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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-19292

"Row size too large" error when creating table with lots columns when row format is DYNAMIC or COMPRESSED



      If a table's row format is DYNAMIC or COMPRESSED and if the table's row can be too big to fit entirely on a clustered index page, then I believe that InnoDB is supposed to store variable-length columns (such as columns using VARCHAR, VARBINARY, and BLOB and TEXT types) in overflow pages. Then the clustered index only contains a 20 byte pointer to the overflow page.



      However, this does not seem to work properly if you set innodb_strict_mode to ON, and if you try to create a table with a large number of small varchar columns.

      For example, if you create a table that has varchar(40) columns, and if the table uses the utf8 character set, then each column requires the following storage:

      40 characters/VARCHAR * 3 bytes/character (for utf8) + 1 byte/VARCHAR (for length)
      = 121 bytes/VARCHAR

      If we create a table with 198 of these columns, then the row size is:

      198 VARCHARs * 121 bytes/VARCHAR
      = 23,958 bytes

      This is too large to fit in the 8126 bytes that InnoDB allocates for a row with the default innodb_page_size. However, with the DYNAMIC or COMPRESSED row formats, InnoDB should store values on overflow pages, and the clustered index should only contain a 20 byte pointer to the overflow page.

      If only the primary key column is stored in the clustered index, and the rest are stored on overflow pages, then that should make the row size:

      121 bytes/PK + (197 pointers * 20 byte/pointer)
      = 121 bytes/PK + 3940 bytes/pointers
      = 4061 bytes

      This is less than the 8126 bytes that InnoDB allocates for a row with the default innodb_page_size. However, if innodb_strict_mode is ON, then InnoDB throws a "Row size too large" error if you try to create a table like this. to reproduce, run the following:

      SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=ON;
      CREATE TABLE tab (
         col1 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col2 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col3 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col4 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col5 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col6 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col7 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col8 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col9 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col10 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col11 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col12 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col13 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col14 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col15 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col16 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col17 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col18 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col19 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col20 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col21 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col22 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col23 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col24 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col25 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col26 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col27 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col28 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col29 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col30 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col31 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col32 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col33 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col34 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col35 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col36 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col37 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col38 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col39 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col40 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col41 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col42 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col43 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col44 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col45 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col46 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col47 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col48 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col49 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col50 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col51 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col52 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col53 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col54 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col55 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col56 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col57 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col58 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col59 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col60 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col61 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col62 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col63 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col64 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col65 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col66 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col67 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col68 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col69 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col70 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col71 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col72 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col73 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col74 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col75 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col76 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col77 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col78 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col79 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col80 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col81 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col82 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col83 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col84 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col85 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col86 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col87 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col88 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col89 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col90 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col91 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col92 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col93 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col94 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col95 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col96 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col97 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col98 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col99 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col100 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col101 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col102 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col103 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col104 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col105 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col106 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col107 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col108 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col109 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col110 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col111 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col112 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col113 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col114 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col115 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col116 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col117 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col118 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col119 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col120 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col121 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col122 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col123 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col124 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col125 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col126 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col127 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col128 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col129 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col130 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col131 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col132 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col133 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col134 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col135 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col136 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col137 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col138 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col139 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col140 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col141 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col142 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col143 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col144 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col145 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col146 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col147 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col148 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col149 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col150 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col151 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col152 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col153 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col154 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col155 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col156 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col157 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col158 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col159 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col160 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col161 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col162 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col163 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col164 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col165 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col166 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col167 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col168 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col169 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col170 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col171 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col172 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col173 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col174 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col175 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col176 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col177 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col178 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col179 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col180 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col181 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col182 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col183 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col184 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col185 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col186 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col187 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col188 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col189 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col190 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col191 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col192 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col193 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col194 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col195 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col196 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col197 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col198 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (col1)

      You'll see this error:

      ERROR 1118 (42000): Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.

      If there are only 197 columns instead of 198, then there is no error with DYNAMIC, but the error is still present with COMPRESSED.

      If there are only 187 columns instead of 198, then there is also no error with COMPRESSED.

