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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-14760

Replication does not take into account SET STATEMENT



      Refined and complete description

      While SET STATEMENT @@session.var1=v1, ..., @@session.var_n=vn Query,
      when binlog_format = STATEMENT, is binlogged in verbatim the results of the Query execution are different between master (primary) and slave (replica).
      Unlike master, the slave side refuses to adopt var_1, ..., var_n customization, and
      which is the case of either DML and DDL queries.

      Even though that is by design the behavior does not allow for replicating correctly queries that either implicitly depend on session variables whose values are not included into Query_log_event, like

      SET STATEMENT storage_engine=Aria FOR CREATE TABLE t (i INT);

      (on slave the replicated table may not be of Aria type)
      or the set-statement's query is composed with referencing variables explicitly e.g

      SET STATEMENT query_alloc_block_size = 1024 FOR INSERT INTO t_heap SET i=@@session.query_alloc_block_size + 1;

      (on slave the inserted value of i will be the slave's @@global.query_alloc_block_size + 1)
      Note that employing a separate SET @@session.var = value to prepend Query may not be (it *is* not for the two above cases) a workaround for statement binlog format replication either.

      To fix the issue beyond suggested Query re-writing, Monty and others considered effectively lift the design's constrain.

      After all it looks to be grounded solely on pessimistic assessments of 'security issues' at the slave side execution

      F-10: Replication: Slave threads will ignore SET_VAR hints to avoids security
      issues since slave threads run as root, avoids potential problems with
      variables replicated with SBR.

      Apparently it's far from being so dramatic as the above examples may hint. Specifically storage_engine,query_alloc_block_size and lots of other are security safe.

      I suggest to indeed *revise* that decision, and when that's done *introduce* for backward compatibility a slave side switch. Along that let's also *attend* MDEV-27462 which must review the current list of disallowed variables (in particular consider to append to it binlog_format which is disallowed to change within transaction context which may not be the case on master but it may be so on slave).

      With this measure we also achieve (addresses knielsen's note) consistent results between the slave applier and the binlog "direct" applier executions.
      The replicated with session-variables SET-STATEMENT-FOR-Query could be engaged further on cases when correctness can be accomplished (addresses monty's note) only with more reach execution context than currently Query_log_event is provided with.

      *Former Elena's description:*

      DDL statements sent to slave does not take into account the original environment where the query was executed.
      This is true when using SET STATEMENT or having a non standard value for any variable that is internally used by a DDL, like default_storage_engine.

      --source include/master-slave.inc
      SET STATEMENT storage_engine=Aria FOR CREATE TABLE t (i INT);
      --connection master
      DROP TABLE t;
      --source include/rpl_end.inc


      [connection master]
      SET STATEMENT storage_engine=Aria FOR CREATE TABLE t (i INT);
      Table	Create Table
      t	CREATE TABLE `t` (
        `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
      connection slave;
      Table	Create Table
      t	CREATE TABLE `t` (
        `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL


        Issue Links


            IMHO the reported issue is not a bug, because of the following reasons.

            Reason 1:-
            The MySQL manual states that 'default_storage_engine' and 'storage_engine'
            variables are never replicated. Please refer below.

            The default_storage_engine and storage_engine system variables are not
            replicated, regardless of the logging mode; this is intended to facilitate
            replication between different storage engines.

            I hope MariaDB also has the same behaviour.

            Reason 2:-
            SET STATEMENT feature was added as part MDEV-5231. This feature is a port of
            "Per query variables from Percona Server".

            The ported patch added a test named :rpl_set_statement.test

            This test has a scenario do demonstrate that following variables are never
            replicated. as part of SET STATEMENTS.

            --echo 4) variables that are not replicated at all:
            --echo default_storage_engine, storage_engine, max_heap_table_size

            Hence the documentation needs to be updated saying the above SET STATEMENTS will
            not be replicated.

            Please let me know your thoughts.

            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - IMHO the reported issue is not a bug, because of the following reasons. Reason 1:- The MySQL manual states that 'default_storage_engine' and 'storage_engine' variables are never replicated. Please refer below. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-features-variables.html The default_storage_engine and storage_engine system variables are not replicated, regardless of the logging mode; this is intended to facilitate replication between different storage engines. I hope MariaDB also has the same behaviour. Reason 2:- SET STATEMENT feature was added as part MDEV-5231 . This feature is a port of "Per query variables from Percona Server". The ported patch added a test named :rpl_set_statement.test This test has a scenario do demonstrate that following variables are never replicated. as part of SET STATEMENTS. --echo 4) variables that are not replicated at all: --echo default_storage_engine, storage_engine, max_heap_table_size Hence the documentation needs to be updated saying the above SET STATEMENTS will not be replicated. Please let me know your thoughts.

