Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-31604

scanning table rows is slower (10->20%) in 11.0.2 compared to 10.6




      From SO question (since deleted by author).

      Recently we have updated to a latest stable version of 11.0.2 Maria db suddenly i was facing slowness on some of my queries if the same query ran in 10.6 it was fast in 10.6 it was run 5sec but after upgrading it's ran nearly 20 seconds ,i tried this answer too but not helpful ,if any suggestions to overcome this issue.

          `ft_fieldName` AS `Field Name`,
          `prm_id` AS `recipeid`,
          '' AS 'Pricing Type',
          'BOM' AS 'GROUP',
          '' AS 'Qty',
              JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.299')
          ) AS `colorname`,
              JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.300')
          ) AS `Color Code`,
              JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.357')
          ) AS `Unit Cost`,
          `dropdown_name` AS `Unit Type`,
          COUNT(pgmm_productmapid) AS pgmm_fabriccolormapid
          `bm_productrecipemap` FORCE INDEX(`prm_status`)
      INNER JOIN `bm_productgroupmaterialmap` ON `pgmm_id` = `prm_fieldvalueid` AND `pgmm_status` = 0  
      INNER JOIN `bm_fabriccolourmap` ON `pfm_id` = `pgmm_fabriccolormapid` 
      INNER JOIN `bm_fabricdetails` ON `pfm_fabricmapid` = `fd_id` AND `fd_status` = 0
      INNER JOIN `bm_colordetails` ON `pfm_colourmapid` = `cd_id` AND `cd_status` = 0
      INNER JOIN `bm_productInfo` ON `pi_productid` = `pgmm_productmapid` AND `pi_status` = 0
      INNER JOIN `bm_productrecipe` ON `pr_id` = `prm_recipeid` AND `pr_status` = 0
      INNER JOIN `bm_fieldtypes` ON `ft_id` = `prm_fieldtypeid` AND `ft_status` = 0
      LEFT JOIN `bm_common_dropdown_list` ON `dropdown_primaryid` = JSON_UNQUOTE(
              JSON_EXTRACT(cd_custmzdcolrdetails, '$.355')
          ) AND `dropdown_tag_name` = "unit_type"
          `prm_status` = 0 AND `prm_recipeid` = 18 AND `prm_fieldtypeid` = 22
      GROUP BY

