Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-4633

multi_source.simple test fails sporadically




      multi_source.simple                      w3 [ fail ]
              Test ended at 2013-06-08 02:47:36
      CURRENT_TEST: multi_source.simple
      --- /usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/multi_source/simple.result	2013-06-07 23:29:20.000000000 +0300
      +++ /run/shm/var/3/log/simple.reject	2013-06-08 02:47:36.017375264 +0300
      @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
       show all slaves status;
       Connection_name	Slave_SQL_State	Slave_IO_State	Master_Host	Master_User	Master_Port	Connect_Retry	Master_Log_File	Read_Master_Log_Pos	Relay_Log_File	Relay_Log_Pos	Relay_Master_Log_File	Slave_IO_Running	Slave_SQL_Running	Replicate_Do_DB	Replicate_Ignore_DB	Replicate_Do_Table	Replicate_Ignore_Table	Replicate_Wild_Do_Table	Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table	Last_Errno	Last_Error	Skip_Counter	Exec_Master_Log_Pos	Relay_Log_Space	Until_Condition	Until_Log_File	Until_Log_Pos	Master_SSL_Allowed	Master_SSL_CA_File	Master_SSL_CA_Path	Master_SSL_Cert	Master_SSL_Cipher	Master_SSL_Key	Seconds_Behind_Master	Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert	Last_IO_Errno	Last_IO_Error	Last_SQL_Errno	Last_SQL_Error	Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids	Master_Server_Id	Using_Gtid	Retried_transactions	Max_relay_log_size	Executed_log_entries	Slave_received_heartbeats	Slave_heartbeat_period	Gtid_Slave_Pos
       slave1	Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it	Waiting for master to send event	root	MYPORT_1	60	master-bin.000001	313	mysqld-relay-bin-slave1.000002	601	master-bin.000001	Yes	Yes							0		0	313	906	None		0	No						0	No	0		0			1	No	0	1073741824	7	0	60.000	
      -slave2	Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it	Waiting for master to send event	root	MYPORT_2	60	master-bin.000001	313	mysqld-relay-bin-slave2.000002	601	master-bin.000001	Yes	Yes							0		0	313	906	None		0	No						0	No	0		0			2	No	0	1073741824	7	0	60.000	
      +slave2	Reading event from the relay log	Waiting for master to send event	root	MYPORT_2	60	master-bin.000001	313	mysqld-relay-bin-slave2.000002	601	master-bin.000001	Yes	Yes							0		0	313	906	None		0	No						0	No	0		0			2	No	0	1073741824	6	0	60.000	
       start all slaves;
       stop slave 'slave1';
       show slave 'slave1' status;
      mysqltest: Result length mismatch


        Issue Links


            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - Hello Andrei, Can you please review the fix for MDEV-4633 . Patch: https://github.com/MariaDB/server/commit/e4fa0c805adf06c637cc3867427ca529b40e19ce BuildBot Test: http://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/grid?category=main&branch=bb-10.1-sujatha Thank you.

            Hello Elkin

            Please find the 10.4 specific patch, which converts rli->log_space_total to atomic type.


            Thank you.

            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - Hello Elkin Please find the 10.4 specific patch, which converts rli->log_space_total to atomic type. https://github.com/MariaDB/server/commit/169d05ef80927bfa5e5fe434506b02ee5d08284b Thank you.

            Hello Elkin

            Please find the 10.1 patch, I have addressed your review comments.
            Converted 'rli->log_space_total' to atomic type.

            BuildBot: http://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/grid?category=main&branch=bb-10.1-sujatha

            Please review it.

            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - Hello Elkin Please find the 10.1 patch, I have addressed your review comments. Converted 'rli->log_space_total' to atomic type. https://github.com/MariaDB/server/commit/5d9386892b58477c4e28de3e40d930b44f5b42d4 BuildBot: http://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/grid?category=main&branch=bb-10.1-sujatha Please review it.
            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - Hello Elkin , Please find the final changes for MDEV-4633 . 10.1 path: https://github.com/MariaDB/server/commit/5ca4b1a5dc52db4bc8bfb117edf6d3431b8e1a9c 10.4 path: https://github.com/MariaDB/server/commit/169d05ef80927bfa5e5fe434506b02ee5d08284b Thank you

            Patch is approved by Andrei.

            Pushed the change into 10.2.37. Changes are merged till 10.4.

            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - Patch is approved by Andrei. Pushed the change into 10.2.37. Changes are merged till 10.4.


              Elkin Andrei Elkin
              elenst Elena Stepanova
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue



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