            Hello Andrei,

            Please review the latest comments on the JIRA page and provide your thoughts.

            Thank you.

            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - Hello Andrei, Please review the latest comments on the JIRA page and provide your thoughts. Thank you.
            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment -

            sujatha.sivakumar, howdy.

            Thanks for briefing me with the feature's history, which really saved a little time !
            Your point about not replicated SET of default_storage_engine variable is naturally fair. However two facts should be noted in order to decide about the case.
            The first is that the current value of default_storage_engine still plays a role, that is to evaluate
            the engine type for CREATE TABLE t (a int);, like here:

            MariaDB [test]> SET @@SESSION.default_storage_engine=aria;
            MariaDB [test]> CREATE TABLE ta (a INT);
            MariaDB [test]> SHOW CREATE TABLE t_a;
            | Table | Create Table                                                                                         |
            | t_a   | CREATE TABLE `t_a` (
              `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
            ) ENGINE=Aria DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PAGE_CHECKSUM=1 |

            After the evaluation the chosen value is also present in Query-log-event (the evidence part is omitted though).

            And secondly the whole idea of the SET-STATEMENT
            feature is to provide one statement time "dynamic" exception to any current default.
            Notice that unlike to the "static" default evaluation case the binlog event does not match in the engine attribute,
            which I can read only as a bug.

            I hope this makes it more clear.


            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - sujatha.sivakumar , howdy. Thanks for briefing me with the feature's history, which really saved a little time ! Your point about not replicated SET of default_storage_engine variable is naturally fair. However two facts should be noted in order to decide about the case. The first is that the current value of default_storage_engine still plays a role, that is to evaluate the engine type for CREATE TABLE t (a int); , like here: MariaDB [test]> SET @@SESSION.default_storage_engine=aria;   MariaDB [test]> CREATE TABLE ta (a INT);   MariaDB [test]> SHOW CREATE TABLE t_a; +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | t_a | CREATE TABLE `t_a` ( `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=Aria DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PAGE_CHECKSUM=1 | +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After the evaluation the chosen value is also present in Query-log-event (the evidence part is omitted though). And secondly the whole idea of the SET-STATEMENT feature is to provide one statement time "dynamic" exception to any current default. Notice that unlike to the "static" default evaluation case the binlog event does not match in the engine attribute, which I can read only as a bug. I hope this makes it more clear. Cheers, Andrei
            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - - edited

            It took time to arrive @ the question, Sujatha.

            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - - edited It took time to arrive @ the question, Sujatha.

            Hello Andrei,

            Good morning. Thank you for the review comments.

            The system variables which are set using "SET STATEMENT" are never replicated.
            But we just write the query along with the "SET STATEMENT" into the
            "Query_log_event". On slave the "SET STATEMENT" syntax is ignored. Only the
            actual query gets executed.

            But if we look at the 'rpl_set_statement.test' the second test case states that
            the system variables which ARE replicated, They must be replicated correctly
            with "SET STATEMENT" too.

            For example:
            MariaDB [test]> SET STATEMENT auto_increment_increment=40 FOR INSERT INTO t1
            VALUES(@@auto_increment_increment); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

            In general 'auto_increment_increment' system variable is replicated. Please have
            a look at the following binlog output. "SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=40"
            gets added to binary log as part of regular replication. On the slave side this
            "SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=40" command will be executed as part of
            Query_log_event::do_apply_event. It is not because of
            "SET STATEMENT auto_increment_increment=40 ...".

            # at 631
            #190531 12:30:07 server id 1  end_log_pos 794     Query    thread_id=5    exec_time=0    error_code=0
            SET TIMESTAMP=1559286007/*!*/;
            SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=40, @@session.auto_increment_offset=2/*!*/;
            SET STATEMENT auto_increment_increment=40 FOR INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(@@auto_increment_increment)
            # at 794
            #190531 12:30:07 server id 1  end_log_pos 868     Query    thread_id=5    exec_time=0    error_code=0
            SET TIMESTAMP=1559286007/*!*/;

            "SET STATEMENT" syntax is ignored on slave. The reason why the implementer chose
            it that way is, he/she didn't want to introduce any change of behavior
            with respect to system variables which should/should not be replicated.

            Hence the original code looks like this.

            File: sql/sql_parse.cc
             if (!lex->stmt_var_list.is_empty() && !thd->slave_thread)
                Query_arena backup;
                DBUG_PRINT("info", ("SET STATEMENT %d vars", lex->stmt_var_list.elements));

            The internal implementation of 'SET STATEMENT' looks like this

            SET @save_value=@@var1;
            SET SESSION var1=value1;
            SET SESSION var1=@save_value;

            For example:
            If user sets 'storage_engine' at session level, it is never replicated.