      10.6 analyze format = json

        "query_block": {
          "select_id": 1,
          "r_loops": 1,
          "r_total_time_ms": 4362.336552,
          "filesort": {
            "sort_key": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid, bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid",
            "r_loops": 1,
            "r_total_time_ms": 2.977471882,
            "r_used_priority_queue": false,
            "r_output_rows": 19460,
            "r_buffer_size": "437Kb",
            "r_sort_mode": "sort_key,rowid",
            "temporary_table": {
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_productrecipe",
                "access_type": "const",
                "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pr_status"],
                "key": "PRIMARY",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["pr_id"],
                "ref": ["const"],
                "r_loops": 0,
                "rows": 1,
                "r_rows": null,
                "filtered": 100,
                "r_filtered": null
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_fieldtypes",
                "access_type": "const",
                "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "ft_status"],
                "key": "PRIMARY",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["ft_id"],
                "ref": ["const"],
                "r_loops": 0,
                "rows": 1,
                "r_rows": null,
                "filtered": 100,
                "r_filtered": null
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_productrecipemap",
                "access_type": "ref",
                "possible_keys": ["prm_status"],
                "key": "prm_status",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["prm_status"],
                "ref": ["const"],
                "r_loops": 1,
                "rows": 621390,
                "r_rows": 1250923,
                "r_table_time_ms": 1525.038047,
                "r_other_time_ms": 72.17298694,
                "filtered": 100,
                "r_filtered": 26.45182797,
                "attached_condition": "bm_productrecipemap.prm_recipeid = 18 and bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldtypeid = 22"
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap",
                "access_type": "eq_ref",
                "possible_keys": [
                "key": "PRIMARY",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["pgmm_id"],
                "ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldvalueid"],
                "r_loops": 330892,
                "rows": 1,
                "r_rows": 1,
                "r_table_time_ms": 493.5064977,
                "r_other_time_ms": 140.3322178,
                "filtered": 49.99987411,
                "r_filtered": 100,
                "attached_condition": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_status = 0 and bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_id = bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldvalueid"
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_productInfo",
                "access_type": "eq_ref",
                "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pi_status"],
                "key": "PRIMARY",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["pi_productid"],
                "ref": [
                "r_loops": 330892,
                "rows": 1,
                "r_rows": 1,
                "r_table_time_ms": 0.00474078,
                "r_other_time_ms": 0.002440078,
                "filtered": 86.79244995,
                "r_filtered": 100,
                "attached_condition": "bm_productInfo.pi_status = 0 and bm_productInfo.pi_productid = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid"
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_fabriccolourmap",
                "access_type": "eq_ref",
                "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pfm_fabricmapid", "pfm_colourmapid"],
                "key": "PRIMARY",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["pfm_id"],
                "ref": [
                "r_loops": 330892,
                "rows": 1,
                "r_rows": 1,
                "r_table_time_ms": 309.0945127,
                "r_other_time_ms": 30.59452498,
                "filtered": 100,
                "r_filtered": 100,
                "attached_condition": "bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_id = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid is not null"
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_fabricdetails",
                "access_type": "eq_ref",
                "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "fd_status"],
                "key": "PRIMARY",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["fd_id"],
                "ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_fabricmapid"],
                "r_loops": 330892,
                "rows": 1,
                "r_rows": 1,
                "r_table_time_ms": 290.3357413,
                "r_other_time_ms": 35.36422041,
                "filtered": 49.99639511,
                "r_filtered": 99.97824063,
                "attached_condition": "bm_fabricdetails.fd_status = 0 and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_fabricmapid = bm_fabricdetails.fd_id"
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_colordetails",
                "access_type": "eq_ref",
                "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "cd_status", "cd_fabricmapid"],
                "key": "PRIMARY",
                "key_length": "4",
                "used_key_parts": ["cd_id"],
                "ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid"],
                "r_loops": 330820,
                "rows": 1,
                "r_rows": 1,
                "r_table_time_ms": 317.5412715,
                "r_other_time_ms": 373.7023579,
                "filtered": 50,
                "r_filtered": 100,
                "attached_condition": "bm_colordetails.cd_status = 0 and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid = bm_colordetails.cd_id"
              "table": {
                "table_name": "bm_common_dropdown_list",
                "access_type": "ref",
                "possible_keys": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
                "key": "dropdown_primaryid",
                "key_length": "5",
                "used_key_parts": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
                "ref": ["func"],
                "r_loops": 330820,
                "rows": 2,
                "r_rows": 0.002363823,
                "r_table_time_ms": 182.2695986,
                "r_other_time_ms": 581.7986746,
                "filtered": 100,
                "r_filtered": 4.347826087,
                "attached_condition": "trigcond(bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_tag_name = 'unit_type' and bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_primaryid = json_unquote(json_extract(bm_colordetails.cd_custmzdcolrdetails,'$.355')))"

