Technical task
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
10.4 30da40bb8c |
2019-01-09 16:00:40 0 [Note] mysqld: Aria engine: starting recovery
recovered pages: 0%
2019-01-09 16:00:40 0 [ERROR] mysqld: failed to decrypt './test/t7' rc: -1 dstlen: 0 size: 4294967275
Got error 192 when executing record redo_index_new_page
2019-01-09 16:00:40 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Aria engine: Redo phase failed
tables to flush: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2019-01-09 16:00:40 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Aria recovery failed. Please run aria_chk -r on all Aria tables and delete all aria_log.######## files
2019-01-09 16:00:40 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' init function returned error.
2019-01-09 16:00:40 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
The backup dir (stored after prepare but before any server startup was attempted) is here:
To reproduce the failure, restore it to the datadir and start the server with
--innodb-encrypt-tables --innodb-encrypt-log --innodb-encryption-threads=4 --aria-encrypt-tables=1 --encrypt-tmp-
disk-tables=1 --plugin-load-add=file_key_management --file-key-management --file-key-management-filename=`pwd`/mysql-test/std_data/keys.txt
(modify file-key-management-filename value as needed).
Notes on the origin of the report. Please be aware it's not necessarily reproducible the same way.
The problem initially happened by running the concurrent test with MariaBackupFull scenario:
elenst-jira-refs 5342873c9, mariadb-toolbox 6ded4b71568 |
perl ./ --basedir=/home/travis/server --vardir=/home/travis/logs/vardir --duration=350 --threads=4 --seed=1547032472 --reporters=Backtrace,ErrorLog,Deadlock --skip-gendata --gendata-advanced --views --grammar=conf/mariadb/generic-dml.yy --redefine=conf/mariadb/bulk_insert.yy --mysqld=--log_output=FILE --mysqld=--max-statement-time=20 --mysqld=--lock-wait-timeout=10 --mysqld=--loose-innodb-lock-wait-timeout=5 --mysqld=--loose-debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory=0 --filter=/home/travis/mariadb-toolbox/travis/10.4-combo-filter.ff --mysqld=--innodb-encrypt-tables --mysqld=--innodb-encrypt-log --mysqld=--innodb-encryption-threads=4 --mysqld=--aria-encrypt-tables=1 --mysqld=--encrypt-tmp-disk-tables=1 --mysqld=--file-key-management --mysqld=--file-key-management-filename=/home/travis/mariadb-toolbox/data/keys.txt --mysqld=--plugin-load-add=file_key_management --engine=Aria --scenario=MariaBackupFull
The test performs the following steps:
- start the server with
--no-defaults --basedir=/home/travis/server --lc-messages-dir=/home/travis/server/share --character-sets-dir=/home/travis/server/share/charsets --tmpdir=/home/travis/logs/vardir/tmp --core-file --datadir=/home/travis/logs/vardir/data --max-allowed-packet=128Mb --port=19300 --socket=/home/travis/logs/vardir/mysql.sock --pid-file=/home/travis/logs/vardir/ --general-log --general-log-file=/home/travis/logs/vardir/mysql.log --log_output=FILE --max-statement-time=20 --lock-wait-timeout=10 --loose-innodb-lock-wait-timeout=5 --loose-debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory=0 --innodb-encrypt-tables --innodb-encrypt-log --innodb-encryption-threads=4 --aria-encrypt-tables=1 --encrypt-tmp-disk-tables=1 --file-key-management --file-key-management-filename=/home/travis/mariadb-toolbox/data/keys.txt --plugin-load-add=file_key_management
- run concurrent DML/DDL flow on the server;
- after ~100 seconds, take the full backup from the running server (succeeded, the log attached as mbackup_backup.log
- after another ~100 seconds, shut down the server gracefully (succeeded, the error log is attached as mysql.err_orig
- run mariabackup --prepare (succeded, the log attached as mbackup_prepare.log
- cleanup server datadir and restore the backup to it (succeeded, the log attached as mbackup_restore.log
- try to start the server with the same options as before.
I have no information yet whether the problem happens on earlier versions.
Issue Links
- is caused by
MDEV-17913 Encrypted transactional Aria tables remain corrupt after crash recovery, automatic repairment does not work
- Closed