      If you convert the 197 non-PK varchar(40) columns to TEXT, then you *still* get the error:

      SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=ON;
      CREATE TABLE tab (
         col1 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col2 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col3 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col4 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col5 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col6 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col7 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col8 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col9 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col10 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col11 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col12 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col13 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col14 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col15 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col16 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col17 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col18 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col19 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col20 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col21 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col22 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col23 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col24 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col25 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col26 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col27 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col28 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col29 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col30 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col31 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col32 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col33 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col34 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col35 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col36 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col37 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col38 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col39 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col40 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col41 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col42 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col43 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col44 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col45 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col46 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col47 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col48 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col49 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col50 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col51 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col52 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col53 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col54 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col55 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col56 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col57 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col58 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col59 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col60 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col61 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col62 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col63 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col64 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col65 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col66 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col67 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col68 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col69 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col70 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col71 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col72 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col73 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col74 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col75 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col76 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col77 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col78 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col79 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col80 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col81 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col82 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col83 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col84 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col85 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col86 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col87 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col88 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col89 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col90 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col91 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col92 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col93 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col94 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col95 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col96 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col97 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col98 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col99 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col100 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col101 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col102 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col103 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col104 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col105 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col106 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col107 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col108 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col109 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col110 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col111 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col112 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col113 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col114 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col115 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col116 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col117 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col118 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col119 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col120 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col121 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col122 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col123 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col124 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col125 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col126 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col127 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col128 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col129 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col130 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col131 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col132 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col133 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col134 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col135 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col136 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col137 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col138 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col139 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col140 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col141 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col142 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col143 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col144 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col145 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col146 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col147 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col148 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col149 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col150 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col151 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col152 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col153 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col154 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col155 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col156 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col157 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col158 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col159 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col160 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col161 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col162 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col163 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col164 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col165 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col166 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col167 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col168 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col169 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col170 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col171 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col172 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col173 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col174 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col175 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col176 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col177 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col178 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col179 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col180 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col181 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col182 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col183 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col184 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col185 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col186 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col187 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col188 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col189 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col190 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col191 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col192 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col193 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col194 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col195 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col196 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col197 TEXT NOT NULL,
         col198 TEXT NOT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (col1)

      And if you do the same with BLOB, instead of TEXT, then you *still* get the error:

      SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=ON;
      CREATE TABLE tab (
         col1 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
         col2 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col3 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col4 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col5 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col6 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col7 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col8 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col9 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col10 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col11 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col12 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col13 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col14 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col15 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col16 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col17 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col18 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col19 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col20 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col21 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col22 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col23 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col24 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col25 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col26 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col27 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col28 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col29 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col30 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col31 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col32 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col33 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col34 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col35 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col36 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col37 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col38 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col39 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col40 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col41 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col42 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col43 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col44 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col45 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col46 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col47 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col48 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col49 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col50 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col51 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col52 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col53 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col54 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col55 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col56 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col57 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col58 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col59 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col60 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col61 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col62 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col63 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col64 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col65 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col66 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col67 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col68 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col69 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col70 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col71 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col72 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col73 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col74 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col75 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col76 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col77 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col78 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col79 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col80 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col81 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col82 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col83 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col84 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col85 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col86 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col87 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col88 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col89 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col90 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col91 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col92 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col93 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col94 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col95 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col96 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col97 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col98 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col99 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col100 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col101 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col102 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col103 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col104 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col105 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col106 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col107 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col108 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col109 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col110 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col111 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col112 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col113 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col114 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col115 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col116 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col117 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col118 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col119 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col120 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col121 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col122 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col123 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col124 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col125 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col126 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col127 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col128 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col129 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col130 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col131 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col132 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col133 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col134 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col135 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col136 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col137 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col138 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col139 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col140 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col141 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col142 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col143 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col144 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col145 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col146 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col147 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col148 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col149 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col150 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col151 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col152 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col153 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col154 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col155 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col156 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col157 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col158 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col159 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col160 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col161 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col162 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col163 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col164 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col165 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col166 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col167 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col168 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col169 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col170 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col171 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col172 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col173 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col174 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col175 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col176 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col177 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col178 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col179 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col180 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col181 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col182 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col183 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col184 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col185 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col186 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col187 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col188 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col189 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col190 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col191 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col192 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col193 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col194 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col195 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col196 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col197 BLOB NOT NULL,
         col198 BLOB NOT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (col1)

      All of these cases are also reproducible with MySQL 5.7.


        Issue Links


            Hi Lachman,

            I understand the change for newly created tables - they cannot be created like they were in versions prior to 10.3.17. But what about existing tables which were created on previous version - for example 10.3.15 - and then the server was upgraded to 10.3.17.?
            Are they functional?

