

      Reported initially on Node.js connector

      When using COALESCE on BIT fields, results type and value are wrong.

      • Using COALESCE on 2 bit field will be of type BIT, but value will be string encoded, so value 0x01 will be returned as 0x31 (=ascii '1')
      • Using COALESCE on 1 bit field and null will be of type NEWDECIMAL, with text value as well

      Here is how to reproduced :

      CREATE TABLE coalesce_test ( bit_a BIT);
      INSERT INTO coalesce_test (bit_a) VALUES (1);
      SELECT bit_a, COALESCE(bit_a, bit_a) AS bit_b, COALESCE(bit_a, null) AS bit_c FROM coalesce_test;

      Result will be :

      MariaDB [testn]> SELECT bit_a, COALESCE(bit_a, bit_a) AS bit_b, COALESCE(bit_a, null) AS bit_c FROM coalesce_test;
      Field   1:  `bit_a`
      Org_field:  `bit_a`
      Catalog:    `def`
      Database:   `testn`
      Table:      `coalesce_test`
      Org_table:  `coalesce_test`
      Type:       BIT
      Collation:  binary (63)
      Length:     1
      Max_length: 1
      Decimals:   0
      Flags:      UNSIGNED
      Field   2:  `bit_b`
      Org_field:  ``
      Catalog:    `def`
      Database:   ``
      Table:      ``
      Org_table:  ``
      Type:       BIT
      Collation:  binary (63)
      Length:     1
      Max_length: 1
      Decimals:   0
      Flags:      UNSIGNED BINARY
      Field   3:  `bit_c`
      Org_field:  ``
      Catalog:    `def`
      Database:   ``
      Table:      ``
      Org_table:  ``
      Type:       NEWDECIMAL
      Collation:  binary (63)
      Length:     2
      Max_length: 1
      Decimals:   0
      Flags:      BINARY NUM
      | bit_a | bit_b | bit_c |
      |      | 1     |     1 |
      1 row in set (0.000 sec)

      expected result would have been 0x01 for bit_b and bit_c. Data type for bit_c is expected to be of BIT type


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            The same problem is repeatable with the YEAR data type:

            CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (c1 YEAR);
            INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES (2001);
            CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t2 AS SELECT c1, COALESCE(c1, c1) AS c2, COALESCE(c1, null) AS c3 FROM t1;
            SHOW CREATE TABLE t2;

            | Table | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                    |
            | t2    | CREATE TABLE `t2` (
              `c1` year(4) DEFAULT NULL,
              `c2` year(4) DEFAULT NULL,
              `c3` decimal(4,0) DEFAULT NULL
            ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci |

            bar Alexander Barkov added a comment - The same problem is repeatable with the YEAR data type: CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (c1 YEAR ); INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES (2001); CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t2 AS SELECT c1, COALESCE (c1, c1) AS c2, COALESCE (c1, null ) AS c3 FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | t2 | CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `c1` year(4) DEFAULT NULL, `c2` year(4) DEFAULT NULL, `c3` decimal(4,0) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci | +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+


              bar Alexander Barkov
              diego dupin Diego Dupin
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue



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