Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


Assignee T Key Summary P Status Updated Fix Version/s Components Development
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-29042

MDEV-19162 sql_mode ="oracle" does not support CREATE TYPE AS OBJECT/TABLE

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20817

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support PL/SQL Table Type

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20662

MDEV-19162 sql_mode=oracle does not support custom EXCEPTIONs

Major Closed N/A PL/SQL, Stored routines
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20660

MDEV-19162 sql_mode=oracle does not support TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ() function

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20659

MDEV-19162 sql_mode=oracle does not support SYSTIMESTAMP

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20658

MDEV-19162 sql_mode=oracle does not support XMLAGG(), XMLELEMENT() and EXTRACT() XML functions

Major Open   XML Functions
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20657

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support DATE/TIMESTAMP with TIMEZONE

Major Closed N/A Data Definition - Alter Table, Data Definition - Create Table, Data types
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20652

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE INTO" / "RETURNING"

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20651

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support "RAISE"

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20650

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support ancient outer join syntax (+)

Major Closed N/A PL/SQL
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20649

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support "RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR()"

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20238

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support "DEFAULT" parameters for functions/procedures

Major Closed N/A Stored routines
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20134

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support keyword "ENABLE"

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20039

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support Combined TRIGGERS events

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20037

MDEV-19162 FUNCTION returning a TYPE fails

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20036

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" A simple comment in the Code using “--” gives error

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20035

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" REGEXP_SUBSTR gives error "incorrect parameter count"

Major Open    
Alexander Barkov Technical task MDEV-20034

MDEV-19162 Add support for the pre-defined weak SYS_REFCURSOR

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20033

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support INSERT INTO ... RETURNING

Major Closed N/A Data Manipulation - Insert
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20032

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support TO_TIMESTAMP() function

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20031

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" should ignore the Oracle optimizer hints from the SQL automatically

Major Closed N/A  
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20030

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support FOR ALL ... BULK COLLECT

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20029

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support DBMS_XML package

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20028

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support automatic List / Interval Partitioning

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20027


Major Closed N/A Data Manipulation - Insert
Michael Widenius Technical task MDEV-20025

MDEV-19162 ADD_MONTHS() Oracle function

Major Closed 10.6.1 Server
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20024

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support LISTAGG() function

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20023

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support TRUNC() function

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20022

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support TO_NUMBER() function

Major Open    
Michael Widenius Technical task MDEV-20021

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support MINUS set operator

Major Closed 10.6.1 Server
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20020

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support "rownum" pseudo column

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20019

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support MERGE statement

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-20018

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support FULL OUTER JOIN

Major Open    
Michael Widenius Technical task MDEV-20017

MDEV-19162 Implement TO_CHAR() Oracle compatible function

Major Closed 10.6.1 Server
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19683

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support Oracle function TO_DATE

Major Open    
Michael Widenius Technical task MDEV-19682

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support sysdate

Major Closed 10.6.1 Server
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19635

MDEV-19162 System package SYS.DBMS_SQL

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19590

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" @@? @@ and @ include commands do not work

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19589

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" Rem does not work for comments

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19488

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" - add Oracle function NVL

Major Closed 10.3.0 Parser
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19476

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" errors on create procedure AS... ORDER/NOORDER

Minor Open   Parser, Sequences
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19149

MDEV-19162 System package SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT

Major Open    
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19148

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support xmltype data type

Major Open   Data types
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19147

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support "long raw" data type

Major Open   Data types, Parser
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-19146

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support nclob data type

Major Open   Data types, Parser
Alexander Barkov Technical task MDEV-19145

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support bfile data type

Major Stalled N/A Data types
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-18510

MDEV-19162 sql_mode="oracle" does not support COMMENT statements in PL/SQL

Major Open    
Oleksandr Byelkin Technical task MDEV-13817

MDEV-19162 add support for oracle's left join syntax - the ( + )

Critical In Progress 12.0  
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-12513

MDEV-19162 INTERVAL data type

Major Open   Data types, Temporal Types
Unassigned Technical task MDEV-10152

MDEV-19162 Add support for TYPE .. IS REF CURSOR

Major Open   Data types