            Yes, existing tables will still be functional after upgrading. However, if any existing tables are giving "row size too large" errors or warnings, then there may be edge cases where INSERT or UPDATE operations will fail with "row size too large" errors. If you want to prevent that, then you should try to fix the tables. Information on how to fix them can be found here:


            I am asking namely because I see a lot of errors like this:

            2019-09-25 20:03:40 10 [Warning] InnoDB: Cannot add field `location` in table `zabbix`.`host_inventory` because after adding it, the row size is 8772 which is greater than maximum allowed size (8126) for a record on index leaf page.

            At this time there was no attempt to create table it was logged at the time of mariadb restart. So this is old existing table.

            This specific warning is only supposed to be logged during DDL. However, it is incorrectly being logged in other cases as well. I believe that kevg plans to fix that as part of the fix for MDEV-20194.

            Must all these old tables be recreated?
            Or is is safe to leave it as it is?
            Or is it safe to permanently use innodb_strict_mode=OFF? Are will this be problem in the near future?

            I would not recommend leaving the tables as-is and just setting innodb_strict_mode=OFF. If you are seeing "row size too large" errors or warnings, then that means that there may be edge cases where INSERT or UPDATE operations will fail with "row size too large" errors. The safer option would be to fix the tables.

            I am asking this because another problem on some hosting servers where are many client's databases with incompatible tables and we cannot change them. Only customers can change them but as you can imagine, hosting customers will never do.

            I can see the problem. If you detect any issues with a customer's tables, then you may just want to let them know about the problem. You could also refer them to the following documentation pages/sections:



            GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive) added a comment - Hi Lachman , I understand the change for newly created tables - they cannot be created like they were in versions prior to 10.3.17. But what about existing tables which were created on previous version - for example 10.3.15 - and then the server was upgraded to 10.3.17.? Are they functional? Yes, existing tables will still be functional after upgrading. However, if any existing tables are giving "row size too large" errors or warnings, then there may be edge cases where INSERT or UPDATE operations will fail with "row size too large" errors. If you want to prevent that, then you should try to fix the tables. Information on how to fix them can be found here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/troubleshooting-row-size-too-large-errors-with-innodb/#solving-the-problem I am asking namely because I see a lot of errors like this: 2019-09-25 20:03:40 10 [Warning] InnoDB: Cannot add field `location` in table `zabbix`.`host_inventory` because after adding it, the row size is 8772 which is greater than maximum allowed size (8126) for a record on index leaf page. At this time there was no attempt to create table it was logged at the time of mariadb restart. So this is old existing table. This specific warning is only supposed to be logged during DDL. However, it is incorrectly being logged in other cases as well. I believe that kevg plans to fix that as part of the fix for MDEV-20194 . Must all these old tables be recreated? Or is is safe to leave it as it is? Or is it safe to permanently use innodb_strict_mode=OFF? Are will this be problem in the near future? I would not recommend leaving the tables as-is and just setting innodb_strict_mode=OFF . If you are seeing "row size too large" errors or warnings, then that means that there may be edge cases where INSERT or UPDATE operations will fail with "row size too large" errors. The safer option would be to fix the tables. I am asking this because another problem on some hosting servers where are many client's databases with incompatible tables and we cannot change them. Only customers can change them but as you can imagine, hosting customers will never do. I can see the problem. If you detect any issues with a customer's tables, then you may just want to let them know about the problem. You could also refer them to the following documentation pages/sections: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/innodb-row-formats-overview/#upgrading-causes-row-size-too-large-errors https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/troubleshooting-row-size-too-large-errors-with-innodb/

            I understand the change for newly created tables - they cannot be created like they were in versions prior to 10.3.17. But what about existing tables which were created on previous version - for example 10.3.15 - and then the server was upgraded to 10.3.17.?
            Are they functional?
            Will they be in future versions?

            I am asking namely because I see a lot of errors like this:

            2019-09-25 20:03:40 10 [Warning] InnoDB: Cannot add field `location` in table `zabbix`.`host_inventory` because after adding it, the row size is 8772 which is greater than maximum allowed size (8126) for a record on index leaf page.

            At this time there was no attempt to create table it was logged at the time of mariadb restart. So this is old existing table.

            Must all these old tables be recreated?
            Or is is safe to leave it as it is?

