Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-30250

Value changed after relaxing ON condition [5.5.54, 10.11.1]




      In theory, the result of sql1 ⊆ the result of sql2:

      SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON f1 != 0; -- sql1
      SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON 1; -- sql2

      Because the 'ON 1' in sql2 is always true, but the 'ON f1 != 0' in sql1 may be false.
      However, some values changed after changing 'ON f1 != 0' to 'ON 1', seems like a logical bug:

      mysql> select version();
      | version()                               |
      | 10.11.1-MariaDB-1:10.11.1+maria~ubu2204 |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON f1 != 0; -- sql1
      | f1       |
      |   -11046 |
      |     2018 |
      | 2089.051 |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON 1; -- sql2
      | f1                |
      |  20180516222895.9 |
      |  20180516235959.9 |
      | 20180516236030.95 |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

      How to repeat:

      drop table if exists t;
      create table t (c1 double);
      insert into t values (-13064),(0),(71.051);
      SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON f1 != 0; -- sql1
      SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON 1; -- sql2

      Hope these can be helpful for your debugging:
      We look for the first version of the bug in all docker images (with format x.x.x) of https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb/tags
      We found that the bug first occurred in mariadb:5.5.54, it cannot be reproduced in mariadb:5.5.53:

      MariaDB [TEST]> select version();
      | version()               |
      | 5.5.54-MariaDB-1~wheezy |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [TEST]> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON f1 != 0; -- sql1
      | f1       |
      |   -11046 |
      |     2018 |
      | 2089.051 |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [TEST]> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON 1; -- sql2
      | f1                |
      |  20180516222895.9 |
      |  20180516235959.9 |
      | 20180516236030.95 |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [TEST]> select version();   
      | version()               |
      | 5.5.53-MariaDB-1~wheezy |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [TEST]> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON f1 != 0; -- sql1
      | f1                |
      |  20180516222895.9 |
      |  20180516235959.9 |
      | 20180516236030.95 |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [TEST]> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT 1) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT (c1+DATE_SUB('2018-05-17', INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) AS f1 FROM t) AS t2 ON 1; -- sql2
      | f1                |
      |  20180516222895.9 |
      |  20180516235959.9 |
      | 20180516236030.95 |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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