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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-21130

Histograms: use JSON as on-disk format



      Currently, histograms are stored as array of 1-byte bucket bounds (SINGLE_PREC_HB) or or 2-byte bucket bounds (DOUBLE_PREC_HB).

      The table storing the histograms supports different histogram formats but limits them to 256 bytes (hist_size is tinyint).

      CREATE TABLE mysql.column_stats (
        min_value varbinary(255) DEFAULT NULL, 
        max_value varbinary(255) DEFAULT NULL, 
        hist_size tinyint unsigned, 
        hist_type enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB'), 
        histogram varbinary(255), 

      This prevents us from supporting other kinds of histograms.

      The first low-hanging fruit would be to store the histogram bucket bounds precisely (like MySQL and PostgreSQL do, for example).

      The idea of this MDEV is to switch to JSON as storage format for histograms.

      If we do that, it will:

      • Improve the histogram precision
      • Allow the DBAs to examine the histograms
      • Enable other histogram types to be collected/used.


      Let histogram_type have another possible value, tentative name "JSON"
      when that is set, let ANALYZE TABLE syntax collect a JSON "histogram"

        { "hello":"world"}

      that is, the following should work:

      set histogram_type='json';
      analyze table t1 persisent for all;
      select histogram from mysql.column_stats where table_name='t1' ;

      this should produce {"hello":"world"}.

      Milestone-2: produce JSON with histogram.

      - the exact format is not specified, for now, print the bucket endpoints and produce output like this:


      Milestone-2, part#2: make mysql.column_stats.histogram a blob.

      Milestone-3: Parse the JSON back into an array

      Figure out how to use the JSON parser.
      Parse the JSON data produced in Milestone-2 back. For now, just print the parsed values to stderr.
      (Additional input provided on Zulip re parsing valid/invalid JSON histograms)

      Milestone-4: Make the code support different kinds of Histograms

      Currently, there's only one type of histogram.

      smaller issue: histogram lookup functions assume the histogram stores fractions, not values.
      bigger issue: memory allocation for histograms is de-coupled from reading the histograms. See alloc_statistics_for_table, read_histograms_for_table.

      The histogram object lives in a data structure that is bzero'ed first and then filled later (IIRC there was a bug (fixed) where the optimizer attempted to use bzero'ed histogram)

      Can histograms be collected or loaded in parallel by several threads? This was an (unintentional?) possibility but then it was disabled (see TABLE_STATISTICS_CB object and its use)

      Step #0: Make Histogram a real class

      Here's the commit:

      Step 1: Separate classes for binary and JSON histograms

      Need to introduce

      class Histogram -- interface, no data members.
      class Histogram_binary : public Histogram
      class Histogram_json : public Histogram

      and a factory function

      Histogram *create_histogram(Histogram_type)

      for now, let Histogram_json::point_selectivity() and Histogram_json::range_selectivity() return 0.1 and 0.5, respectively.

      Step 2: Demonstrate saving/loading of histograms

      Now, the code already can:

      • collect a JSON histogram and save it.
      • when loading a histogram, figure from histogram_type column that this is JSON histogram being loaded, create Histogram_json and invoke the parse function.

      Parse function at the moment only prints to stderr.
      However, we should catch parse errors and make sure they are reported to the client.
      The test may look like this:

      INSERT INTO mysql.column_stats VALUES('test','t1','column1', .... '[invalid, json, data']);
      # this should print some descriptive test
      --error NNNN
      select * from test.t1;

      Milestone-5: Parse the JSON data into a structure that allows lookups.

      The structure is


      and it holds the data in KeyTupleFormat (See the comments for reasoning. There was a suggestion to use in_vector (This is what IN subqueries use) but it didn't work out)

      Milestone 5.1 (aka Milestone 44)

      Make a function to estimate selectivity using the data structure specified in previous milestone.

      Make range_selectivity() accept key_range parameters.

      (currently, they accept fractions, which is only suitable for binary histograms)
      This means Histogram_binary will need to have access to min_value and max_value to compute the fractions.


        Issue Links


            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - - edited

            elenst, documentation for testing:

            histogram_type variable is used to specify what kind of histogram is collected.

