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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-13625

Merge InnoDB test cases from MySQL 5.6



      Until now, the MariaDB process for merging changes from MySQL 5.6 is ignoring additions to tests (new test cases or test files), even though Oracle has been publishing tests for other than security bug fixes for quite some time now.

      Several InnoDB tests are missing as a result of this. I have added some of them. Especially some tests for ALTER TABLE…ALGORITHM=INPLACE are missing.

      To make the task more challenging, some tests may have been renamed or refactored in MySQL or MariaDB. For example, the innodb_zip suite was refactored from tests in the InnoDB suite.

      Also, MariaDB supports slightly different semantics and SQL syntax than MySQL. So, some tests will necessarily be different or not applicable.

      That said, we must ensure that all applicable test cases from the following MySQL 5.6 tests are present in MariaDB 10.0:

      • main.alter_table (missing stuff like "Test for ALTER column DROP DEFAULT")
      • innodb.*
      • innodb_zip.*
      • innodb_fts.*

      All the affected tests should be documented in this ticket in detail (especially those that are already covered by other MariaDB tests).


        Issue Links


            Because I need some MySQL 5.6 tests for testing MDEV-13654, I imported and adjusted the first batch of tests.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - Because I need some MySQL 5.6 tests for testing MDEV-13654 , I imported and adjusted the first batch of tests .
            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment -

            Branch mdev-13625. My state for merging test cases from mysql 5.6.37 with 10.0.

            --------------innodb_fts suite
            new tests:


            Failing test(s): innodb_fts.fts_compatibility
            skipped test - innodb_fts.fts_compatibility_win --not tested yet

            CURRENT_TEST: innodb_fts.fts_compatibility
            mysqltest: At line 110: query 'SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(a, b) AGAINST ('TEST2')' succeeded - should have failed with errno 1764...
            The result from queries just before the failure was:
            < snip >
            FTS_0	test/FTS_AUX_BEING_DELETED
            FTS_0	test/FTS_AUX_CONFIG
            FTS_0	test/FTS_AUX_DELETED
            FTS_0	test/FTS_AUX_DELETED_CACHE
            DROP TABLE t1;
            # Non windows aux table flag failure and rebuild the corrupted index.
            call mtr.add_suppression("\\[Warning\\] InnoDB: Parent table of FTS auxiliary table .* not found.");
            call mtr.add_suppression("\\[ERROR] InnoDB: Flagged corruption of .* in table .* in DROP ORPHANED TABLE");
            call mtr.add_suppression("\\[Warning\\] InnoDB: Setting aux table .* to hex format failed.");
            SET GLOBAL debug_dbug='+d,innodb_test_wrong_fts_aux_table_name';
            CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT, b TEXT, c TEXT, FULLTEXT `AB` (a, b), FULLTEXT `C1` (c));
            INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('TEST1', 'TEST2', 'TEXT3');
            INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('TEXT1', 'TEXT2', 'TEXT5');
            SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(a, b) AGAINST ('TEST2');
            a	b	c
            SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(c) AGAINST ('TEXT5');
            a	b	c
            SET GLOBAL debug_dbug='-d,innodb_test_wrong_fts_sys_table_name';
            SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(a, b) AGAINST ('TEST2');

            ---------------innodb_zip suite:
            new tests:


            Failing test(s): innodb_zip.innodb_4k innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index

            innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index 'innodb_plugin' [ pass ]   3639
            innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index 'xtradb' [ fail ]
                    Test ended at 2017-10-04 15:50:46
            CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index
            mysqltest: At line 77: query 'SELECT * FROM information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index' succeeded - should have failed with errno 1227...
            The result from queries just before the failure was:
            < snip >
            compress_ops_ok	1
            uncompress_ops	0
            database_name	test
            table_name	t
            index_name	c
            compress_ops	1
            compress_ops_ok	1
            uncompress_ops	0
            database_name	test
            table_name	t
            index_name	PRIMARY
            compress_ops	1
            compress_ops_ok	1
            uncompress_ops	0
            ALTER TABLE t DROP INDEX c;
            GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'tuser01'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'cDJvI9s_Uq';
            SELECT * FROM information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index;


