Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Transform queries like:
... WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inner_table WHERE inner_table.field =
2*outer_table.field AND maybe_something_else)...
... WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inner_table WHERE inner_table.field =
2*outer_table.field AND maybe_something_else)...
... WHERE 2*outer_table.field IN (SELECT inner_table.field FROM inner_table
WHERE 1 = 1 AND maybe_something_else)..
... WHERE NOT( 2*outer_table.field IS NOT NULL AND NOT 2*outer_table.field IN
inner_table.field FROM inner_table WHERE inner_table.field IS NOT NULL AND
To allow optimizations made for IN/ALL/ANY subqueries.
Conversion is possible only if:
1)real NULL is not important (top element of WHERE/ON AND/OR list, i.e. NULL
equal to FALSE)
2a)subquery has dependences in the WHERE clause and they are equalities and in is not "NOT EXISTS" (this kind of queries could be converted to semijoin)
2b)subquery has the only dependences (after bringing them out subquery become independent) in the WHERE clause and they are equalities (could be materialized)
3)the subquery is simple (has no aggregate function, GROUp BY, ORDER BY, LIMIT
HAVING and so on)
For NOT EXISTS conversion the subquery should be marked that its left part can't
be NULL.
Note: Number of equalities could be limited by already allocated space for select list for current implementation.
Issue Links
- includes
MDEV-3903 Exists2In: Server crashes in Item_cond::fix_fields on 2nd execution of a prepared stmt with exists_to_in+materialization+semijoin, EXISTS subquery, STRAIGHT_JOIN
- Closed
MDEV-3904 Exists2In: Assertion `in_subs->has_strategy()' failed in JOIN::choose_subquery_plan on 2nd execution of PS with exists_to_in+semijoin, EXISTS subquery, MERGE view or FROM subquery
- Closed
- is blocked by
MDEV-159 Exists2In: Assertion `!table || (!table->read_set || bitmap_is_set(table->read_set, field_index))' failed in String* Field_varstring::val_str(String*, String*)
- Closed
MDEV-160 Exists2In: Crash in in hp_movelink with subquery_cache=ON
- Closed
- relates to
MDEV-245 Exists2In: Wrong result (extra rows) with exists_to_in=ON, materialization=OFF, NOT EXISTS subquery
- Closed
MDEV-403 Exists2In: Wrong result (missing rows) with subquery in EXISTS and an OR condition outside
- Closed
MDEV-404 Exists2In: Wrong result (extra rows) with STRAIGHT_JOIN, EXISTS subquery, NOT NULL column
- Closed
MDEV-3906 Exists2In: Server crashes in Dependency_marker::visit_field on 2nd execution of PS with exists_to_in and NOT EXISTS subquery
- Closed
MDEV-243 Exists2In: Wrong result (extra or missing rows) with exists_to_in + materialization, EXISTS subquery
- Closed