      11.0.2 analyze explain

        "query_optimization": {
          "r_total_time_ms": 7.173012053
        "query_block": {
          "select_id": 1,
          "cost": 18268.14136,
          "r_loops": 1,
          "r_total_time_ms": 9430.630307,
          "filesort": {
            "sort_key": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid, bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid",
            "r_loops": 1,
            "r_total_time_ms": 3.427513217,
            "r_used_priority_queue": false,
            "r_output_rows": 19460,
            "r_buffer_size": "437Kb",
            "r_sort_mode": "sort_key,rowid",
            "temporary_table": {
              "nested_loop": [
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_productrecipe",
                    "access_type": "const",
                    "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pr_status"],
                    "key": "PRIMARY",
                    "key_length": "4",
                    "used_key_parts": ["pr_id"],
                    "ref": ["const"],
                    "r_loops": 0,
                    "rows": 1,
                    "r_rows": null,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": null
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_fieldtypes",
                    "access_type": "const",
                    "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "ft_status"],
                    "key": "PRIMARY",
                    "key_length": "4",
                    "used_key_parts": ["ft_id"],
                    "ref": ["const"],
                    "r_loops": 0,
                    "rows": 1,
                    "r_rows": null,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": null
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_productrecipemap",
                    "access_type": "ref",
                    "possible_keys": ["prm_status"],
                    "key": "prm_status",
                    "key_length": "4",
                    "used_key_parts": ["prm_status"],
                    "ref": ["const"],
                    "loops": 1,
                    "r_loops": 1,
                    "rows": 1245496,
                    "r_rows": 1250925,
                    "cost": 1241.246338,
                    "r_table_time_ms": 4927.520843,
                    "r_other_time_ms": 139.7680558,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": 26.45178568,
                    "attached_condition": "bm_productrecipemap.prm_recipeid = 18 and bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldtypeid = 22"
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap",
                    "access_type": "eq_ref",
                    "possible_keys": [
                    "key": "PRIMARY",
                    "key_length": "4",
                    "used_key_parts": ["pgmm_id"],
                    "ref": [
                    "loops": 1245496,
                    "r_loops": 330892,
                    "rows": 1,
                    "r_rows": 1,
                    "cost": 1115.676226,
                    "r_table_time_ms": 720.8451661,
                    "r_other_time_ms": 171.4830087,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": 100,
                    "attached_condition": "bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_status = 0 and bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_id = bm_productrecipemap.prm_fieldvalueid"
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_fabriccolourmap",
                    "access_type": "eq_ref",
                    "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pfm_fabricmapid", "pfm_colourmapid"],
                    "key": "PRIMARY",
                    "key_length": "4",
                    "used_key_parts": ["pfm_id"],
                    "ref": [
                    "loops": 1245496,
                    "r_loops": 330892,
                    "r_table_loops": 286792,
                    "rows": 1,
                    "r_rows": 1,
                    "cost": 1114.467906,
                    "r_table_time_ms": 597.0053344,
                    "r_other_time_ms": 53.0959404,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": 100,
                    "attached_condition": "bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_id = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_fabriccolormapid and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid is not null"
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_fabricdetails",
                    "access_type": "eq_ref",
                    "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "fd_status"],
                    "key": "fd_status",
                    "key_length": "8",
                    "used_key_parts": ["fd_status", "fd_id"],
                    "ref": [
                    "loops": 1245496,
                    "r_loops": 330892,
                    "r_table_loops": 286219,
                    "rows": 1,
                    "r_rows": 0.999782406,
                    "cost": 1089.076122,
                    "r_table_time_ms": 440.3039905,
                    "r_other_time_ms": 48.2909558,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": 100,
                    "attached_condition": "bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_fabricmapid = bm_fabricdetails.fd_id",
                    "using_index": true
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_colordetails",
                    "access_type": "eq_ref",
                    "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "cd_status", "cd_fabricmapid"],
                    "key": "PRIMARY",
                    "key_length": "4",
                    "used_key_parts": ["cd_id"],
                    "ref": ["CREATIVECURTAINSSUSSEX.bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid"],
                    "loops": 1245496,
                    "r_loops": 330820,
                    "r_table_loops": 286760,
                    "rows": 1,
                    "r_rows": 1,
                    "cost": 1114.520335,
                    "r_table_time_ms": 642.1860278,
                    "r_other_time_ms": 584.9013592,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": 100,
                    "attached_condition": "bm_colordetails.cd_status = 0 and bm_fabriccolourmap.pfm_colourmapid = bm_colordetails.cd_id"
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_productInfo",
                    "access_type": "eq_ref",
                    "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "pi_status"],
                    "key": "pi_status",
                    "key_length": "8",
                    "used_key_parts": ["pi_status", "pi_productid"],
                    "ref": [
                    "loops": 1245496,
                    "r_loops": 330820,
                    "r_table_loops": 1,
                    "rows": 1,
                    "r_rows": 1,
                    "cost": 1089.068749,
                    "r_table_time_ms": 0.005281613,
                    "r_other_time_ms": 0.021677216,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": 100,
                    "attached_condition": "bm_productInfo.pi_productid = bm_productgroupmaterialmap.pgmm_productmapid",
                    "using_index": true
                  "table": {
                    "table_name": "bm_common_dropdown_list",
                    "access_type": "ref",
                    "possible_keys": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
                    "key": "dropdown_primaryid",
                    "key_length": "5",
                    "used_key_parts": ["dropdown_primaryid"],
                    "ref": ["func"],
                    "loops": 1245496,
                    "r_loops": 330820,
                    "rows": 5,
                    "r_rows": 0.003545735,
                    "cost": 7216.307461,
                    "r_table_time_ms": 265.3482518,
                    "r_other_time_ms": 829.0345013,
                    "filtered": 100,
                    "r_filtered": 4.347826087,
                    "attached_condition": "trigcond(bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_tag_name = 'unit_type' and bm_common_dropdown_list.dropdown_primaryid = json_unquote(json_extract(bm_colordetails.cd_custmzdcolrdetails,'$.355')))"


      • The query plan is the same except for the nested loop in 11.0.2
      • the row counts on the explain show the same rows and therefore same data.
      • answered on changing the bm_productrecipemap.prm_status(prm_status, prm_recipeid, prm_fieldtypeid), which reduced this to 11 seconds, still a 6 second gap from 10.6

      The timing on the tables:

      Table rows 10.6 11.02
      bm_productrecipemap 1250925 1525.038 4927.52
      bm_productgroupmaterialmap row 1, loops 330892 1525.03 720




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            danblack Daniel Black
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            6 Start watching this issue



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