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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-26519

JSON Histograms: improve histogram collection



      The histograms as defined in MDEV-21130 follow the approach used by SINGLE_PREC_HB/DOUBLE_PREC_HB histograms and put the bucket bound exactly after
      a certain fraction of rows.

      1. Popular values should have their own buckets

      For example, consider a table with these values (each character is one row):

        |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
        0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8

      A histogram with 8 buckets will have these buckets:

      1. a-a
      2. a-a
      3. a-a
      3. a-a
      5. a-b
      6. b-f
      7. f-i
      8. i-q

      The estimation function will be able to see that 'a' is a popular value, it will determine its frequency with bucket_size precision.

      However, a better approach would be to put all 'a' values in one bucket:

        |                           |  |  |  |  |  |  | |
        0                           1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8

      This will give a more precise number for table 'a'.
      It will also provide more buckets for other values.

      Other databases

      • MySQL does something like this.
      • PostgreSQL collects MCVs (Most Common Values) and removes them from consideration before building the histogram.

      2. Store the number of distinct values in each bucket

      Again, following MySQL here: store number of distinct values in each bucket.

      For strings, store only prefix

      Store only a 40-character prefix.


        Issue Links


            greenman Ian Gilfillan added a comment -

            For anyone wanting to preview the feature, see https://mariadb.org/10-7-preview-feature-json-histograms/

            greenman Ian Gilfillan added a comment - For anyone wanting to preview the feature, see https://mariadb.org/10-7-preview-feature-json-histograms/

            The 10.8 branch to test is preview-10.8-MDEV-26519-json-histograms

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - The 10.8 branch to test is preview-10.8- MDEV-26519 -json-histograms
            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - - edited

            Here are the acceptance criteria I am planning to apply to this preview (minor modifications are possible):

            1) At least 100x5min test runs for estimation precision checks should pass
            Note: This criterion is made-up to replace the absent requirements. Constants below were chosen in an arbitrary fashion and can be adjusted if there is a demand and interested parties agree.
            Note: "Special case" or "corner case" exceptions will be accepted, but only if they are officially documented in a form understandable to end users.
            The test is performed on a non-debug build as follows:

            • two servers with mildly randomized identical configurations are run using the same binaries from the preview branch, test server running with JSON_HB and the baseline with DOUBLE_PREC_HB, histogram_size default;
            • the servers execute randomized single-table ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT statements on randomized table structures and data, with table size mostly ranging from 20 to 5000 rows;
            • only queries with rows value >= 20 are looked at;
            • only queries for which on the baseline server the precision of filtered estimation is within 5% are looked at;
            • an error is returned if the precision of filtered estimation on the test server is more than 20% off.

            2) At least 100x5min test runs for histogram health checks and basic server stability should show no feature-specific problems or regressions comparing to vanilla 10.8.
            The stress test is performed on a debug ASAN build with heavily randomized configurations as follows:

            • the standard generic regression test combinations (random DML+DDL) are used, with the addition of histogram_type=JSON_HB and frequent ANALYZE TABLE .. PERSISTENT FOR ALL;
            • periodically mysql.column_stats.histogram for existing JSON histograms is checked so that
              • JSON_VALID is true,
              • actual histogram size is less or equal than histogram_size value,
              • the total size of all buckets sums up to 1.

            3) MTR test runs (subject to general skip lists) on an MSAN/ASAN/UBSAN debug builds, big+nm and big+ps, with --mysqld=--histogram-type=JSON_HB, may only return legacy failures and understandable mismatch/test failures caused by the non-default option.

            4) MTR test runs (subject to general skip lists) on an MSAN/ASAN/UBSAN debug builds, big+nm and big+ps, may only return legacy failures.

