New Feature
Status: In Testing (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
The GIS function ST_Simplify takes ad input a geometry (g) and a double (max_distance). It applies the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm on g and returns the resulting geometry.
The goal of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm is to find a geometry that is similar to g but uses only a subset of points. To perform the simplification, all the vertexes that are shorter than max_distance are removed.
The algorithm may produce self-intersections and therefore result in invalid geometries.
If the max_distance is not positive or is NULL, an ER_WRONG_ARGUMENT will occur.
Issue Links
- causes
MDEV-34969 test fail main.spatial_utility_function_simplify (aarch64 and ppc64le)
- In Testing
- is part of
MDEV-17398 Implement Geographic functions available in MySQL 8.0
- Stalled
MDEV-34120 GSoC 2024, Spatial (GIS) functions in MariaDB
- In Testing