
    • 2020-1, 2020-2


      Noticed what is likely a cut & paste error. Need to skim the S3Storage class at least, and make sure log msgs are going to the right place. Ex:

      {{ if (ms3_server_error(creds))
      logger->log(LOG_WARNING, "S3Storage::putObject(): failed to PUT, server says '%s'. bucket = %s, key = %s.",
      ms3_server_error(creds), bucket.c_str(), destKey.c_str());
      logger->log(LOG_ERR, "S3Storage::putObject(): failed to PUT, got '%s'. bucket = %s, key = %s.",
      s3err_msgs[s3err], bucket.c_str(), destKey.c_str());}}

      I can't think of a reason one should go to warning, one should go to err, it's the same error msg.


        Issue Links


            approved the PR, will merge when unfrozen.

            pleblanc Patrick LeBlanc (Inactive) added a comment - approved the PR, will merge when unfrozen.

            Merged it.

            Daniel, to verify this one, you would just need to look at the log files and give your opinion on whether msgs from storagemanager are at the appropriate log level or not. Subjective test.

            pleblanc Patrick LeBlanc (Inactive) added a comment - Merged it. Daniel, to verify this one, you would just need to look at the log files and give your opinion on whether msgs from storagemanager are at the appropriate log level or not. Subjective test.

            Build verified: 1.4.3-1 source
            commit cbfa2cfc48da12a13957d06c59e6a7651b77aa6a
            commit cf668897eff4395cc929abffb0cd87df0305c88b

            Compare logs files from both 1.4.2 and 1.4.3. I did not noticed much difference between the two except messages relating to MCOL-3748.

            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) added a comment - Build verified: 1.4.3-1 source server commit cbfa2cfc48da12a13957d06c59e6a7651b77aa6a engine commit cf668897eff4395cc929abffb0cd87df0305c88b Compare logs files from both 1.4.2 and 1.4.3. I did not noticed much difference between the two except messages relating to MCOL-3748 .


              dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive)
              pleblanc Patrick LeBlanc (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue



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