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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-34876

The table mysql.general_log is not protected during backup



      The table mysql.general_log may easily become corrupted during a backup, because writes to the table are not blocked by the very statements that are supposed to make the server safe to back up.

      Here is a test case with the BACKUP STAGE block_commit of MDEV-5336:

      SET GLOBAL log_output='TABLE',general_log=1;
      BACKUP STAGE start;
      BACKUP STAGE block_commit;
      --connect con1, localhost, root
      SET GLOBAL general_log=0;
      --disconnect con1
      --connection default

      I was expecting the SET GLOBAL statement of con1 to mark the mysql.general_log table as dirty. But in fact it already was the client connection that caused it:

      10.11 fe5829a1214bcb2e4323d3fb826bf607e1059ef5

      (rr) bt
      #0  write_meta_file (meta_file=22, rows=2, dirty=dirty@entry=true) at /mariadb/10.11/storage/csv/ha_tina.cc:364
      #1  0x000056513596c463 in ha_tina::init_tina_writer (this=this@entry=0x7fb8c801d520) at /mariadb/10.11/storage/csv/ha_tina.cc:414
      #2  0x000056513596d424 in ha_tina::write_row (this=0x7fb8c801d520, buf=<optimized out>) at /mariadb/10.11/storage/csv/ha_tina.cc:1036
      #3  0x000056513576d161 in handler::ha_write_row (this=0x7fb8c801d520, buf=0x7fb8c801d0a0 "f\331c\223\b-\034\025") at /mariadb/10.11/sql/handler.cc:7751
      #4  0x00005651358441e2 in Log_to_csv_event_handler::log_general (this=<optimized out>, thd=0x7fb8c8002758, event_time=..., user_host=0x7fb8e7ffd9c0 "[root] @ localhost []", user_host_len=21, thread_id_arg=5, command_type=0x565135f2f826 "Connect", command_type_len=7, sql_text=0x7fb8e7ffdc10 "root@localhost on  using Socket", sql_text_len=31, client_cs=0x56513678c200 <my_charset_latin1>) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/log.cc:921
      #5  0x0000565135845ff7 in LOGGER::general_log_write (this=this@entry=0x56513685d420 <logger>, thd=thd@entry=0x7fb8c8002758, command=command@entry=COM_CONNECT, query=query@entry=0x7fb8e7ffdc10 "root@localhost on  using Socket", query_length=31) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/log.cc:1507
      #6  0x000056513584606b in LOGGER::general_log_print (this=this@entry=0x56513685d420 <logger>, thd=thd@entry=0x7fb8c8002758, command=command@entry=COM_CONNECT, format=format@entry=0x565135edb762 "%s@%s on %s using %s", args=args@entry=0x7fb8e7ffe048) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/log.cc:1532
      #7  0x0000565135846161 in general_log_print (thd=thd@entry=0x7fb8c8002758, command=command@entry=COM_CONNECT, format=format@entry=0x565135edb762 "%s@%s on %s using %s") at /mariadb/10.11/sql/log.cc:7141
      #8  0x00005651354835ca in acl_authenticate (thd=thd@entry=0x7fb8c8002758, com_change_user_pkt_len=com_change_user_pkt_len@entry=0) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/sql_acl.cc:14603
      #9  0x0000565135628959 in check_connection (thd=thd@entry=0x7fb8c8002758) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/sql_connect.cc:1083
      #10 0x0000565135628c55 in login_connection (thd=thd@entry=0x7fb8c8002758) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/sql_connect.cc:1149
      #11 0x0000565135628ffe in thd_prepare_connection (thd=0x7fb8c8002758) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/sql_connect.cc:1333
      #12 0x0000565135629464 in do_handle_one_connection (connect=<optimized out>, connect@entry=0x5651528e8d08, put_in_cache=put_in_cache@entry=true) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/sql_connect.cc:1407
      #13 0x0000565135629571 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x5651528e8d08) at /mariadb/10.11/sql/sql_connect.cc:1319
      #14 0x00007fb8edea1732 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at ./nptl/pthread_create.c:447
      #15 0x00007fb8edf1c100 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

      Here is the contents of mysql/general_log.CSV after running the test:

      "2024-09-05 10:53:55.505128","root[root] @ localhost []",4,1,"Query","BACKUP STAGE start"
      "2024-09-05 10:53:55.508824","root[root] @ localhost []",4,1,"Query","BACKUP STAGE block_commit"
      "2024-09-05 10:53:55.535836","[root] @ localhost []",5,1,"Connect","root@localhost on  using Socket"
      "2024-09-05 10:53:55.540602","root[root] @ localhost []",5,1,"Init DB","test"
      "2024-09-05 10:53:55.541475","root[root] @ localhost []",5,1,"Query","SET GLOBAL general_log=0"

      If I replace the two BACKUP STAGE statements with just FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK, it is similar:

      "2024-09-05 11:18:47.963999","root[root] @ localhost []",4,1,"Query","FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK"
      "2024-09-05 11:18:47.976701","[root] @ localhost []",5,1,"Connect","root@localhost on  using Socket"
      "2024-09-05 11:18:47.979514","root[root] @ localhost []",5,1,"Init DB","test"
      "2024-09-05 11:18:47.979960","root[root] @ localhost []",5,1,"Query","SET GLOBAL general_log=0"

      Put in practical terms: If general_log was enabled and log_output='TABLE' during the final stages of a backup, it may be necessary for the user to execute

      REPAIR TABLE mysql.general_log;

      after restoring a backup. This would seem to be necessary if any user connected to the server or issued any SQL statements during the critical time while the log tables were being copied.


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