Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Here's how the self-reference detection works. Say we have a spider
table t0 on server s0, and it connects to a table t1 on server s1. Let
us denote this by s0.t0 -> s1.t1. Say we also have s1.t1 -> s2.t2 and
s2.t2 -> s0.t0 (a self-reference!). When opening the table s0.t0, the
server executes a query on s1, setting a user var
@spider_lc.$path_to_t1 to the value of $u0$path_to_t0-, where
u0 is the a string consisting of the MAC address and process ID of
s0. An example would be
set @`spider_lc_./test/t1` = '-1234567890ab-cdef01-./test/t0-'
where ./test/t0 is the path to table t0, ./test/t1 is the path
to table t1, 1234567890ab is the MAC address of s0, and cdef01 the
process id.
After this query setting the uservar, s0 executes another query
that causes the opening of t1 on server s1, which will then executes
the same query on s2, except the value is now concatenated info of
s0.t0 and s1.t1:
set @`spider_lc_./test/t2` = '-234567890abc-def012-./test/t1--1234567890ab-cdef01-./test/t0-'
where 234567890abc and def012 are the MAC addr and pid of s1.
Then s1 also executes a query that causes t2 to be opened on s2, which
will then executes the query on s0.t0:
set @`spider_lc_./test/t0` = '-34567890abcd-ef0123-./test/t2--234567890abc-def012-./test/t1--1234567890ab-cdef01-./test/t0-'
where 34567890abcd and ef0123 are the MAC addr and pid of s2. Now s2
also executes a second query that causes t0 to be opened on s0 again.
So far we've omitted a step that checks for any self-references. It
happens during the opening of a spider table, before setting the
uservar on the remote server, and has failed to find any on the first
opening of s0.t0, and the opening of s1.t1 and s2.t2. But during the
second opening of s0.t0, it finds the self-references. It achieves
this by reconstructing $u0$path_to_t0- and checking if it is a
substring of the value of the uservar @spider_lc.$path_to_t0.
It is this double opening of s0.t0 that causes bugs like
MDEV-29676. If we could detect the self-reference during the opening
of s2.t2 and abort the opening then, we would avoid opening s0.t0
twice. On s2, we have access to the value of uservar which is
and we know the remote table is s0.t0. The problem is that we have no
access to the MAC address and PID of s0. This can be fixed if after
sending the query to s0 to set the uservar, we could send another
query to s0 that does the self-reference checking without opening any
tables and reports the result, which could be picked up by s2 to
report self-reference. The only query I know that does not open a
table, and for which it makes sense to return this sort of
information, is SHOW ENGINE Spider STATUS: we could add logic to
the query so that the result displays all self-referencing spider
tables. The logic simply finds all uservars in the format of
spider_lc_$path_to_table, and does the checking on all of them.
Issue Links
- relates to
MDEV-6268 SPIDER table with no COMMENT clause causes queries to wait forever
- Closed
MDEV-29676 Dual thread hang in 'closing tables' and 'Waiting for table metadata lock' on Spider CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE
- Closed
MDEV-31968 Spider uses too long variable names on a remote server
- Open