Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
10.0.7, 10.0.8, 10.0.9, 10.0.10
Vlad reports:
The current state of OQGRAPH (on Windows) is that:
- it can be built on 32 bit. Use the instruction on how to build MariaDB on
Windows ( sent the link in one of me previous replies), additionally
a) Download boost distribution and unpack it on some directory on the build
machine (I'm unpacking it into C:\boost_1_46_1)
b) set environment variable BOOST_ROOT to the root directory of the boost
"installation" (on my machine it is C:\boost_1_46_1)
c) apply this patch
=== modified file 'storage/oqgraph/CMakeLists.txt'
— storage/oqgraph/CMakeLists.txt 2010-09-15 15:29:57 +0000
+++ storage/oqgraph/CMakeLists.txt 2011-04-10 15:51:02 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
INCLUDE (CheckCXXSourceCompiles)
"#include <boost/version.hpp>
- it cannot be built on 64 bit, due to "'boost::add_edge' : ambiguous call
to overloaded function" errors (on both places where add_edge is used)
The full error message is in the attachment. I cannot find trivial way to
fix it (if you look at the message, even understanding what it says seems
to require pretty good knowledge of boost graph templates and OQGRAPH
The above means I cannot just enable OQGRAPH with the a) b) c) steps above,
as this will break entire build on 64 bit Windows. You need to fix this
error, or alternatively be good with not having OQGRAPH on x64 (I can do
that by adding some code to the above patch to disable 64 bit OQGRAPH