engine=innodb --max-time=300 --oltp-test-mode=complex --oltp-read-only=off --max-requests=0 --oltp-point-selects=0 --oltp-simple-ranges=0 --oltp-sum-ranges=0 --oltp-order-ranges=0 --oltp-distinct-ranges=0 --oltp-index-updates=0 --oltp-delete-inserts=0 --oltp-non-index-updates=1  --oltp-skip-trx=on --oltp-dist-type=uniform --mysql-socket=MySQL  --num-threads=%N% run

      where %N% is 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096

      The test takes a nap of 80 seconds between runs, and also between load and first test, and as far as I can see it is enough for all Innodb backgroup IO activity to finish (MB/sec goes down to 0 on a disk where test is ran). Due to innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit being default (1), the test does not appear to be very CPU bound (sysbench and mysql use 70% of all available 16 CPUs, in windows measurement, i.e over 10 CPUs are busy)

      Below are the results from the runs, for 10.2.4 and recent 10.3.7
      UPDATE: marko mentioned the git 1a62c8a39647db00283b4e35fb6db3c7bc31e3ca as the version right before 10.3 switched to lockless, so
      I added a column for it too. It appears to be better than 10.3.7, but worse than 10.2.14

      Users TPS 10.2.14 TPS 10.3.7 10.3-pre-lockless
      1 1549.92 1547.75 1551.07
      2 2373.89 2209.05 2334.80
      4 4466.03 4276.46 4446.64
      8 9069.82 8587.59 9098.95
      16 16631.45 15719.70 16231.39
      32 28989.79 27482.44 27786.32
      64 36996.12 34843.23 35089.44
      128 37287.05 35172.49 36223.68
      256 38038.01 35896.52 36818.22
      512 38360.71 36567.07 37195.47
      1024 38265.25 36328.62 37253.98
      2048 39990.85 36328.62 38572.81
      4096 41988.71 39032.83 39606.38

      (also see the graph https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VqRYCwF4QATCKEKwxKuCcvRXKm2GWnICCdv4fSo4_IU/edit#gid=0)
      It is not as big as I thought initially (somehow I counted 15%, and it is more like 5%), but it is consistent starting from 64 users, and keeping until the 4K . So it needs investigating.
      It is odd because the test itself is not CPU bound, nor IO bound, the bottleneck in my understanding is waiting for flush in log_write_up_to() . I did not try to make it CPU bound by relaxing durability, this might be another exercise, however with increased TPS purging can become more of a bottleneck, and disturb the picture.

      I tried to do some initial profiling (based on CPU sampling), and this is what showed up.

      Below., in all places, baseline refers to 10.2.14, and *comparison" is 10.3.7

      Exclusive samples comparison
      Individual functions (or, exclusive sample percentage with threshold 1% difference)

      Comparison Column Delta Baseline Value Comparison Value
      ut_delay 4.02 16.05 20.07
      l_find 2.44 0.16 2.60
      PolicyMutex<TTASEventMutex<GenericPolicy> >::enter 2.42 0.18 2.60
      TTASEventMutex<GenericPolicy>::enter -4.42 4.42 0.00
      SleepConditionVariableCS -5.41 28.70 23.29

      In short, more busy wait ut_delay, less lazy wait SleepConditionVariableCS . There is a new quite visible function (4th most expensive individual functions now), l_find , which seems to come from replacing stl with custom hashtable in innodb.
      Inclusive samples comparison
      Comparing inclusive samples with 1% difference threshold, gives the below table, which gives me a vague idea that there something is more expensive in purge, and again that lazy wait was replaced with busy wait somewhere, background threads probably use more CPU , for example "coordinator" purge thread. foreground use less of it (as shown by decreased time in do_command for example)

