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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-34427

BNL-H has not optimal implementation for varchar type


    • Bug
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 10.5, 10.6, 10.11, 11.1(EOL), 11.2(EOL), 11.4, 11.5(EOL), 11.6(EOL)
    • 11.6(EOL)
    • Optimizer
    • None


      BNL-H has not optimal implementation for varchar type. The query execution time increases in direct proportion with increasing size of varchar for the same data.


      CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1(col1 VARCHAR(500)) engine=INNODB character set latin1 collate latin1_swedish_ci;
      CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t2(col2 VARCHAR(500)) engine=INNODB character set latin1 collate latin1_swedish_ci;
      insert into t1 select  FLOOR(1 + (RAND() * 200000)) from seq_1_to_20000;
      insert into t2 select  FLOOR(1 + (RAND() * 20000))  from seq_1_to_20000;
      set join_cache_level=3;
      select max(A.col1) from t1 A, t2 B where A.col1=B.col2;

      Time execution: 0.204 sec

      CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1(col1 VARCHAR(2000)) engine=INNODB character set latin1 collate latin1_swedish_ci;
      CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t2(col2 VARCHAR(2000)) engine=INNODB character set latin1 collate latin1_swedish_ci;
      insert into t1 select  FLOOR(1 + (RAND() * 200000)) from seq_1_to_20000;
      insert into t2 select  FLOOR(1 + (RAND() * 20000))  from seq_1_to_20000;
      set join_cache_level=3;
      select max(A.col1) from t1 A, t2 B where A.col1=B.col2;

      Time execution: 0.793 sec


        Issue Links


            See the investigation details in MDEV-34352, in the comments.

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - See the investigation details in MDEV-34352 , in the comments.


              psergei Sergei Petrunia
              lstartseva Lena Startseva
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue



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