            After this patch, it can be set to a new value: JSON_HB.

            Then, EITS code will create JSON histograms. Old histogram types remain supported, the optimizer will use whatever histogram is available.

            The histograms are kept in mysql.column_stats, the columns of interest are:

            • hist_type (SINGLE_PREC_HB, DOUBLE_PREC_HB, now also JSON_HB)
            • histogram. for JSON_HB, this is a JSON document.

            the function DECODE_HISTOGRAM also "supports" JSON_HB by returning the histogram unmodified. That is, one can do this:

            select DECODE_HISTOGRAM(hist_type, histgram) from mysql.column_stats

            and get a readable representation of histogram for any kind of histogram.

            Things to test

            • Collection of histograms. ANALYZE ... PERSISTENT FOR... statements overlapping with other workload. Histogram memory management has changed significantly (This also affects old, binary histograms).
            • Use by the optimizer. You can look into the MTR tests and find examples like this:

            analyze select * from tbl where col1= const
            analyze select * from tbl where col1< const
            analyze select * from tbl where col1 between const1 and const2 

            There is only one column col1 which is not indexed. The interesting parts of the output are filtered (prediction from the histogram) and r_filtered (actual value).

            There will be differences in estimates with binary histograms. The estimates should be generally better. Rounding-error-level regressions are acceptable. An estimate that is significantly worse than one from the binary histogram warrants an investigation.

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - - edited elenst , documentation for testing: histogram_type variable is used to specify what kind of histogram is collected. After this patch, it can be set to a new value: JSON_HB. Then, EITS code will create JSON histograms. Old histogram types remain supported, the optimizer will use whatever histogram is available. The histograms are kept in mysql.column_stats, the columns of interest are: hist_type (SINGLE_PREC_HB, DOUBLE_PREC_HB, now also JSON_HB) histogram. for JSON_HB, this is a JSON document. the function DECODE_HISTOGRAM also "supports" JSON_HB by returning the histogram unmodified. That is, one can do this: select DECODE_HISTOGRAM(hist_type, histgram) from mysql.column_stats and get a readable representation of histogram for any kind of histogram. Things to test Collection of histograms. ANALYZE ... PERSISTENT FOR... statements overlapping with other workload. Histogram memory management has changed significantly (This also affects old, binary histograms). Use by the optimizer. You can look into the MTR tests and find examples like this: analyze select * from tbl where col1= const analyze select * from tbl where col1< const analyze select * from tbl where col1 between const1 and const2 There is only one column col1 which is not indexed. The interesting parts of the output are filtered (prediction from the histogram) and r_filtered (actual value). There will be differences in estimates with binary histograms. The estimates should be generally better. Rounding-error-level regressions are acceptable. An estimate that is significantly worse than one from the binary histogram warrants an investigation.

            The issue in MySQL that I was mentioning: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=104789

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - The issue in MySQL that I was mentioning: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=104789

            Pushed more cleanup patches to https://github.com/MariaDB/server/tree/bb-10.7-mdev21130 . Buildbot is clean.

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - Pushed more cleanup patches to https://github.com/MariaDB/server/tree/bb-10.7-mdev21130 . Buildbot is clean.
            greenman Ian Gilfillan added a comment -

            Descriptions in the server for system variables need updating as well, for example histogram_type still states "Specifies type of the histograms created by ANALYZE. Possible values are: SINGLE_PREC_HB - single precision height-balanced, DOUBLE_PREC_HB - double precision height-balanced." even though JSON_HB is valid as well.

            greenman Ian Gilfillan added a comment - Descriptions in the server for system variables need updating as well, for example histogram_type still states "Specifies type of the histograms created by ANALYZE. Possible values are: SINGLE_PREC_HB - single precision height-balanced, DOUBLE_PREC_HB - double precision height-balanced." even though JSON_HB is valid as well.

            Pushed into 10.8. JSON_HB histograms are not enabled by default.

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - Pushed into 10.8. JSON_HB histograms are not enabled by default.


              psergei Sergei Petrunia
              psergei Sergei Petrunia
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