      Comparison Column Delta Baseline Value Comparison Value
      PolicyMutex<TTASEventMutex<GenericPolicy> >::enter 28.69 2.53 31.22
      ut_delay 4.02 16.05 20.07
      trx_purge 3.81 5.67 9.48
      srv_do_purge 3.80 5.70 9.49
      row_purge 3.66 0.00 3.67
      row_purge_step 3.47 0.71 4.18
      que_thr_step 3.31 0.94 4.25
      srv_purge_coordinator_thread 3.25 6.37 9.63
      trx_sys_t::clone_oldest_view 3.18 0.00 3.18
      btr_cur_search_to_nth_level_func 3.12 0.00 3.12
      row_purge_record_func 2.94 0.00 2.94
      row_purge_upd_exist_or_extern_func 2.77 0.00 2.77
      row_purge_reset_trx_id 2.72 0.00 2.72
      que_run_threads_low 2.70 1.73 4.43
      que_run_threads 2.69 1.75 4.45
      l_find 2.46 0.18 2.64
      ReadView::snapshot 2.30 0.00 2.30
      rw_trx_hash_t::iterate 2.27 0.00 2.27
      lf_hash_iterate 2.25 0.00 2.25
      srv_task_execute 2.12 1.95 4.08
      row_purge_reposition_pcur 1.53 0.00 1.53
      row_search_on_row_ref 1.33 0.00 1.33
      btr_pcur_open_low 1.31 0.00 1.31
      btr_search_guess_on_hash 1.31 1.54 2.85
      trx_purge_wait_for_workers_to_complete 1.10 1.52 2.62
      trx_undo_assign_low 1.07 0.00 1.07
      mtr_t::commit 1.05 2.57 3.62
      mtr_t::Command::execute 1.01 2.42 3.43
      srv_worker_thread -1.09 9.84 8.75
      sync_array_wait_event -1.29 9.69 8.40
      trx_write_serialisation_history -1.34 2.62 1.28
      trx_commit_low -1.39 3.15 1.76
      innobase_commit -1.75 47.36 45.61
      trx_commit -1.75 4.79 3.04
      ha_commit_one_phase -1.76 47.55 45.78
      commit_one_phase_2 -1.76 47.54 45.77
      trans_commit_stmt -1.80 48.68 46.88
      ha_commit_trans -1.80 48.65 46.84
      btr_cur_search_to_nth_level -1.85 1.85 0.00
      innobase_commit_ordered_2 -2.04 5.17 3.13
      trx_commit_for_mysql -2.05 5.10 3.05
      innobase_commit_low -2.05 5.11 3.06
      Prepared_statement::execute_loop -2.05 74.58 72.52
      mysql_stmt_execute_common -2.14 74.85 72.71
      mysqld_stmt_execute -2.15 74.89 72.74
      mysql_execute_command -2.21 73.03 70.81
      trx_undo_assign_undo -2.24 2.24 0.00
      Prepared_statement::execute -2.24 74.03 71.79
      threadpool_process_request -2.32 81.71 79.38
      dispatch_command -2.33 79.21 76.88
      do_command -2.34 81.33 79.00
      tp_callback -2.38 82.66 80.28
      srv_resume_thread -3.33 7.94 4.61
      os_event::wait_low -4.98 28.41 23.43
      SleepConditionVariableCS -5.41 28.70 23.29
      TTASEventMutex<GenericPolicy>::enter -30.49 30.49 0.00


        1. 10.3.pre-lockless.txt
          29 kB
        2. 1bp-1pc-10.2.14.txt
          29 kB
        3. 1bp-1pc-10.3.7.txt
          29 kB
        4. winpmp_10_2_14.txt
          317 kB
        5. winpmp_10_3_7.txt
          265 kB

        Issue Links


            You're right, we need to concentrate on original report. Which I couldn't reproduce locally, most probably due to some known issues with Samsung SSD being slow on heavy fsync.

            I will try to look into ramdisk performance more closely, with longer run and more concurrent connections (like 1000).

            svoj Sergey Vojtovich added a comment - You're right, we need to concentrate on original report. Which I couldn't reproduce locally, most probably due to some known issues with Samsung SSD being slow on heavy fsync. I will try to look into ramdisk performance more closely, with longer run and more concurrent connections (like 1000).

