Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
From SO question (since deleted by author).
Recently we have updated to a latest stable version of 11.0.2 Maria db suddenly i was facing slowness on some of my queries if the same query ran in 10.6 it was fast in 10.6 it was run 5sec but after upgrading it's ran nearly 20 seconds ,i tried this answer too but not helpful ,if any suggestions to overcome this issue.
`ft_fieldName` AS `Field Name`, |
`prm_id` AS `recipeid`, |
'' AS 'Pricing Type', |
'' AS 'Qty', |
JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.299') |
) AS `colorname`, |
JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.300') |
) AS `Color Code`, |
JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.357') |
) AS `Unit Cost`, |
`dropdown_name` AS `Unit Type`, |
COUNT(pgmm_productmapid) AS pgmm_fabriccolormapid |
`bm_productrecipemap` FORCE INDEX(`prm_status`) |
INNER JOIN `bm_productgroupmaterialmap` ON `pgmm_id` = `prm_fieldvalueid` AND `pgmm_status` = 0 |
INNER JOIN `bm_fabriccolourmap` ON `pfm_id` = `pgmm_fabriccolormapid` |
INNER JOIN `bm_fabricdetails` ON `pfm_fabricmapid` = `fd_id` AND `fd_status` = 0 |
INNER JOIN `bm_colordetails` ON `pfm_colourmapid` = `cd_id` AND `cd_status` = 0 |
INNER JOIN `bm_productInfo` ON `pi_productid` = `pgmm_productmapid` AND `pi_status` = 0 |
INNER JOIN `bm_productrecipe` ON `pr_id` = `prm_recipeid` AND `pr_status` = 0 |
INNER JOIN `bm_fieldtypes` ON `ft_id` = `prm_fieldtypeid` AND `ft_status` = 0 |
LEFT JOIN `bm_common_dropdown_list` ON `dropdown_primaryid` = JSON_UNQUOTE( |
JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.355') |
) AND `dropdown_tag_name` = "unit_type" |
`prm_status` = 0 AND `prm_recipeid` = 18 AND `prm_fieldtypeid` = 22 |
10.6 analyze format = json |
"query_block": {
"select_id": 1,
"r_loops": 1,
"r_total_time_ms": 4362.336552,
"filesort": {
"sort_key": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid, bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid",
"r_loops": 1,
"r_total_time_ms": 2.977471882,
"r_used_priority_queue": false,
"r_output_rows": 19460,
"r_buffer_size": "437Kb",
"r_sort_mode": "sort_key,rowid",
"temporary_table": {
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productrecipe",
"access_type": "const",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pr_status"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["pr_id"],
"ref": ["const"],
"r_loops": 0,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": null,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": null
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_fieldtypes",
"access_type": "const",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "ft_status"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["ft_id"],
"ref": ["const"],
"r_loops": 0,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": null,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": null
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productrecipemap",
"access_type": "ref",
"possible_keys": ["prm_status"],
"key": "prm_status",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["prm_status"],
"ref": ["const"],
"r_loops": 1,
"rows": 621390,
"r_rows": 1250923,
"r_table_time_ms": 1525.038047,
"r_other_time_ms": 72.17298694,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 26.45182797,
"attached_condition": "bm_productrecipemap.prm_recipeid = 18 and bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldtypeid = 22"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": [
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["pgmm_id"],
"ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldvalueid"],
"r_loops": 330892,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"r_table_time_ms": 493.5064977,
"r_other_time_ms": 140.3322178,
"filtered": 49.99987411,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_status = 0 and bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_id = bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldvalueid"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productInfo",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pi_status"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["pi_productid"],
"ref": [
"r_loops": 330892,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"r_table_time_ms": 0.00474078,
"r_other_time_ms": 0.002440078,
"filtered": 86.79244995,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_productInfo.pi_status = 0 and bm_productInfo.pi_productid = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_fabriccolourmap",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pfm_fabricmapid", "pfm_colourmapid"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["pfm_id"],
"ref": [
"r_loops": 330892,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"r_table_time_ms": 309.0945127,
"r_other_time_ms": 30.59452498,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_id = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid is not null"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_fabricdetails",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "fd_status"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["fd_id"],
"ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_fabricmapid"],
"r_loops": 330892,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"r_table_time_ms": 290.3357413,
"r_other_time_ms": 35.36422041,
"filtered": 49.99639511,
"r_filtered": 99.97824063,
"attached_condition": "bm_fabricdetails.fd_status = 0 and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_fabricmapid = bm_fabricdetails.fd_id"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_colordetails",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "cd_status", "cd_fabricmapid"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["cd_id"],
"ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid"],
"r_loops": 330820,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"r_table_time_ms": 317.5412715,
"r_other_time_ms": 373.7023579,
"filtered": 50,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_colordetails.cd_status = 0 and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid = bm_colordetails.cd_id"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_common_dropdown_list",
"access_type": "ref",
"possible_keys": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
"key": "dropdown_primaryid",
"key_length": "5",
"used_key_parts": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