            innodb_zip.innodb_4k 'innodb_plugin'     w3 [ pass ]    832
            innodb_zip.innodb_4k 'xtradb'            w2 [ fail ]
                    Test ended at 2017-10-04 15:17:48
            CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.innodb_4k
            --- /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_4k.result	2017-10-04 13:54:49.515546820 +0200
            +++ /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_4k.reject	2017-10-04 15:17:47.980007024 +0200
            @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
             SELECT variable_value FROM information_schema.global_status
             WHERE LOWER(variable_name) = 'innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total';
             # Test 3) Query some information_shema tables that are dependent upon
             #         the page size.
            mysqltest: Result content mismatch

            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - Branch mdev-13625. My state for merging test cases from mysql 5.6.37 with 10.0. --------------innodb_fts suite new tests: fts_compatibility.test fts_compatibility_win.test innodb_fts_index_table.test innodb_fts_opt.test innodb_fts_savepoint.test phrase.test subexpr.test sync.test sync_block.test Failing test(s): innodb_fts.fts_compatibility skipped test - innodb_fts.fts_compatibility_win --not tested yet CURRENT_TEST: innodb_fts.fts_compatibility mysqltest: At line 110: query 'SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(a, b) AGAINST ('TEST2')' succeeded - should have failed with errno 1764...   The result from queries just before the failure was: < snip > FTS_0 test/FTS_AUX_BEING_DELETED FTS_0 test/FTS_AUX_BEING_DELETED_CACHE FTS_0 test/FTS_AUX_CONFIG FTS_0 test/FTS_AUX_DELETED FTS_0 test/FTS_AUX_DELETED_CACHE DROP TABLE t1; # Non windows aux table flag failure and rebuild the corrupted index. call mtr.add_suppression("\\[Warning\\] InnoDB: Parent table of FTS auxiliary table .* not found."); call mtr.add_suppression("\\[ERROR] InnoDB: Flagged corruption of .* in table .* in DROP ORPHANED TABLE"); call mtr.add_suppression("\\[Warning\\] InnoDB: Setting aux table .* to hex format failed."); SET GLOBAL debug_dbug='+d,innodb_test_wrong_fts_aux_table_name'; CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT, b TEXT, c TEXT, FULLTEXT `AB` (a, b), FULLTEXT `C1` (c)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('TEST1', 'TEST2', 'TEXT3'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('TEXT1', 'TEXT2', 'TEXT5'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(a, b) AGAINST ('TEST2'); a b c SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(c) AGAINST ('TEXT5'); a b c SET GLOBAL debug_dbug='-d,innodb_test_wrong_fts_sys_table_name'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH(a, b) AGAINST ('TEST2'); ---------------innodb_zip suite: new tests: innodb-restart.test innodb_16k.test innodb_4k.test innodb_8k.test innodb_cmp_per_index.test innodb_index_large_prefix_4k.test innodb_index_large_prefix_8k.test innodb_wl6347_comp_indx_stat.test Failing test(s): innodb_zip.innodb_4k innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index 'innodb_plugin' [ pass ] 3639 innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index 'xtradb' [ fail ] Test ended at 2017-10-04 15:50:46   CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.innodb_cmp_per_index mysqltest: At line 77: query 'SELECT * FROM information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index' succeeded - should have failed with errno 1227...   The result from queries just before the failure was: < snip > compress_ops_ok 1 uncompress_ops 0 database_name test table_name t index_name c compress_ops 1 compress_ops_ok 1 uncompress_ops 0 database_name test table_name t index_name PRIMARY compress_ops 1 compress_ops_ok 1 uncompress_ops 0 BEGIN; COMMIT; ALTER TABLE t DROP INDEX c; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'tuser01'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'cDJvI9s_Uq'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; SELECT * FROM information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- innodb_zip.innodb_4k 'innodb_plugin' w3 [ pass ] 832 innodb_zip.innodb_4k 'xtradb' w2 [ fail ] Test ended at 2017-10-04 15:17:48   CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.innodb_4k --- /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_4k.result 2017-10-04 13:54:49.515546820 +0200 +++ /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_4k.reject 2017-10-04 15:17:47.980007024 +0200 @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SELECT variable_value FROM information_schema.global_status WHERE LOWER(variable_name) = 'innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'; variable_value -2048 +2047 # Test 3) Query some information_shema tables that are dependent upon # the page size. INDEX_ID NAME TABLE_ID TYPE N_FIELDS PAGE_NO SPACE   mysqltest: Result content mismatch
            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - - edited

