The following test causes PBXT replication to fail:
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
CREATE TABLE `table10_pbxt_int_autoinc` ( `col_int_key` int, pk integer auto_increment, `col_int` int, key (`col_int_key` ), primary key (pk)) ENGINE=pbxt;
INSERT /*! IGNORE */ INTO table10_pbxt_int_autoinc VALUES (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100) , (100, NULL, 100);
DELETE FROM `table10_pbxt_int_autoinc` WHERE 1 = 1 LIMIT 6;
UPDATE `table10_pbxt_int_autoinc` SET `pk` = 2 WHERE `col_int_key` > 3 LIMIT 6;
UPDATE `table10_pbxt_int_autoinc` SET `col_int_key` = 2 WHERE `pk` > 0 LIMIT 2;
set autocommit=1;
The error is
Last_SQL_Error Could not execute Update_rows event on table test.table10_pbxt_int_autoinc; Can't find record in 'table10_pbxt_int_autoinc', Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; the event's master log master-bin.000001, end_log_pos 1083