            I agree that we must address the I/O issue, but at the same time it could be worth looking for CPU regressions, that is, approach repeatable regressions from multiple angles. For what it is worth, I repeated some 180-second ramdisk benchmarks today:

            revision threads=40
            6c279ad6a71c63cb595fde7c951aadb31c3dbebc 130213.08tps
            6c279ad6a71c63cb595fde7c951aadb31c3dbebc (patch 1) 134518.90tps
            7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 104287.79tps
            7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 (patch 2) 112871.50tps
            7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 (patch 1m+2) 109021.72tps
            7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 (patch 1+2) 114488.47tps

            The baseline was 123927.89tps before the weekend, and now it is 130213.08tps, so there indeed is some turbulence in the figures even after I switched to always do a full rebuild.

            Patch 1 reverts some struct or class member variables from size_t to a narrower type, such as uint or uint32. A minimal version of the patch (1m) is below:

            diff --git a/sql/sql_cache.h b/sql/sql_cache.h
            index 0ed45a9ed81..ca2c3a59ee7 100644
            --- a/sql/sql_cache.h
            +++ b/sql/sql_cache.h
            @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class Query_cache
               size_t min_allocation_unit, min_result_data_size;
               uint def_query_hash_size, def_table_hash_size;
            -  size_t mem_bin_num, mem_bin_steps;		// See at init_cache & find_bin
            +  uint mem_bin_num, mem_bin_steps;		// See at init_cache & find_bin
               bool initialized;

            In my test resuls above, this minimal patch appeared to cause a slight performance regression, but I think that we can explain it by saying that it falls within the 5% or 10% of fluctuation.

            Patch 2 removes st_mem_root::name and the name parameter of init_alloc_root():

            diff --git a/include/my_alloc.h b/include/my_alloc.h
            index 3ba8a02fc48..c9879125d96 100644
            --- a/include/my_alloc.h
            +++ b/include/my_alloc.h
            @@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ typedef struct st_mem_root
               unsigned int first_block_usage;
               void (*error_handler)(void);
            +#ifndef DBUG_OFF
               const char *name;
             } MEM_ROOT;
             #ifdef  __cplusplus
            diff --git a/include/my_sys.h b/include/my_sys.h
            index 13ab7b12320..fb18cd92e8a 100644
            --- a/include/my_sys.h
            +++ b/include/my_sys.h
            @@ -888,9 +888,16 @@ extern void my_free_lock(void *ptr);
             #define alloc_root_inited(A) ((A)->min_malloc != 0)
             #define ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE (MALLOC_OVERHEAD + sizeof(USED_MEM) + 8)
             #define clear_alloc_root(A) do { (A)->free= (A)->used= (A)->pre_alloc= 0; (A)->min_malloc=0;} while(0)
            +#ifndef DBUG_OFF
             extern void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const char *name,
                                         size_t block_size, size_t pre_alloc_size,
                                         myf my_flags);
            +extern void init_alloc_Root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root,
            +                            size_t block_size, size_t pre_alloc_size,
            +                            myf my_flags);
            +# define init_alloc_root(m,n,b,p,f) init_alloc_Root(m,b,p,f)
             extern void *alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t Size);
             extern void *multi_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, ...);
             extern void free_root(MEM_ROOT *root, myf MyFLAGS);
            diff --git a/mysys/my_alloc.c b/mysys/my_alloc.c
            index 7139466be17..fddc9118312 100644
            --- a/mysys/my_alloc.c
            +++ b/mysys/my_alloc.c
            @@ -54,9 +54,15 @@
                 Because of this, we store in MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC as bit 1 in block_size
            +#ifndef DBUG_OFF
             void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const char *name, size_t block_size,
             		     size_t pre_alloc_size __attribute__((unused)),
                                  myf my_flags)
            +void init_alloc_Root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size,
            +		     size_t pre_alloc_size __attribute__((unused)),
            +                     myf my_flags)
               DBUG_PRINT("enter",("root: %p  name: %s  prealloc: %zu", mem_root,
            @@ -72,7 +78,9 @@ void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const char *name, size_t block_size,
               mem_root->block_num= 4;			/* We shift this with >>2 */
               mem_root->first_block_usage= 0;
               mem_root->total_alloc= 0;
            +#ifndef DBUG_OFF
               mem_root->name= name;
             #if !(defined(HAVE_valgrind) && defined(EXTRA_DEBUG))
               if (pre_alloc_size)