            ---innodb suite
            new tests:




            Failing test(s): innodb.innodb-autoinc innodb.innodb_file_limit_check innodb.innodb-wl6445-1 innodb.innodb_stats_auto_recalc innodb.innodb-log-file-size innodb.innodb-system-table-view innodb.innodb_io_pf innodb.innodb_i_s_innodb_trx innodb.innodb-wl5980-linux innodb.innodb_page_size_func innodb.innodb_stats_fetch innodb.innodb_stats_fetch_corrupted innodb.innodb_stats_auto_recalc_ddl
            Errors/warnings were found in logfiles during server shutdown after running the
            following sequence(s) of tests:
            4 tests were skipped, 4 by the test itself.

            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - - edited ---innodb suite new tests: add_foreign_key.test analyze_table.test blob_redo.test checksum.test create_isl_with_direct.test end_range_check.test flush-hang.test foreign_key.test ibuf_not_empty.test import.test import_update_stats.test innodb-2byte-collation.test innodb-ac-non-locking-select.test innodb-bug12552164.test innodb-bug14219515.test innodb-double-write.test innodb-lock-inherit-read_commited.test innodb-log-file-size-1.test innodb-log-file-size.test innodb-multiple-tablespaces.test innodb-read-view.test innodb-status-output.test innodb-system-table-view.test innodb-tablespace.test innodb-use-sys-malloc.test innodb-wl5980-debug.test innodb-wl5980-discard.test innodb-wl5980-linux.test innodb-wl5980-windows.test innodb-wl6445-1.test innodb-wl6445-2.test innodb-wl6445.test innodb_autoinc_reset.test innodb_buffer_pool_load.test innodb_bug-13628249.test innodb_bug11766634.test innodb_bug11789106.test innodb_bug11933790.test innodb_bug12429573.test innodb_bug13635833.test innodb_bug13867871.test innodb_bug14006907.test innodb_bug14007109.test innodb_bug14169459.test innodb_bug59307.test innodb_bug70867.test innodb_copy_col_in_partition.test innodb_deadlock_with_autoinc.test innodb_file_limit_check.test innodb_force_recovery.test innodb_i_s_innodb_locks.test innodb_i_s_innodb_trx.test innodb_io_pf.test innodb_misc1.test innodb_page_size_func.test innodb_replace.test innodb_stats_auto_recalc.test innodb_stats_auto_recalc_ddl.test innodb_stats_auto_recalc_lots.test innodb_stats_auto_recalc_on_nonexistent.test innodb_stats_del_mark.test innodb_stats_external_pages.test innodb_stats_flag_global_off.test innodb_stats_flag_global_on.test innodb_stats_sample_pages.test innodb_stats_table_flag_auto_recalc.test innodb_stats_table_flag_sample_pages.test innodb_upd_stats_if_needed_not_inited.test innodb_ut_format_name.test monitor.test monitor_debug.test portability_wl5980_linux.zip portability_wl5980_windows.zip strict_checksum.test undo_space_id.test -------------modified innodb/t/create-index.test innodb/t/innodb-autoinc.test innodb/t/innodb-lock.test innodb/t/innodb.test innodb/t/innodb_bug12661768.test t/alter_table.test Failing test(s): innodb.innodb-autoinc innodb.innodb_file_limit_check innodb.innodb-wl6445-1 innodb.innodb_stats_auto_recalc innodb.innodb-log-file-size innodb.innodb-system-table-view innodb.innodb_io_pf innodb.innodb_i_s_innodb_trx innodb.innodb-wl5980-linux innodb.innodb_page_size_func innodb.innodb_stats_fetch innodb.innodb_stats_fetch_corrupted innodb.innodb_stats_auto_recalc_ddl Errors/warnings were found in logfiles during server shutdown after running the following sequence(s) of tests: innodb.innodb-log-file-size innodb.innodb-wl5980-linux 4 tests were skipped, 4 by the test itself.