            Or is it safe to permanently use innodb_strict_mode=OFF? Are will this be problem in the near future? I am asking this because another problem on some hosting servers where are many client's databases with incompatible tables and we cannot change them. Only customers can change them but as you can imagine, hosting customers will never do.

            Lachman Miroslav Lachman added a comment - I understand the change for newly created tables - they cannot be created like they were in versions prior to 10.3.17. But what about existing tables which were created on previous version - for example 10.3.15 - and then the server was upgraded to 10.3.17.? Are they functional? Will they be in future versions? I am asking namely because I see a lot of errors like this: 2019-09-25 20:03:40 10 [Warning] InnoDB: Cannot add field `location` in table `zabbix`.`host_inventory` because after adding it, the row size is 8772 which is greater than maximum allowed size (8126) for a record on index leaf page. At this time there was no attempt to create table it was logged at the time of mariadb restart . So this is old existing table. Must all these old tables be recreated? Or is is safe to leave it as it is? Or is it safe to permanently use innodb_strict_mode=OFF ? Are will this be problem in the near future? I am asking this because another problem on some hosting servers where are many client's databases with incompatible tables and we cannot change them. Only customers can change them but as you can imagine, hosting customers will never do.
            GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive) added a comment - - edited

            We have added some documentation about side effects that this bug fix can have, and how to work around those side effects:


            GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive) added a comment - - edited We have added some documentation about side effects that this bug fix can have, and how to work around those side effects: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/innodb-row-formats-overview/#upgrading-causes-row-size-too-large-errors
            GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive) added a comment - - edited


            I see that this is the relevant table schema:

            CREATE TABLE `host_inventory` (
            	`hostid`                 bigint unsigned                           NOT NULL,
            	`inventory_mode`         integer         DEFAULT '0'               NOT NULL,
            	`type`                   varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`type_full`              varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`name`                   varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`alias`                  varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os`                     varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os_full`                varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os_short`               varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`serialno_a`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`serialno_b`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`tag`                    varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`asset_tag`              varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`macaddress_a`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`macaddress_b`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hardware`               varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hardware_full`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`software`               varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_full`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_a`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_b`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_c`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_d`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_e`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`contact`                text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`location`               text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`location_lat`           varchar(16)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`location_lon`           varchar(16)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`notes`                  text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`chassis`                varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`model`                  varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hw_arch`                varchar(32)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`vendor`                 varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`contract_number`        varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`installer_name`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`deployment_status`      varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_a`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_b`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_c`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`host_networks`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`host_netmask`           varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`host_router`            varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_ip`                 varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_netmask`            varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_router`             varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_purchase`       varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_install`        varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_expiry`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_decomm`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_a`         varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_b`         varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_c`         varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_city`              varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_state`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_country`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_zip`               varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_rack`              varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_notes`             text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_name`             varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_email`            varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_phone_a`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_phone_b`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_cell`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_screen`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_notes`            text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_name`             varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_email`            varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_phone_a`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_phone_b`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_cell`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_screen`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_notes`            text                                      NOT NULL,
            	PRIMARY KEY (hostid)
            ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

            The problem here is that InnoDB has a maximum row size in MariaDB and MySQL that is roughly equivalent to half of innodb_page_size. InnoDB's row formats work around this problem by storing certain kinds of variable-length columns on overflow pages. However, different row formats can store different types of data on overflow pages. The DYNAMIC row format is the default row format in MariaDB 10.2 and later. For varchar columns, this row format can only store them on overflow pages if they are 256 bytes or longer:

            All InnoDB row formats can store certain kinds of data in overflow pages. This allows for the maximum row size of an InnoDB table to be larger than the maximum amount of data that can be stored in the row's main data page. See Maximum Row Size for more information about the other factors that can contribute to the maximum row size for InnoDB tables.

            In the DYNAMIC row format variable-length columns, such as columns using the VARBINARY, VARCHAR, BLOB and TEXT data types, can be completely stored in overflow pages.

            InnoDB only considers using overflow pages if the table's row size is greater than half of innodb_page_size. If the row size is greater than this, then InnoDB chooses variable-length columns to be stored on overflow pages until the row size is less than half of innodb_page_size.

            For BLOB and TEXT columns, only values longer than 40 bytes are considered for storage on overflow pages. For VARBINARY and VARCHAR columns, only values longer than 255 bytes are considered for storage on overflow pages. Bytes that are stored to track a value's length do not count towards these limits. These limits are only based on the length of the actual column's data.

