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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-34046

Parameterized PS converts error to warning, causes replication problems



      In the test case below, the query


      when it is executed as a plain statement, causes an error 4079 ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_FOR_OPERATION; but if it is executed as a prepared statement where @@timestamp comes as a parameter, then instead of an error it only produces a warning 1292 ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE.
      The discrepancy may seem minor, but it can cause a trouble when it happens in a replication context: being executed (with a warning), it gets written into the binary log – of course, not as a prepared statement with a parameter, but as a resulting statement – and thus it causes an error on the replica.

      Note: Use of @@timestamp is not important here, any constant or variable with a fractional part leads to the same problem; I'm using @@timestamp to make the test case more realistic: while BEFORE SYSTEM_TIME 12.3 looks artificial, using @@timestamp there is a fair mistake which is easy to make, at least I myself did it a number of times.

      create table t (a int) with system versioning;
      insert into t values (1),(2);
      delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp;
      execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp";
      execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time ?" using @@timestamp;

      10.5 7f55c610608d45a0958f502a8b428c6d37f86692

      delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp;
      ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type double for operation 'FOR SYSTEM_TIME'
      execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp";
      ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type double for operation 'FOR SYSTEM_TIME'
      execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time ?" using @@timestamp;
      Warning	1292	Truncated incorrect datetime value: '1731785506.669454'

      Test case demonstrating the effect on replication:

      --source include/have_binlog_format_mixed.inc
      --source include/master-slave.inc
      create table t (a int) with system versioning;
      insert into t values (1),(2);
      execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time ?" using @@timestamp;
      # Cleanup
      --connection master
      drop table t;
      --source include/rpl_end.inc

      Last_Errno	4079
      Last_Error	Error 'Illegal parameter data type decimal for operation 'FOR SYSTEM_TIME'' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'delete history from t before system_time 1731785600.849373'

      SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000001';
      Log_name	Pos	Event_type	Server_id	End_log_pos	Info
      master-bin.000001	4	Format_desc	1	256	Server ver: 10.5.28-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4
      master-bin.000001	256	Gtid_list	1	285	[]
      master-bin.000001	285	Binlog_checkpoint	1	329	master-bin.000001
      master-bin.000001	329	Gtid	1	371	GTID 0-1-1
      master-bin.000001	371	Query	1	483	use `test`; create table t (a int) with system versioning
      master-bin.000001	483	Gtid	1	525	BEGIN GTID 0-1-2
      master-bin.000001	525	Query	1	624	use `test`; insert into t values (1),(2)
      master-bin.000001	624	Query	1	701	COMMIT
      master-bin.000001	701	Gtid	1	743	BEGIN GTID 0-1-3
      master-bin.000001	743	Query	1	876	use `test`; delete history from t before system_time 1731785600.849373
      master-bin.000001	876	Query	1	957	COMMIT



          elenst Elena Stepanova created issue -
          julien.fritsch Julien Fritsch made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Fix Version/s 11.5 [ 29506 ]
          elenst Elena Stepanova made changes -
          Fix Version/s 10.6 [ 24028 ]
          Fix Version/s 10.11 [ 27614 ]
          Fix Version/s 11.4 [ 29301 ]
          Fix Version/s 11.7 [ 29815 ]
          Affects Version/s 10.5 [ 23123 ]
          Affects Version/s 10.6 [ 24028 ]
          Affects Version/s 10.11 [ 27614 ]
          Affects Version/s 11.4 [ 29301 ]
          Affects Version/s 11.7 [ 29815 ]
          Affects Version/s 11.5(EOL) [ 29506 ]
          Assignee Elena Stepanova [ elenst ] Oleksandr Byelkin [ sanja ]
          Description {{delete history from t before system_time 1714569105}} causes an error, however the same executed as a parameterized PS works (with a warning) on the primary, gets written into binlog and makes replication abort.

          Reproducible, needs finalizing.

          --source include/master-slave.inc

          create table t (a int) with system versioning;
          insert into t values (1),(2);
          execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time ?" using @@timestamp;

          In the test case below, the query
          when it is executed as a plain statement, causes an *error* 4079 {{ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_FOR_OPERATION}}; but if it is executed as a prepared statement where {{@@timestamp}} comes as a parameter, then instead of an error it only produces a *warning* 1292 {{ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE}}.
          The discrepancy may seem minor, but it can cause a trouble when it happens in a replication context: being executed (with a warning), it gets written into the binary log -- of course, not as a prepared statement with a parameter, but as a resulting statement -- and thus it causes an error on the replica.

          _Note: Use of {{@@timestamp}} is not important here, any constant or variable with a fractional part leads to the same problem; I'm using {{@@timestamp}} to make the test case more realistic: while {{BEFORE SYSTEM_TIME 12.3}} looks artificial, using {{@@timestamp}} there is a fair mistake which is easy to make, at least I myself did it a number of times._

          create table t (a int) with system versioning;
          insert into t values (1),(2);

          delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp;
          execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp";

          execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time ?" using @@timestamp;

          {code:sql|title=10.5 7f55c610608d45a0958f502a8b428c6d37f86692}
          delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp;
          ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type double for operation 'FOR SYSTEM_TIME'
          execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time @@timestamp";
          ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type double for operation 'FOR SYSTEM_TIME'
          execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time ?" using @@timestamp;
          Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect datetime value: '1731785506.669454'

          Test case demonstrating the effect on replication:
          --source include/have_binlog_format_mixed.inc
          --source include/master-slave.inc

          create table t (a int) with system versioning;
          insert into t values (1),(2);

          execute immediate "delete history from t before system_time ?" using @@timestamp;


          # Cleanup
          --connection master
          drop table t;
          --source include/rpl_end.inc

          Last_Errno 4079
          Last_Error Error 'Illegal parameter data type decimal for operation 'FOR SYSTEM_TIME'' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'delete history from t before system_time 1731785600.849373'
          SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000001';
          Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
          master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 256 Server ver: 10.5.28-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4
          master-bin.000001 256 Gtid_list 1 285 []
          master-bin.000001 285 Binlog_checkpoint 1 329 master-bin.000001
          master-bin.000001 329 Gtid 1 371 GTID 0-1-1
          master-bin.000001 371 Query 1 483 use `test`; create table t (a int) with system versioning
          master-bin.000001 483 Gtid 1 525 BEGIN GTID 0-1-2
          master-bin.000001 525 Query 1 624 use `test`; insert into t values (1),(2)
          master-bin.000001 624 Query 1 701 COMMIT
          master-bin.000001 701 Gtid 1 743 BEGIN GTID 0-1-3
          master-bin.000001 743 Query 1 876 use `test`; delete history from t before system_time 1731785600.849373
          master-bin.000001 876 Query 1 957 COMMIT
          Summary [Draft] Replication aborts upon DELETE HISTORY in prepared statement Parameterized PS converts error to warning, causes replication problems
          julien.fritsch Julien Fritsch made changes -
          Fix Version/s 11.7(EOL) [ 29815 ]


            sanja Oleksandr Byelkin
            elenst Elena Stepanova
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue



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