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  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-5328

Automatic discovery of Galera cluster



    • New Feature
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 25.08
    • galeramon
    • None


      Currently the servers to be monitored by Galera Monitor must be explicitly listed. That is quite unnecessary as all needed information can be obtained by probing the servers. Basically the only thing the monitor needs to know is the address of one server; after that it can find the rest. If a new server is added to the cluster, the monitor could notice that and act appropriately.

      If a service then is configured with the cluster argument pointing to the monitor, it would be very simple to get the system up and running. All that needs to be provided to the monitor is the address of one server and the monitor would figure out the rest.

      From MXS-5336:

      Adding a feature where the galeramon also monitors galera membership.
      this shoulds be decently easy to perform by monitoring the wsrep_incoming_adresses, additionnaly change in membership can be spotted by monitoring wsrep_conf_id

      ideal features would be :
      1. auto create the cortesponding server object upon successful connection (assuming same specs as other cluster member baring the ip/fqdn
      it could look like :
      auto-discovery=yes|no (default:no)

      2. add the new node to the monitor
      it could look like :
      auto-monitor=yes|no (default:no)

      3. upon option activation, try and add the new node a corresponding service(s)
      it could look like


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              johan.wikman Johan Wikman
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