            I would suggest to include this patch in 10.3 in some form.

            With GCC 7.3.0 and the 3-minute CPU-bound ramdisk benchmark, we still appear to have a significant regression somewhere between 10.3.4 and 10.3.5. I will keep trying to trace it down while Svoj can concentrate on the originally reported regression.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - I agree that we must address the I/O issue, but at the same time it could be worth looking for CPU regressions, that is, approach repeatable regressions from multiple angles. For what it is worth, I repeated some 180-second ramdisk benchmarks today: revision threads=40 6c279ad6a71c63cb595fde7c951aadb31c3dbebc 130213.08tps 6c279ad6a71c63cb595fde7c951aadb31c3dbebc (patch 1) 134518.90tps 7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 104287.79tps 7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 (patch 2) 112871.50tps 7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 (patch 1m+2) 109021.72tps 7ad9b3588f53672b3d2d9f345ec9ab7335b50206 (patch 1+2) 114488.47tps The baseline was 123927.89tps before the weekend, and now it is 130213.08tps, so there indeed is some turbulence in the figures even after I switched to always do a full rebuild. Patch 1 reverts some struct  or class  member variables from size_t to a narrower type, such as uint  or uint32 . A minimal version of the patch (1m) is below: diff --git a/sql/sql_cache.h b/sql/sql_cache.h index 0ed45a9ed81..ca2c3a59ee7 100644 --- a/sql/sql_cache.h +++ b/sql/sql_cache.h @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class Query_cache size_t min_allocation_unit, min_result_data_size; uint def_query_hash_size, def_table_hash_size; - size_t mem_bin_num, mem_bin_steps; // See at init_cache & find_bin + uint mem_bin_num, mem_bin_steps; // See at init_cache & find_bin bool initialized; In my test resuls above, this minimal patch appeared to cause a slight performance regression, but I think that we can explain it by saying that it falls within the 5% or 10% of fluctuation. Patch 2 removes st_mem_root::name and the name  parameter of init_alloc_root() : diff --git a/include/my_alloc.h b/include/my_alloc.h index 3ba8a02fc48..c9879125d96 100644 --- a/include/my_alloc.h +++ b/include/my_alloc.h @@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ typedef struct st_mem_root unsigned int first_block_usage; void (*error_handler)(void); +#ifndef DBUG_OFF const char *name; +#endif } MEM_ROOT; #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/include/my_sys.h b/include/my_sys.h index 13ab7b12320..fb18cd92e8a 100644 --- a/include/my_sys.h +++ b/include/my_sys.h @@ -888,9 +888,16 @@ extern void my_free_lock(void *ptr); #define alloc_root_inited(A) ((A)->min_malloc != 0) #define ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE (MALLOC_OVERHEAD + sizeof(USED_MEM) + 8) #define clear_alloc_root(A) do { (A)->free= (A)->used= (A)->pre_alloc= 0; (A)->min_malloc=0;} while(0) +#ifndef DBUG_OFF extern void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const char *name, size_t block_size, size_t pre_alloc_size, myf my_flags); +#else +extern void init_alloc_Root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, + size_t block_size, size_t pre_alloc_size, + myf my_flags); +# define init_alloc_root(m,n,b,p,f) init_alloc_Root(m,b,p,f) +#endif extern void *alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t Size); extern void *multi_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, ...); extern void free_root(MEM_ROOT *root, myf MyFLAGS); diff --git a/mysys/my_alloc.c b/mysys/my_alloc.c index 7139466be17..fddc9118312 100644 --- a/mysys/my_alloc.c +++ b/mysys/my_alloc.c @@ -54,9 +54,15 @@ Because of this, we store in MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC as bit 1 in block_size */ +#ifndef DBUG_OFF void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const char *name, size_t block_size, size_t pre_alloc_size __attribute__((unused)), myf my_flags) +#else +void init_alloc_Root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size, + size_t pre_alloc_size __attribute__((unused)), + myf my_flags) +#endif { DBUG_ENTER("init_alloc_root"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("root: %p name: %s prealloc: %zu", mem_root, @@ -72,7 +78,9 @@ void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const char *name, size_t block_size, mem_root->block_num= 4; /* We shift this with >>2 */ mem_root->first_block_usage= 0; mem_root->total_alloc= 0; +#ifndef DBUG_OFF mem_root->name= name; +#endif #if !(defined(HAVE_valgrind) && defined(EXTRA_DEBUG)) if (pre_alloc_size) I would suggest to include this patch in 10.3 in some form. With GCC 7.3.0 and the 3-minute CPU-bound ramdisk benchmark, we still appear to have a significant regression somewhere between 10.3.4 and 10.3.5. I will keep trying to trace it down while Svoj can concentrate on the originally reported regression.