            Legend: as above

            Test Status Updated Last tested commit Notes
            Estimation precision 2022-01-16 348d3788 A few failures similar to those already ruled out as unrelated issues
            Health/stability 2022-01-16 348d3788 18% tests failed on unrelated reasons
            ASAN/MSAN/UBSAN big/nm+ps MTR 2022-01-16 746fc9e5 a few unrelated sporadic failures
            ASAN/MSAN/UBSAN big/nm+ps MTR with JSON_HB 2022-01-16 746fc9e5 a few unrelated sporadic failures
            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - - edited Here are the acceptance criteria I am planning to apply to this preview (minor modifications are possible): 1) At least 100x5min test runs for estimation precision checks should pass Note: This criterion is made-up to replace the absent requirements. Constants below were chosen in an arbitrary fashion and can be adjusted if there is a demand and interested parties agree. Note: "Special case" or "corner case" exceptions will be accepted, but only if they are officially documented in a form understandable to end users. The test is performed on a non-debug build as follows: two servers with mildly randomized identical configurations are run using the same binaries from the preview branch, test server running with JSON_HB and the baseline with DOUBLE_PREC_HB, histogram_size default; the servers execute randomized single-table ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT statements on randomized table structures and data, with table size mostly ranging from 20 to 5000 rows; only queries with rows value >= 20 are looked at; only queries for which on the baseline server the precision of filtered estimation is within 5% are looked at; an error is returned if the precision of filtered estimation on the test server is more than 20% off. 2) At least 100x5min test runs for histogram health checks and basic server stability should show no feature-specific problems or regressions comparing to vanilla 10.8. The stress test is performed on a debug ASAN build with heavily randomized configurations as follows: the standard generic regression test combinations (random DML+DDL) are used, with the addition of histogram_type=JSON_HB and frequent ANALYZE TABLE .. PERSISTENT FOR ALL; periodically mysql.column_stats.histogram for existing JSON histograms is checked so that JSON_VALID is true, actual histogram size is less or equal than histogram_size value, the total size of all buckets sums up to 1. 3) MTR test runs (subject to general skip lists) on an MSAN/ASAN/UBSAN debug builds, big+nm and big+ps, with --mysqld=--histogram-type=JSON_HB , may only return legacy failures and understandable mismatch/test failures caused by the non-default option. 4) MTR test runs (subject to general skip lists) on an MSAN/ASAN/UBSAN debug builds, big+nm and big+ps, may only return legacy failures. Legend: as above Test Status Updated Last tested commit Notes Estimation precision 2022-01-16 348d3788 A few failures similar to those already ruled out as unrelated issues Health/stability 2022-01-16 348d3788 18% tests failed on unrelated reasons ASAN/MSAN/UBSAN big/nm+ps MTR 2022-01-16 746fc9e5 a few unrelated sporadic failures ASAN/MSAN/UBSAN big/nm+ps MTR with JSON_HB 2022-01-16 746fc9e5 a few unrelated sporadic failures

            I think preview-10.8-MDEV-26519-json-histograms as of commit 746fc9e5 can be pushed into 10.8 main and released with 10.8.1.

            The difference between 746fc9e5 and 348d3788 is in test files only, so tests performed on 348d3788 do not need to be re-run.

            Please note that testing of the feature was limited to its technical functionality (histogram precision) and absence of functional/stability regression. Due to the specifics of the feature, it doesn't reflect end user experience – users don't use histograms directly and their precision as such doesn't concern them, what's important is the final performance of query execution, and it wasn't a part of the feature testing as it was ruled out at early stages as irrelevant to the task scope. It is reasonable for the feature itself (MDEV-21130/MDEV-26519), but for enabling it by default (MDEV-27062) I would recommend some comparative performance testing, at least with widely-recognized workloads, possibly with the table structures tuned to extend histogram usage.

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - I think preview-10.8- MDEV-26519 -json-histograms as of commit 746fc9e5 can be pushed into 10.8 main and released with 10.8.1. The difference between 746fc9e5 and 348d3788 is in test files only, so tests performed on 348d3788 do not need to be re-run. Please note that testing of the feature was limited to its technical functionality (histogram precision) and absence of functional/stability regression. Due to the specifics of the feature, it doesn't reflect end user experience – users don't use histograms directly and their precision as such doesn't concern them, what's important is the final performance of query execution, and it wasn't a part of the feature testing as it was ruled out at early stages as irrelevant to the task scope. It is reasonable for the feature itself ( MDEV-21130 / MDEV-26519 ), but for enabling it by default ( MDEV-27062 ) I would recommend some comparative performance testing, at least with widely-recognized workloads, possibly with the table structures tuned to extend histogram usage.
            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - - edited

            Pushed into 10.8. JSON_HB histograms are NOT enabled by default.

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - - edited Pushed into 10.8. JSON_HB histograms are NOT enabled by default.


              psergei Sergei Petrunia
              psergei Sergei Petrunia
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              6 Start watching this issue



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