            alice, at least the test innodb.innodb-log-file-size is already present as innodb.log_file_size, added by me in MDEV-11814. It also contains the test cases from innodb.innodb-log-file-size-1.
            The test innodb.innodb-double-write is present in 10.1 as innodb.doublewrite, with some MariaDB specific modifications by me. I think that we should rather port that test to 10.0, or simply not merge innodb-double-write to 10.0.
            The test innodb_zip.innodb_4k is present as innodb_zip.4k in 10.2. The innodb_zip tests could be easily backported from 10.2 to 10.0.

            Please try harder to find tests that already exist in MariaDB, either 10.0 or 10.2. Also, try to enumerate the Oracle modifications that the MariaDB tests are missing.

            Note that MDEV-12042 will affect the tests that use innodb_page_size. We might not want the innodb_page_size_func test at all.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - alice , at least the test innodb.innodb-log-file-size is already present as innodb.log_file_size, added by me in MDEV-11814 . It also contains the test cases from innodb.innodb-log-file-size-1. The test innodb.innodb-double-write is present in 10.1 as innodb.doublewrite, with some MariaDB specific modifications by me. I think that we should rather port that test to 10.0, or simply not merge innodb-double-write to 10.0. The test innodb_zip.innodb_4k is present as innodb_zip.4k in 10.2. The innodb_zip tests could be easily backported from 10.2 to 10.0. Please try harder to find tests that already exist in MariaDB, either 10.0 or 10.2. Also, try to enumerate the Oracle modifications that the MariaDB tests are missing. Note that MDEV-12042 will affect the tests that use innodb_page_size. We might not want the innodb_page_size_func test at all.
            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - - edited

            Marko Mäkelä, please take a look on tests from innodb_zip suite – wl6501_*

            1) in 10.0 query 'truncate table t' succeeded - should have failed with errno 2013... -what is expected result there?
            (the same in all related tests)
            2) tests, that have --source include/have_innodb_32k.inc (16k, 8k, and so on).

            cat have_innodb_32k.inc
            if (`SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE LOWER(variable_name) = 'innodb_page_size' AND variable_value = 32768`)
              --skip Test requires InnoDB with 32k page size.

            so tests are skipped, instead of starting server with this page size.

            3) (not problem, just fyi) in 10.2 wl6501_tests are in innodb_zip suite, but files innodb_wl6501_crash.inc, innodb_wl6501_crash_temp.inc are in innodb suite (innodb/include)

            innodb_zip.wl6501_1 'innodb_plugin'      [ fail ]
                    Test ended at 2017-10-26 14:26:11
            CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.wl6501_1
            mysqltest: At line 220: query 'truncate table t5' succeeded - should have failed with errno 2013...
            The result from queries just before the failure was:
            < snip >
            select count(*) from t2;
            select count(*) from t3;
            select count(*) from t4;
            select count(*) from t5;
            select count(*) from t6;
            SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,ib_trunc_crash_during_drop_index_temp_table";
            "---debug ib_trunc_crash_during_drop_index_temp_table point---"
            # Write file to make mysql-test-run.pl expect crash and restart
            # Run the crashing query
            truncate table t5;