            I can still repeat the huge drop caused by commit 6c279ad6a71c63cb595fde7c951aadb31c3dbebc: dropping from 207119.69tps to 130029.74tps. I narrowed it down to the sql_class.h and sql_class.cc changes in that commit, but when I reverted that part of the patch in the latest 10.3, I did not see any improvement.

            In my benchmark, I would see contention in lock_sys.mutex and log_sys.mutex. The situation should be improved by MDEV-16232 and MDEV-14425.

            Also, at low concurrency, it seems that purge is wasting resources and creating unnecessary contention. Perhaps the amount of purge threads should be automatically scaled based on the amount of purgeable records?

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - I can still repeat the huge drop caused by commit 6c279ad6a71c63cb595fde7c951aadb31c3dbebc: dropping from 207119.69tps to 130029.74tps. I narrowed it down to the sql_class.h and sql_class.cc changes in that commit, but when I reverted that part of the patch in the latest 10.3, I did not see any improvement. In my benchmark, I would see contention in lock_sys.mutex and log_sys.mutex . The situation should be improved by MDEV-16232 and MDEV-14425 . Also, at low concurrency, it seems that purge is wasting resources and creating unnecessary contention. Perhaps the amount of purge threads should be automatically scaled based on the amount of purgeable records?

            A bad merge of MDEV-14705 to MariaDB 10.3.6 causes frequent calls to service_manager_extend_timeout() from all purge threads. These calls were supposed to only occur during a slow shutdown. This will be fixed in MDEV-17003.

            Given that the performance regression reported in this ticket was reported on Windows, where the systemd interface is not present, this probably does not explain much of the regression. Also, I probably did not have libsystemd-dev installed when compiling code for running benchmarks.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - A bad merge of MDEV-14705 to MariaDB 10.3.6 causes frequent calls to service_manager_extend_timeout() from all purge threads. These calls were supposed to only occur during a slow shutdown. This will be fixed in MDEV-17003 . Given that the performance regression reported in this ticket was reported on Windows, where the systemd interface is not present, this probably does not explain much of the regression. Also, I probably did not have libsystemd-dev installed when compiling code for running benchmarks.

            By now, we are all educated that MDEV-12288 caused that issue. It just came not really announced back then

            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - By now, we are all educated that MDEV-12288 caused that issue. It just came not really announced back then


              marko Marko Mäkelä
              wlad Vladislav Vaintroub
              1 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue



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