            These limits differ from the limits for the COMPACT row format, where the limit is 767 bytes for all types.

            Fixed-length columns greater than 767 bytes are encoded as variable-length columns, so they can also be stored in overflow pages if the table's row size is greater than half of innodb_page_size. Even though a column using the CHAR data type can hold at most 255 characters, a CHAR column can still exceed 767 bytes in some cases. For example, a char(255) column can exceed 767 bytes if the character set is utf8mb4.

            If a column is chosen to be stored on overflow pages, then the entire value of the column is stored on overflow pages, and only a 20-byte pointer to the column's first overflow page is stored on the main page. Each overflow page is the size of innodb_page_size. If a column is too large to be stored on a single overflow page, then it is stored on multiple overflow pages. Each overflow page contains part of the data and a 20-byte pointer to the next overflow page, if a next page exists.

            This behavior differs from the behavior of the COMPACT row format, which always stores the column prefix on the main page. This allows tables using the DYNAMIC row format to contain a high number of columns using the VARBINARY, VARCHAR, BLOB and TEXT data types.


            Prior to MariaDB 10.2.26, 10.3.17, and 10.4.7, MariaDB didn't properly calculate the row sizes while executing DDL, so "unsafe" tables could be created, even with innodb_strict_mode=ON set. This was fixed by MDEV-19292. As a side effect, tables that could be created in previous versions may get rejected after the latest releases.

            You have two options here:

            1.) Disable InnoDB strict mode. i.e. this succeeds in MariaDB 10.2.26:

            SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=OFF;
            CREATE TABLE `host_inventory` (
            	`hostid`                 bigint unsigned                           NOT NULL,
            	`inventory_mode`         integer         DEFAULT '0'               NOT NULL,
            	`type`                   varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`type_full`              varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`name`                   varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`alias`                  varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os`                     varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os_full`                varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os_short`               varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`serialno_a`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`serialno_b`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`tag`                    varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`asset_tag`              varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`macaddress_a`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`macaddress_b`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hardware`               varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hardware_full`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`software`               varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_full`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_a`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_b`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_c`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_d`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_e`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`contact`                text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`location`               text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`location_lat`           varchar(16)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`location_lon`           varchar(16)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`notes`                  text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`chassis`                varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`model`                  varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hw_arch`                varchar(32)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`vendor`                 varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`contract_number`        varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`installer_name`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`deployment_status`      varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_a`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_b`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_c`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`host_networks`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`host_netmask`           varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`host_router`            varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_ip`                 varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_netmask`            varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_router`             varchar(39)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_purchase`       varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_install`        varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_expiry`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_decomm`         varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_a`         varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_b`         varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_c`         varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_city`              varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_state`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_country`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_zip`               varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_rack`              varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_notes`             text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_name`             varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_email`            varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_phone_a`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_phone_b`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_cell`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_screen`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_notes`            text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_name`             varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_email`            varchar(128)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_phone_a`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_phone_b`          varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_cell`             varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_screen`           varchar(64)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_notes`            text                                      NOT NULL,
            	PRIMARY KEY (hostid)

            2.) Keep InnoDB strict mode enabled, but change some of those varchar(N) columns to varchar(N >= 256 bytes). If the table's default character set is utf8mb4, then that means that N would have to be 64 or more. i.e. this also succeeds in MariaDB 10.2.26:

            SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=ON;
            CREATE TABLE `host_inventory` (
            	`hostid`                 bigint unsigned                           NOT NULL,
            	`inventory_mode`         integer         DEFAULT '0'               NOT NULL,
            	`type`                   varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`type_full`              varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`name`                   varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`alias`                  varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os`                     varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os_full`                varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`os_short`               varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`serialno_a`             varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`serialno_b`             varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`tag`                    varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`asset_tag`              varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`macaddress_a`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`macaddress_b`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hardware`               varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hardware_full`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`software`               varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_full`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_a`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_b`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_c`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_d`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`software_app_e`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`contact`                text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`location`               text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`location_lat`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`location_lon`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`notes`                  text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`chassis`                varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`model`                  varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`hw_arch`                varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`vendor`                 varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`contract_number`        varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`installer_name`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`deployment_status`      varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_a`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_b`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`url_c`                  varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`host_networks`          text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`host_netmask`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`host_router`            varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_ip`                 varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_netmask`            varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`oob_router`             varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_purchase`       varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_install`        varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_expiry`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`date_hw_decomm`         varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_a`         varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_b`         varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_address_c`         varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_city`              varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_state`             varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_country`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_zip`               varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_rack`              varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`site_notes`             text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_name`             varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_email`            varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_phone_a`          varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_phone_b`          varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_cell`             varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_screen`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_1_notes`            text                                      NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_name`             varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_email`            varchar(255)    DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_phone_a`          varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_phone_b`          varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_cell`             varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_screen`           varchar(255)     DEFAULT ''                NOT NULL,
            	`poc_2_notes`            text                                      NOT NULL,
            	PRIMARY KEY (hostid)

            GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive) added a comment - - edited logan , I see that this is the relevant table schema: CREATE TABLE `host_inventory` ( `hostid` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `inventory_mode` integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, `type` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `type_full` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `name` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `alias` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os_full` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os_short` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `serialno_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `serialno_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `tag` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `asset_tag` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `macaddress_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `macaddress_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hardware` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hardware_full` text NOT NULL, `software` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_full` text NOT NULL, `software_app_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_c` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_d` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_e` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `contact` text NOT NULL, `location` text NOT NULL, `location_lat` varchar(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `location_lon` varchar(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `notes` text NOT NULL, `chassis` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `model` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hw_arch` varchar(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `vendor` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `contract_number` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `installer_name` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `deployment_status` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_c` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `host_networks` text NOT NULL, `host_netmask` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `host_router` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_ip` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_netmask` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_router` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_purchase` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_install` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_expiry` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_decomm` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_a` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_b` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_c` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_city` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_state` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_country` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_zip` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_rack` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_notes` text NOT NULL, `poc_1_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_email` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_phone_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_phone_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_cell` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_screen` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_notes` text NOT NULL, `poc_2_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_email` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_phone_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_phone_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_cell` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_screen` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_notes` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hostid) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; The problem here is that InnoDB has a maximum row size in MariaDB and MySQL that is roughly equivalent to half of innodb_page_size. InnoDB's row formats work around this problem by storing certain kinds of variable-length columns on overflow pages. However, different row formats can store different types of data on overflow pages. The DYNAMIC row format is the default row format in MariaDB 10.2 and later. For varchar columns, this row format can only store them on overflow pages if they are 256 bytes or longer: All InnoDB row formats can store certain kinds of data in overflow pages. This allows for the maximum row size of an InnoDB table to be larger than the maximum amount of data that can be stored in the row's main data page. See Maximum Row Size for more information about the other factors that can contribute to the maximum row size for InnoDB tables. In the DYNAMIC row format variable-length columns, such as columns using the VARBINARY, VARCHAR, BLOB and TEXT data types, can be completely stored in overflow pages. InnoDB only considers using overflow pages if the table's row size is greater than half of innodb_page_size. If the row size is greater than this, then InnoDB chooses variable-length columns to be stored on overflow pages until the row size is less than half of innodb_page_size. For BLOB and TEXT columns, only values longer than 40 bytes are considered for storage on overflow pages. For VARBINARY and VARCHAR columns, only values longer than 255 bytes are considered for storage on overflow pages. Bytes that are stored to track a value's length do not count towards these limits. These limits are only based on the length of the actual column's data. These limits differ from the limits for the COMPACT row format, where the limit is 767 bytes for all types. Fixed-length columns greater than 767 bytes are encoded as variable-length columns, so they can also be stored in overflow pages if the table's row size is greater than half of innodb_page_size. Even though a column using the CHAR data type can hold at most 255 characters, a CHAR column can still exceed 767 bytes in some cases. For example, a char(255) column can exceed 767 bytes if the character set is utf8mb4. If a column is chosen to be stored on overflow pages, then the entire value of the column is stored on overflow pages, and only a 20-byte pointer to the column's first overflow page is stored on the main page. Each overflow page is the size of innodb_page_size. If a column is too large to be stored on a single overflow page, then it is stored on multiple overflow pages. Each overflow page contains part of the data and a 20-byte pointer to the next overflow page, if a next page exists. This behavior differs from the behavior of the COMPACT row format, which always stores the column prefix on the main page. This allows tables using the DYNAMIC row format to contain a high number of columns using the VARBINARY, VARCHAR, BLOB and TEXT data types. https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/innodb-dynamic-row-format/#overflow-pages-with-the-dynamic-row-format Prior to MariaDB 10.2.26, 10.3.17, and 10.4.7, MariaDB didn't properly calculate the row sizes while executing DDL, so "unsafe" tables could be created, even with innodb_strict_mode=ON set. This was fixed by MDEV-19292 . As a side effect, tables that could be created in previous versions may get rejected after the latest releases. You have two options here: 1.) Disable InnoDB strict mode. i.e. this succeeds in MariaDB 10.2.26: SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=OFF;   CREATE TABLE `host_inventory` ( `hostid` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `inventory_mode` integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, `type` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `type_full` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `name` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `alias` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os_full` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os_short` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `serialno_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `serialno_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `tag` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `asset_tag` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `macaddress_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `macaddress_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hardware` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hardware_full` text NOT NULL, `software` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_full` text NOT NULL, `software_app_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_c` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_d` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_e` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `contact` text NOT NULL, `location` text NOT NULL, `location_lat` varchar(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `location_lon` varchar(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `notes` text NOT NULL, `chassis` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `model` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hw_arch` varchar(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `vendor` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `contract_number` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `installer_name` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `deployment_status` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_c` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `host_networks` text NOT NULL, `host_netmask` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `host_router` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_ip` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_netmask` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_router` varchar(39) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_purchase` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_install` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_expiry` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_decomm` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_a` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_b` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_c` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_city` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_state` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_country` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_zip` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_rack` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_notes` text NOT NULL, `poc_1_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_email` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_phone_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_phone_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_cell` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_screen` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_notes` text NOT NULL, `poc_2_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_email` varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_phone_a` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_phone_b` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_cell` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_screen` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_notes` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hostid) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; 2.) Keep InnoDB strict mode enabled, but change some of those varchar(N) columns to varchar(N >= 256 bytes). If the table's default character set is utf8mb4, then that means that N would have to be 64 or more. i.e. this also succeeds in MariaDB 10.2.26: SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=ON;   CREATE TABLE `host_inventory` ( `hostid` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `inventory_mode` integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, `type` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `type_full` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `alias` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os_full` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `os_short` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `serialno_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `serialno_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `tag` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `asset_tag` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `macaddress_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `macaddress_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hardware` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hardware_full` text NOT NULL, `software` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_full` text NOT NULL, `software_app_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_c` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_d` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `software_app_e` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `contact` text NOT NULL, `location` text NOT NULL, `location_lat` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `location_lon` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `notes` text NOT NULL, `chassis` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `model` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `hw_arch` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `vendor` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `contract_number` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `installer_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `deployment_status` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url_c` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `host_networks` text NOT NULL, `host_netmask` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `host_router` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_ip` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_netmask` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `oob_router` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_purchase` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_install` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_expiry` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `date_hw_decomm` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_address_c` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_city` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_state` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_country` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_zip` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_rack` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `site_notes` text NOT NULL, `poc_1_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_email` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_phone_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_phone_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_cell` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_screen` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_1_notes` text NOT NULL, `poc_2_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_email` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_phone_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_phone_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_cell` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_screen` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `poc_2_notes` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hostid) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
            logan Logan V added a comment -

