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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-19648

Variable connect_conv_size doesn't change


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 10.2.24


      I was trying to sync information from a server with MySQL 5.6. The schema that I wanted to sync has so many text type columns, so I needed to set connect_conv_size and connect_type_conv variables, and I didn't have any problem to do that in MariaDB version 10.2.14 but I couldn't do it with version 10.2.24, connect_type_conv it could set to YES but connect_conv_size it couldn't set to another value that the default value.

      I tried to put the value with --connect-conv-size=1024 and in the configuration file. In both case I got that when I used show variables command:

      mariadb> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'connect%';
      | Variable_name         | Value                  |
      | connect_class_path    |                        |
      | connect_cond_push     | ON                     |
      | connect_conv_size     | 0                      |
      | connect_enable_mongo  | ON                     |
      | connect_exact_info    | OFF                    |
      | connect_indx_map      | OFF                    |
      | connect_java_wrapper  | wrappers/JdbcInterface |
      | connect_json_grp_size | 10                     |
      | connect_json_null     | <null>                 |
      | connect_jvm_path      |                        |
      | connect_timeout       | 10                     |
      | connect_type_conv     | YES                    |
      | connect_use_tempfile  | AUTO                   |
      | connect_work_size     | 67108864               |
      | connect_xtrace        |                        |
      15 rows in set (0.03 sec)

      That thing avoid that "discovery method" could get the real size of varchar column, I fixed manually column size and it worked. I think that's a bug in configuration file or I missed something. Thanks in advance.



          Bug due to a misplaced parameter in the variable definition. It will be fixed in some future versions of MariaDB.

          Meanwhile, a temporary tournaround is to specify the connect_conv_size variable value as a multiple of its default value 8192. For instance, specifying:

          Set connect_conv_size=4;

          will set it to 32,768. Unfortunately, this won't work for setting it to 1024 because only integer values are accepted.

          Note that when fixed, the new default value will be 1024.

          bertrandop Olivier Bertrand added a comment - Bug due to a misplaced parameter in the variable definition. It will be fixed in some future versions of MariaDB. Meanwhile, a temporary tournaround is to specify the connect_conv_size variable value as a multiple of its default value 8192. For instance, specifying: Set connect_conv_size=4; will set it to 32,768. Unfortunately, this won't work for setting it to 1024 because only integer values are accepted. Note that when fixed, the new default value will be 1024.

          Fixed with patch

          anel Anel Husakovic added a comment - Fixed with patch


            bertrandop Olivier Bertrand
            hbro23 Sebastian Cardona Osorio
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            3 Start watching this issue



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