            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - - edited Marko Mäkelä, please take a look on tests from innodb_zip suite – wl6501_* https://github.com/MariaDB/server/tree/mdev-13625/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t 1) in 10.0 query 'truncate table t' succeeded - should have failed with errno 2013... -what is expected result there? (the same in all related tests) 2) tests, that have --source include/have_innodb_32k.inc (16k, 8k, and so on). cat have_innodb_32k.inc if (`SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE LOWER(variable_name) = 'innodb_page_size' AND variable_value = 32768`) { --skip Test requires InnoDB with 32k page size. } so tests are skipped, instead of starting server with this page size. 3) (not problem, just fyi) in 10.2 wl6501_tests are in innodb_zip suite, but files innodb_wl6501_crash.inc, innodb_wl6501_crash_temp.inc are in innodb suite (innodb/include) innodb_zip.wl6501_1 'innodb_plugin' [ fail ] Test ended at 2017-10-26 14:26:11   CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.wl6501_1 mysqltest: At line 220: query 'truncate table t5' succeeded - should have failed with errno 2013...   The result from queries just before the failure was: < snip > select count(*) from t2; count(*) 3 select count(*) from t3; count(*) 3 select count(*) from t4; count(*) 3 select count(*) from t5; count(*) 3 select count(*) from t6; count(*) 3 SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,ib_trunc_crash_during_drop_index_temp_table"; "---debug ib_trunc_crash_during_drop_index_temp_table point---" # Write file to make mysql-test-run.pl expect crash and restart # Run the crashing query truncate table t5;
            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment -

            test innodb_zip.wl6347_comp_indx_stat in 10.0 https://github.com/MariaDB/server/blob/mdev-13625/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/wl6347_comp_indx_stat.test

            innodb_zip.wl6347_comp_indx_stat 'innodb_plugin' [ fail ]
                    Test ended at 2017-10-26 15:11:32
            CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.wl6347_comp_indx_stat
            --- /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/wl6347_comp_indx_stat.result	2017-10-26 15:10:53.353849361 +0200
            +++ /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/wl6347_comp_indx_stat.reject	2017-10-26 15:11:32.308658041 +0200
            @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # for deterministic reasons simple data should be inserted.
             # insert some 100 records
             # Load the data
            @@ -965,7 +965,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 163840
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 159744
             # fetch the compressed page and check the stats
             Fetch Records
            @@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 163840
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 159744
             # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats
             # the stat figures should be same as above query
            @@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 163840
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 159744
             DROP TABLE tab5;
             # Test 1-8K: innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON and innodb_compression_level=0 with page size 8K
            @@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted.
             # insert some 100 records
             # Load the data
            @@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed page and check the stats
             Fetch Records
            @@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats
             # the stat figures should be same as above query
            @@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # Restarting server
             # set the flag on (default off)
             SET GLOBAL innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON;
            @@ -3337,7 +3337,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted.
             # insert some 100 records
             # Load the data
            @@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed page and check the stats
             Fetch Records
            @@ -3589,7 +3589,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats
             # the stat figures should be same as above query
            @@ -3614,7 +3614,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             DROP TABLE tab5;
             # Test 3-2K: innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON and innodb_compression_level=Def with page size 2K
            @@ -4838,7 +4838,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted.
             #insert some 100 records
             # Load the data
            @@ -5065,7 +5065,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed page and check the stats
             Fetch Records
            @@ -5089,7 +5089,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats
             # the stat figures should be same as above query
            @@ -5114,7 +5114,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # Restarting server
             # set the flag on (default off)
             SET GLOBAL innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON;
            @@ -6463,7 +6463,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted.
             # insert some 100 records
             # Load the data
            @@ -6690,7 +6690,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed page and check the stats
             Fetch Records
            @@ -6714,7 +6714,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats
             # the stat figures should be same as above query
            @@ -6739,7 +6739,7 @@
             AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test'
             AND index_name like 'idx%' ;
             compress_stat	1
            -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536
            +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880
             # Restarting server
             # set the flag on (default off)
             SET GLOBAL innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON;
            mysqltest: Result length mismatch