            MariaDB [test]> set @@session.storage_engine=aria;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
            MariaDB [test]> create table t ( f int);
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
            MariaDB [test]> show create table t;
            | Table | Create Table                                                                                       |
            | t     | CREATE TABLE `t` (
              `f` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
            ) ENGINE=Aria DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PAGE_CHECKSUM=1 |
            1 row in set (0.00 sec)

            Binary log output:

            SET @@session.character_set_client=33,@@session.collation_connection=33,@@session.collation_server=8/*!*/;
            SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/;
            SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/;
            create table t ( f int)
            DELIMITER ;
            # End of log file

            Conclusion: Since "SET STATEMENT" also acts like above it should not replicate
            the "storage_engine" variable. Hence we should not change this behavior.

            Please let me know your thoughts.

            sujatha.sivakumar Sujatha Sivakumar (Inactive) added a comment - - edited Hello Andrei, Good morning. Thank you for the review comments. The system variables which are set using "SET STATEMENT" are never replicated. But we just write the query along with the "SET STATEMENT" into the "Query_log_event". On slave the "SET STATEMENT" syntax is ignored. Only the actual query gets executed. But if we look at the 'rpl_set_statement.test' the second test case states that the system variables which ARE replicated, They must be replicated correctly with "SET STATEMENT" too. For example: ------------------- MariaDB [test] > SET STATEMENT auto_increment_increment=40 FOR INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(@@auto_increment_increment); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) In general 'auto_increment_increment' system variable is replicated. Please have a look at the following binlog output. "SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=40" gets added to binary log as part of regular replication. On the slave side this "SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=40" command will be executed as part of Query_log_event::do_apply_event. It is not because of "SET STATEMENT auto_increment_increment=40 ...". BEGIN /*!*/; # at 631 #190531 12:30:07 server id 1 end_log_pos 794 Query thread_id=5 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1559286007/*!*/; SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=40, @@session.auto_increment_offset=2/*!*/; SET STATEMENT auto_increment_increment=40 FOR INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(@@auto_increment_increment) /*!*/; # at 794 #190531 12:30:07 server id 1 end_log_pos 868 Query thread_id=5 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1559286007/*!*/; "SET STATEMENT" syntax is ignored on slave. The reason why the implementer chose it that way is, he/she didn't want to introduce any change of behavior with respect to system variables which should/should not be replicated. Hence the original code looks like this. File: sql/sql_parse.cc   if (!lex->stmt_var_list.is_empty() && !thd->slave_thread) { Query_arena backup; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("SET STATEMENT %d vars", lex->stmt_var_list.elements)); The internal implementation of 'SET STATEMENT' looks like this SET @save_value=@@var1; SET SESSION var1=value1; stmt; SET SESSION var1=@save_value; For example: ------------------- If user sets 'storage_engine' at session level, it is never replicated. MariaDB [test]> set @@session.storage_engine=aria; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)   MariaDB [test]> create table t ( f int); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)   MariaDB [test]> show create table t; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | t | CREATE TABLE `t` ( `f` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=Aria DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 PAGE_CHECKSUM=1 | +-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Binary log output: --------------------------- SET @@session.character_set_client=33,@@session.collation_connection=33,@@session.collation_server=8/*!*/; SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/; SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/; create table t ( f int) /*!*/; DELIMITER ; # End of log file Conclusion: Since "SET STATEMENT" also acts like above it should not replicate the "storage_engine" variable. Hence we should not change this behavior. Please let me know your thoughts.
            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment -

            sujatha.sivakumar, thanks for a thorough analysis and detailing! The matter finally settled in my mind. Like you say in The internal implementation it's fair to think of SET STATEMENT var1,var2,..., var_n FOR Query as a shortcut: save old values; set var:s; exec Query; restore var:s. Now we notice that among the var:s we have ones that are present in Query_log_event::"context" (replicated), and those that are not. Those that are currently not should not get into the context. Those that are in already don't need {{SET STATEMENT var1,var2,..., var_n }} preamble be replicated.
            Hence the original design decision makes sense. Secondly I have to agree with not-a-bug status.
            Yet we need to acknowledge and tackle a use cases where a not replicatable SET-STATEMENT var is referred in the Query explicitly like SET STATEMENT var=value INSERT INTO t SET a=@@var. The case is clear consistency issue as var=value is not set into the exec context of Query on slave.

            I suggest we consider such cases are replication unsafe. Now the question is how to implement that technically, and also when/how urgently.

