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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-34361

wait for slave timeout when running mtr --reorder spider.connection_override spider.slave_trx_isolation




      This is a problem with fragility of the spider suite.

      When we place the connection_override test added in MDEV-32627/MDEV-34359 under the spider suite, as opposed to the spider/bugfix suite, we get timeout when running the test before running spider.slave_trx_isolation (e.g. with mtr --no-reorder spider.connection_override spider.slave_trx_isolation):

      CURRENT_TEST: spider.slave_trx_isolation
      mysqltest: In included file "./include/wait_for_slave_param.inc":
      included from ./include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_start.inc at line 33:
      included from ./include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc at line 28:
      included from ./include/start_slave.inc at line 35:
      included from /home/buildbot/amd64-centos-7/build/storage/spider/mysql-test/spider/t/../include/../t/slave_test_init.inc at line 24:
      included from /home/buildbot/amd64-centos-7/build/storage/spider/mysql-test/spider/t/../include/slave_trx_isolation_init.inc at line 6:
      included from /home/buildbot/amd64-centos-7/build/storage/spider/mysql-test/spider/t/slave_trx_isolation.test at line 2:
      At line 111: Timeout in include/wait_for_slave_param.inc

      For example, see https://buildbot.mariadb.org/#/builders/146/builds/34278, at commit 0a06f298bc179dbbc8cc078cb92ca12de17ca184

      One could see patterns in mysqld.4.1.log of repeated pattern like so:

      240607  7:31:30	   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')
      		   103 Query	SHOW SLAVE STATUS
      		   103 Query	SELECT NOT('No' = 'Yes')


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