            Still experiencing this on 10.4.7+maria~xenial

            2019-08-09 5:15:35 38 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot add field `poc_2_phone_b` in table `zabbix`.`host_inventory` because after adding it, the row size is 8246 which is greater than maximum allowed size (8126) for a record on index leaf page.

            Experiencing this while importing the default zabbix database schema included with 4.2.
            See the following for more reports of this issue still occurring on mariadb versions that are reported above in this bug as "fixed" versions:

            Zabbix schema which triggers this is attached.


            logan Logan V added a comment - Still experiencing this on 10.4.7+maria~xenial 2019-08-09 5:15:35 38 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot add field `poc_2_phone_b` in table `zabbix`.`host_inventory` because after adding it, the row size is 8246 which is greater than maximum allowed size (8126) for a record on index leaf page. Experiencing this while importing the default zabbix database schema included with 4.2. See the following for more reports of this issue still occurring on mariadb versions that are reported above in this bug as "fixed" versions: https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-troubleshooting-and-problems/383531-cannot-add-field-poc_2_phone_b-in-table-host_inventory-on-db-startup https://support.zabbix.com/browse/ZBX-16465 Zabbix schema which triggers this is attached. create.sql


              kevg Eugene Kosov (Inactive)
              GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive)
              3 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue



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