            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - test innodb_zip.wl6347_comp_indx_stat in 10.0 https://github.com/MariaDB/server/blob/mdev-13625/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/wl6347_comp_indx_stat.test innodb_zip.wl6347_comp_indx_stat 'innodb_plugin' [ fail ] Test ended at 2017-10-26 15:11:32   CURRENT_TEST: innodb_zip.wl6347_comp_indx_stat --- /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/wl6347_comp_indx_stat.result 2017-10-26 15:10:53.353849361 +0200 +++ /home/alice/aliska/10.0/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/wl6347_comp_indx_stat.reject 2017-10-26 15:11:32.308658041 +0200 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # for deterministic reasons simple data should be inserted. # insert some 100 records # Load the data @@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 163840 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 159744 # fetch the compressed page and check the stats =============== Fetch Records @@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 163840 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 159744 # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats # the stat figures should be same as above query =============== @@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 163840 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 159744 DROP TABLE tab5; #****************************************************************** # Test 1-8K: innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON and innodb_compression_level=0 with page size 8K @@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted. # insert some 100 records # Load the data @@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed page and check the stats =============== Fetch Records @@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats # the stat figures should be same as above query =============== @@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # Restarting server # set the flag on (default off) SET GLOBAL innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON; @@ -3337,7 +3337,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted. # insert some 100 records # Load the data @@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed page and check the stats =============== Fetch Records @@ -3589,7 +3589,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats # the stat figures should be same as above query =============== @@ -3614,7 +3614,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 DROP TABLE tab5; #****************************************************************** # Test 3-2K: innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON and innodb_compression_level=Def with page size 2K @@ -4838,7 +4838,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted. #insert some 100 records # Load the data @@ -5065,7 +5065,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed page and check the stats =============== Fetch Records @@ -5089,7 +5089,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats # the stat figures should be same as above query =============== @@ -5114,7 +5114,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # Restarting server # set the flag on (default off) SET GLOBAL innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON; @@ -6463,7 +6463,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # for determintic resons simple data should be inserted. # insert some 100 records # Load the data @@ -6690,7 +6690,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed page and check the stats =============== Fetch Records @@ -6714,7 +6714,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # fetch the compressed same page once again and check the stats # the stat figures should be same as above query =============== @@ -6739,7 +6739,7 @@ AND table_name='tab5' AND database_name='test' AND index_name like 'idx%' ; compress_stat 1 -The size of the tab5.ibd file: 65536 +The size of the tab5.ibd file: 5242880 # Restarting server # set the flag on (default off) SET GLOBAL innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled=ON;   mysqltest: Result length mismatch
            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - - edited

            Tests for different innodb_page_size should be combined and innodb_page_size.inc should be used.
            Also in 10.1 we have some innodb.innodb-64k and similar tests that should be merged.
            In 10.2 there is innodb_zip.4k and so on, which should be combined, using innodb_page_size_small.inc.

            The TRUNCATE TABLE code was rewritten in 5.7 as part of WL#6501 and in a different way in 10.2.19 by MDEV-13564. The WL#6501 TRUNCATE TABLE tests do not apply to MariaDB.

            "WL#6347 InnoDB: Index level compression stats" should be in 5.6 (and 10.1) too.
            The .ibd file size mismatch could be due to the same bug that causes MDEV-13013. Can you try to find out the reason?

            When preparing for MDEV-11369, I merged many ALTER TABLE tests to MariaDB 10.0, but some may be missing, especially from --suite=main.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - - edited Tests for different innodb_page_size should be combined and innodb_page_size.inc should be used. Also in 10.1 we have some innodb.innodb-64k and similar tests that should be merged. In 10.2 there is innodb_zip.4k and so on, which should be combined, using innodb_page_size_small.inc. The TRUNCATE TABLE code was rewritten in 5.7 as part of WL#6501 and in a different way in 10.2.19 by MDEV-13564 . The WL#6501 TRUNCATE TABLE tests do not apply to MariaDB. "WL#6347 InnoDB: Index level compression stats" should be in 5.6 (and 10.1) too. The .ibd file size mismatch could be due to the same bug that causes MDEV-13013 . Can you try to find out the reason? When preparing for MDEV-11369 , I merged many ALTER TABLE tests to MariaDB 10.0, but some may be missing, especially from --suite=main .

            Because the MariaDB Server 10.0 and 10.1 branches have already reached EOL, it does not make sense to implement this. The MySQL 5.7 tests (MDEV-13626) do include tests from MySQL 5.6.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - Because the MariaDB Server 10.0 and 10.1 branches have already reached EOL, it does not make sense to implement this. The MySQL 5.7 tests ( MDEV-13626 ) do include tests from MySQL 5.6.


              marko Marko Mäkelä
              marko Marko Mäkelä
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