Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Incomplete
CentOS7.9 ,16C32G2000G,
Several days ago,we met a problem a node of MM cluster crashed and then recovery itself.There was a heavy load-in migration task at that time.The related log is in the attachment,11.PNG tells that the server is hanged and crashed raised signal 6. 12.PNG tells the server raised singal 11 and aborting ,that is the reason backtracing file is not generated.13.PNG and 14.PNG tell the informtion when analyzing singal waiting.
If you need any other information to helping solve the problem ,please contact us,thank you!
Issue Links
- relates to
MDEV-25048 semaphore has too many locks
- Closed
Was a core file generated ? Is installing debug info packages and obtaining a backtrace from the core (as text) possible?
A 91M count in the resevation array (13.png) seems like a lot. What configuration are you running? Do you have some forms of query for the load-in migration and their tables?
I removed
MDEV-24294as this was 10.5+ and Galera so not your problem. It could be similar toMDEV-25048, though like that one, much more information is needed to even approach this problem. For private uploads push data to and this won't be public and will only be used to resolve this issue.