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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-26673

COM_STMT_EXECUTE (bulk) returns error on INSERT .. SELECT ....



      While a normal COM_STMT_EXECUTE with Insert and Select works fine, bulk insert fails:

      >>> cursor.execute("insert into t1 select NULL, ?", (54,))
      >>> cursor.rowcount
      >>> cursor.executemany("insert into t1 select NULL, ?", [(55,),(56,)])
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mariadb-1.1.0b1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/mariadb/cursors.py", line 322, in executemany
      mariadb.OperationalError: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet


        Issue Links


            Any update on this issue this is blocking issue in the phase out of JDBC Driver 2.7.x in our Java project ?

            Tested with the latest MariaDb 10.6.12 combined with JDBC Driver 3.1.3. Still does not works

            gigueret Thierry Giguere added a comment - Any update on this issue this is blocking issue in the phase out of JDBC Driver 2.7.x in our Java project ? Tested with the latest MariaDb 10.6.12 combined with JDBC Driver 3.1.3. Still does not works
            stephanvos Stephan Vos added a comment -

            We are getting this issue with Artifactory connecting to MariaDB 10.11.9 using MariaDB jdbc driver 3.5.1.
            So we also had to go back to jdbc driver 2.7.12.

            This is really not a good situation to be in, any update on this?

            stephanvos Stephan Vos added a comment - We are getting this issue with Artifactory connecting to MariaDB 10.11.9 using MariaDB jdbc driver 3.5.1. So we also had to go back to jdbc driver 2.7.12. This is really not a good situation to be in, any update on this?


              sanja Oleksandr Byelkin
              georg Georg Richter
              2 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue



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