Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
10.0.20, 10.0.22, 10.1.9-2, 10.0.23, 10.0.24, 10.0.28, 10.0.29
Could we have a server variable to log warnings into the SQL_ERROR_LOG?
It would be really useful, while debugging an application.
I know I could change the SQL_MODE to convert many warnings into errors, but 1) not all warnings, 2) some queries would not work, which is not what I want.
The Audit API doesn't support it, unfortunately. The server doesn't report warnings to an audit plugin — and mainly because the Audit API doesn't have a concept of a "warning". If I change the server to report warnings to an audit plugin, the plugin will have no way of distinguishing a warning from an error.
Extending the Audit API to support warnings is certainly possible, but it's not that easy. Both Oracle and we have already extended it, and differently. This is something we have to fix and at the same time I could add the support of warnings. But at the moment it's not exactly clear how to do that…