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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-31848

Lateral derived optimization causes incorrect results with <=>




      When lateral derived optimization is applied to a join using <=>, NULL values are not joined as expected. This issue seems to have been present since MariaDB 10.3.1 when the lateral derived optimization was introduced.

      How to reproduce:

      CREATE DATABASE testdb;
      USE testdb;
      CREATE TABLE test1 (
          num1 INT NULL,
          KEY (num1)
      INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (NULL), (1);
      CREATE TABLE test2 (
          num2 INT NULL,
          KEY (num2)
      INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (NULL), (2);
      -- Set split_materialized to off to receive correct results
      SET optimizer_switch='split_materialized=on';
      WITH test AS (
          SELECT num1
          FROM test1
          GROUP BY num1
      SELECT test.num1, test2.num2
      FROM test2
      -- Both test and test2 have a NULL value, so this join should return one row.
      INNER JOIN test ON test.num1 <=> test2.num2
      -- test2.num2 is NULL for the only expected row, but this condition is here to
      -- make the optimizer use lateral derived optimization. Removing this condition
      -- causes the query to return correct results.
      WHERE test2.num2 IS NULL;

      Expected results (returned when running with split_materialized=off or after removing the WHERE):

      | num1 | num2 |
      | NULL | NULL |
      1 row in set

      Actual results:
      Empty set

      EXPLAIN output for the query with split_materialized enabled:

      | id   | select_type     | table      | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref               | rows | Extra                    |
      |    1 | PRIMARY         | test2      | ref  | num2          | num2 | 5       | const             | 1    | Using where; Using index |
      |    1 | PRIMARY         | <derived2> | ref  | key0          | key0 | 5       | testdb.test2.num2 | 1    | Using where              |
      |    2 | LATERAL DERIVED | test1      | ref  | num1          | num1 | 5       | testdb.test2.num2 | 1    | Using index              |




            igor Igor Babaev
            mainiomano Väinö Mäkelä
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue



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