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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-35289

innodb_fast_shutdown=0 might corrupt the system tablespace on 32-bit systems




      In MDEV-34529, a condition was added that is incorrect on 32-bit systems because a 64-bit value would be assigned to a 32-bit variable. The following patch highlights the problem and shows a possible fix:

      diff --git a/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc b/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc
      index 05de5823f25..66a01ffd69d 100644
      --- a/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc
      +++ b/storage/innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.cc
      @@ -3645,14 +3645,15 @@ struct inode_info : private std::unordered_set<uint64_t>
               const fseg_inode_t *inode=
                 fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode(block->page.frame, i);
      -        ulint seg_id= mach_read_from_8(FSEG_ID + inode);
               /* Consider TRX_SYS_FSEG_HEADER as used segment.
               While reinitializing the undo tablespace, InnoDB
               fail to reset the value of TRX_SYS_FSEG_HEADER
               in TRX_SYS page. so InnoDB shouldn't consider
               this segment as unused one */
      -        if (seg_id == 0 || seg_id == 2)
      +        switch (mach_read_from_8(FSEG_ID + inode)) {
      +        case 0: case 2:
      +        }
       	uint16_t offset= uint16_t(inode - block->page.frame);
               if (offset < FIL_PAGE_DATA ||
                   offset >= block->physical_size() - FIL_PAGE_DATA_END)

      The problem is that the ulint type alias of size_t is insufficient for holding the 64-bit quantity.

      This code can only be executed when the server is being shut down with innodb_fast_shutdown=0 or when the :autoshrink attribute is set in innodb_data_file_path, which specifies the names and sizes of the InnoDB system tablespace files.

      As far as I can tell, the impact is that any file segment whose least significant 32 bits are 0 or 2 could be corrupted. This could include tables that are stored in the InnoDB system tablespace. Years ago, innodb_file_per_table=0 was the default. It could be possible that a rather recently added system table such as SYS_VIRTUAL could be affected when an old InnoDB installation already had enough many tables or indexes created (and possibly dropped) in the system tablespace.


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              marko Marko Mäkelä
              marko Marko Mäkelä
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