"ref": ["func"],
"r_loops": 330820,
"rows": 2,
"r_rows": 0.002363823,
"r_table_time_ms": 182.2695986,
"r_other_time_ms": 581.7986746,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 4.347826087,
"attached_condition": "trigcond(bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_tag_name = 'unit_type' and bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_primaryid = json_unquote(json_extract(bm_colordetails.cd_custmzdcolrdetails,'$.355')))"
11.0.2 analyze explain |
"query_optimization": {
"r_total_time_ms": 7.173012053
"query_block": {
"select_id": 1,
"cost": 18268.14136,
"r_loops": 1,
"r_total_time_ms": 9430.630307,
"filesort": {
"sort_key": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid, bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid",
"r_loops": 1,
"r_total_time_ms": 3.427513217,
"r_used_priority_queue": false,
"r_output_rows": 19460,
"r_buffer_size": "437Kb",
"r_sort_mode": "sort_key,rowid",
"temporary_table": {
"nested_loop": [
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productrecipe",
"access_type": "const",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pr_status"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["pr_id"],
"ref": ["const"],
"r_loops": 0,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": null,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": null
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_fieldtypes",
"access_type": "const",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "ft_status"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["ft_id"],
"ref": ["const"],
"r_loops": 0,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": null,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": null
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productrecipemap",
"access_type": "ref",
"possible_keys": ["prm_status"],
"key": "prm_status",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["prm_status"],
"ref": ["const"],
"loops": 1,
"r_loops": 1,
"rows": 1245496,
"r_rows": 1250925,
"cost": 1241.246338,
"r_table_time_ms": 4927.520843,
"r_other_time_ms": 139.7680558,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 26.45178568,
"attached_condition": "bm_productrecipemap.prm_recipeid = 18 and bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldtypeid = 22"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": [
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["pgmm_id"],
"ref": [
"loops": 1245496,
"r_loops": 330892,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"cost": 1115.676226,
"r_table_time_ms": 720.8451661,
"r_other_time_ms": 171.4830087,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_status = 0 and bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_id = bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldvalueid"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_fabriccolourmap",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pfm_fabricmapid", "pfm_colourmapid"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["pfm_id"],
"ref": [
"loops": 1245496,
"r_loops": 330892,
"r_table_loops": 286792,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"cost": 1114.467906,
"r_table_time_ms": 597.0053344,
"r_other_time_ms": 53.0959404,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_id = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid is not null"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_fabricdetails",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "fd_status"],
"key": "fd_status",
"key_length": "8",
"used_key_parts": ["fd_status", "fd_id"],
"ref": [
"loops": 1245496,
"r_loops": 330892,
"r_table_loops": 286219,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 0.999782406,
"cost": 1089.076122,
"r_table_time_ms": 440.3039905,
"r_other_time_ms": 48.2909558,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_fabricmapid = bm_fabricdetails.fd_id",
"using_index": true
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_colordetails",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "cd_status", "cd_fabricmapid"],
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_length": "4",
"used_key_parts": ["cd_id"],
"ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid"],
"loops": 1245496,
"r_loops": 330820,
"r_table_loops": 286760,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"cost": 1114.520335,
"r_table_time_ms": 642.1860278,
"r_other_time_ms": 584.9013592,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_colordetails.cd_status = 0 and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid = bm_colordetails.cd_id"
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_productInfo",
"access_type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pi_status"],
"key": "pi_status",
"key_length": "8",
"used_key_parts": ["pi_status", "pi_productid"],
"ref": [
"loops": 1245496,
"r_loops": 330820,
"r_table_loops": 1,
"rows": 1,
"r_rows": 1,
"cost": 1089.068749,
"r_table_time_ms": 0.005281613,
"r_other_time_ms": 0.021677216,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 100,
"attached_condition": "bm_productInfo.pi_productid = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid",
"using_index": true
"table": {
"table_name": "bm_common_dropdown_list",
"access_type": "ref",
"possible_keys": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
"key": "dropdown_primaryid",
"key_length": "5",
"used_key_parts": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
"ref": ["func"],
"loops": 1245496,
"r_loops": 330820,
"rows": 5,
"r_rows": 0.003545735,
"cost": 7216.307461,
"r_table_time_ms": 265.3482518,
"r_other_time_ms": 829.0345013,
"filtered": 100,
"r_filtered": 4.347826087,
"attached_condition": "trigcond(bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_tag_name = 'unit_type' and bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_primaryid = json_unquote(json_extract(bm_colordetails.cd_custmzdcolrdetails,'$.355')))"
- The query plan is the same except for the nested loop in 11.0.2
- the row counts on the explain show the same rows and therefore same data.
- answered on changing the bm_productrecipemap.prm_status(prm_status, prm_recipeid, prm_fieldtypeid), which reduced this to 11 seconds, still a 6 second gap from 10.6
The timing on the tables:
Table | rows | 10.6 | 11.02 |
bm_productrecipemap | 1250925 | 1525.038 | 4927.52 |
bm_productgroupmaterialmap | row 1, loops 330892 | 1525.03 | 720 |