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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-31052

Parallel slave hangs with binlog_alter_two_phase=ON and ALTER replication error


    • Bug
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 10.8(EOL), 10.9(EOL), 10.10(EOL), 10.11, 11.0(EOL)
    • 10.11
    • Replication
    • None


      I originally came across this during RQG Replication testing for MDEV-16329. Using the test case in MDEV-31050 but with parallel slave threads and binlog_alter_two_phase=ON, it is possible to achieve a SHOW SLAVE STATUS with

      10.8 e552747cfdf364a5ade1

      Slave_SQL_Running	Yes
      Last_SQL_Errno	1062
      Last_SQL_Error	Error 'Duplicate entry '0' for key 'col_int_nokey'' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'ALTER TABLE t9 ADD UNIQUE (`col_int_nokey`), ALGORITHM=COPY'

      I am not sure if this is an issue that should be solved in its own right or is merely a consequence of MDEV-31050, but thought I should raise it separately in light of MDEV-30780.

      Test case for reproducing

      --source include/master-slave.inc
      --source include/have_aria.inc
      --source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc
      # Need both binlog_alter_two_phase=1 and parallel replica threads
      --connection master
      --let $binlog_alter_two_phase= `select @@binlog_alter_two_phase`
      set global binlog_alter_two_phase = ON;
      set binlog_alter_two_phase = ON;
      --connection slave
      SET @old_parallel_threads=@@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads;
      --source include/stop_slave.inc
      SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=6;
      SET @old_parallel_mode=@@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_mode;
      # Same issue with conservative
      SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_mode='optimistic';
      --source include/start_slave.inc
      --connection master
      USE test;
      # No replication error with MyISAM and InnoDB
      # Need ROW_FORMAT DYNAMIC for replication error
      INSERT INTO t9 () VALUES (),(),();
      ALTER TABLE t9 ADD UNIQUE (`col_int_nokey`), ALGORITHM=COPY;
      --connection slave
      --let $slave_param= Last_SQL_Errno
      --let $slave_param_value= 1062
      --let $slave_timeout= 60
      --source include/wait_for_slave_param.inc
      --let $status_items= Last_SQL_Error
      --source include/show_slave_status.inc
      --let $slave_sql_errno= 1062
      --let $slave_timeout= 120
      # This will time out as the macro expects the SQL thread to NOT be running
      --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_error_and_skip.inc
      --source include/stop_slave.inc
      SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_mode=@old_parallel_mode;
      SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=@old_parallel_threads;
      --source include/start_slave.inc
      --connection master
      DROP table t9;
      --eval set global binlog_alter_two_phase=$binlog_alter_two_phase
      --source include/rpl_end.inc

      The test notably fails with:

      **** SHOW PROCESSLIST on server_2 ****
      Id	User	Host	db	Command	Time	State	Info	Progress
      5	root	localhost:34070	test	Query	0	starting	SHOW PROCESSLIST	0.000
      6	root	localhost:34086	test	Sleep	122		NULL	0.000
      9	root	localhost:40302	test	Sleep	0		NULL	0.000
      10	root	localhost:40316	test	Sleep	121		NULL	0.000
      11	system user		NULL	Slave_IO	121	Waiting for master to send event	NULL	0.000
      14	system user		NULL	Slave_worker	121	Waiting for work from SQL thread	NULL	0.000
      13	system user		NULL	Slave_worker	121	Waiting for work from SQL thread	NULL	0.000
      15	system user		NULL	Slave_worker	121	Waiting for work from SQL thread	NULL	0.000
      16	system user		test	Slave_worker	121	closing tables	ALTER TABLE t9 ADD UNIQUE (`col_int_nokey`), ALGORITHM=COPY	0.000
      17	system user		NULL	Slave_worker	121	Waiting for work from SQL thread	NULL	0.000
      18	system user		NULL	Slave_worker	121	Waiting for work from SQL thread	NULL	0.000
      12	system user		NULL	Slave_SQL	121	Reading event from the relay log	NULL	0.000

      **** SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on server_2 ****
      binlog_name = 'slave-bin.000001'
      SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'slave-bin.000001';
      Log_name	Pos	Event_type	Server_id	End_log_pos	Info
      slave-bin.000001	4	Format_desc	2	256	Server ver: 10.8.8-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4
      slave-bin.000001	256	Gtid_list	2	285	[]
      slave-bin.000001	285	Binlog_checkpoint	2	328	slave-bin.000001
      slave-bin.000001	328	Gtid	1	370	GTID 0-1-1
      slave-bin.000001	370	Query	1	550	use `test`; CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t9 (`col_int_nokey` SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 ) ROW_FORMAT DYNAMIC ENGINE=Aria
      slave-bin.000001	550	Gtid	1	592	BEGIN GTID 0-1-2
      slave-bin.000001	592	Query	1	692	use `test`; INSERT INTO t9 () VALUES (),(),()
      slave-bin.000001	692	Query	1	765	COMMIT
      slave-bin.000001	765	Gtid	1	807	GTID 0-1-3
      slave-bin.000001	807	Query	1	886	use `test`; FLUSH TABLES
      slave-bin.000001	886	Gtid	1	928	GTID 0-1-4 START ALTER
      slave-bin.000001	928	Query	1	1056	use `test`; ALTER TABLE t9 ADD UNIQUE (`col_int_nokey`), ALGORITHM=COPY
      **** SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS on server_2 ****
      relaylog_name = 'slave-relay-bin.000003'
      SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN 'slave-relay-bin.000003';
      Log_name	Pos	Event_type	Server_id	End_log_pos	Info
      slave-relay-bin.000003	4	Format_desc	2	256	Server ver: 10.8.8-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4
      slave-relay-bin.000003	256	Rotate	1	0	master-bin.000001;pos=329
      slave-relay-bin.000003	304	Format_desc	1	0	Server ver: 10.8.8-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4
      slave-relay-bin.000003	556	Gtid	1	371	GTID 0-1-1
      slave-relay-bin.000003	598	Query	1	551	use `test`; CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t9 (`col_int_nokey` SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 ) ROW_FORMAT DYNAMIC ENGINE=Aria
      slave-relay-bin.000003	778	Gtid	1	593	BEGIN GTID 0-1-2
      slave-relay-bin.000003	820	Query	1	693	use `test`; INSERT INTO t9 () VALUES (),(),()
      slave-relay-bin.000003	920	Query	1	766	COMMIT
      slave-relay-bin.000003	993	Gtid	1	808	GTID 0-1-3
      slave-relay-bin.000003	1035	Query	1	887	use `test`; FLUSH TABLES
      slave-relay-bin.000003	1114	Gtid	1	929	GTID 0-1-4 START ALTER
      slave-relay-bin.000003	1156	Query	1	1057	use `test`; ALTER TABLE t9 ADD UNIQUE (`col_int_nokey`), ALGORITHM=COPY
      slave-relay-bin.000003	1284	Gtid	1	1102	GTID 0-1-5 COMMIT ALTER id=4
      slave-relay-bin.000003	1329	Query	1	1247	use `test`; ALTER TABLE t9 ADD UNIQUE (`col_int_nokey`), ALGORITHM=COPY
      connection server_1;


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              Elkin Andrei Elkin
              angelique.sklavounos Angelique Sklavounos (Inactive)
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