            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - sujatha.sivakumar , thanks for a thorough analysis and detailing! The matter finally settled in my mind. Like you say in The internal implementation it's fair to think of SET STATEMENT var1,var2,..., var_n FOR Query as a shortcut: save old values; set var:s; exec Query; restore var:s . Now we notice that among the var:s we have ones that are present in Query_log_event::"context" (replicated), and those that are not . Those that are currently not should not get into the context. Those that are in already don't need {{SET STATEMENT var1,var2,..., var_n }} preamble be replicated. Hence the original design decision makes sense. Secondly I have to agree with not-a-bug status. Yet we need to acknowledge and tackle a use cases where a not replicatable SET-STATEMENT var is referred in the Query explicitly like SET STATEMENT var=value INSERT INTO t SET a=@@var . The case is clear consistency issue as var=value is not set into the exec context of Query on slave. I suggest we consider such cases are replication unsafe. Now the question is how to implement that technically, and also when/how urgently.


            the same behavior is observed with old_alter_table:

            SET STATEMENT old_alter_table = 1 ALTER XXX

            While in show processlist on the replica, the SET STATEMENT is displayed in the command, under the hood the ALTER is being performed without setting the variable as requested (State: ALTERING TABLE) and taking much longer than planned. This can be confusing for the User/DBA.

            | 948403 | system user | | db_name | Slave_SQL | 329 | altering table | SET STATEMENT old_alter_table = 1 FOR alter table my_table add column_name smallint defaul | 0.000 |

            Maybe this should be documented more explicitly as not supported, and some downtime can be avoided.


            joffrey92 Joffrey MICHAIE added a comment - Hello, the same behavior is observed with old_alter_table: SET STATEMENT old_alter_table = 1 ALTER XXX While in show processlist on the replica, the SET STATEMENT is displayed in the command, under the hood the ALTER is being performed without setting the variable as requested (State: ALTERING TABLE) and taking much longer than planned. This can be confusing for the User/DBA. | 948403 | system user | | db_name | Slave_SQL | 329 | altering table | SET STATEMENT old_alter_table = 1 FOR alter table my_table add column_name smallint defaul | 0.000 | Maybe this should be documented more explicitly as not supported, and some downtime can be avoided. Cheers, Joffrey
            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment -

            sujatha.sivakumar: Could we try something like Annotate_log_event that is to embed the original SET-query into a new char[] Query_log_event::status_var::set_query. The variable would be replicated along with others see Query_log_event::write to replace Query_log_event::query on slave.

            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - sujatha.sivakumar : Could we try something like Annotate_log_event that is to embed the original SET-query into a new char[] Query_log_event::status_var::set_query . The variable would be replicated along with others see Query_log_event::write to replace Query_log_event::query on slave.
            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment -

            joffrey92 Indeed! Thank you. We're still considering if/and how to fix.

            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - joffrey92 Indeed! Thank you. We're still considering if/and how to fix.

            This is not only related to SET STATEMENT but with the whole environment on the master.

            set default_storage_engine=aria;
            CREATE TABLE t (i INT);
            SHOW CREATE TABLE t;
            Table Create Table
            t CREATE TABLE `t` (
            `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
            ) ENGINE=Aria DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci PAGE_CHECKSUM=1
            connection slave;
            SHOW CREATE TABLE t;
            Table Create Table
            t CREATE TABLE `t` (
            `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
            ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci

            A better way would be to send together with the query the whole environment that the query is using, like default storage engine, default character set etc.
            We could do this included in the events (var1=x,var2=y etc) or just always use SET STATEMENT .. with any DDL query in the binary log.

            Another options is to send to the slave not the original query but the query one gets from 'show create table' as this includes all information needed.

            monty Michael Widenius added a comment - This is not only related to SET STATEMENT but with the whole environment on the master. set default_storage_engine=aria; CREATE TABLE t (i INT); SHOW CREATE TABLE t; Table Create Table t CREATE TABLE `t` ( `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=Aria DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci PAGE_CHECKSUM=1 connection slave; SHOW CREATE TABLE t; Table Create Table t CREATE TABLE `t` ( `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci A better way would be to send together with the query the whole environment that the query is using, like default storage engine, default character set etc. We could do this included in the events (var1=x,var2=y etc) or just always use SET STATEMENT .. with any DDL query in the binary log. Another options is to send to the slave not the original query but the query one gets from 'show create table' as this includes all information needed.
            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - - edited

            This is not only related to SET STATEMENT but with the whole environment on the master

            Sure, but it has always been so, as a known legacy limitation that we only replicate a tiny part of the environment.
            At the point of filing this report, SET STATEMENT was a new addition, and in my opinion it wasn't obvious at all (and still isn't really) that it should behave the same way as if the master were executing consequently SET var=new_value; <query>; SET var=old_value. While I understand the logic induced by the internal implementation, intuitively, it could be expected that if the statement is executed as a whole and is written in the binlog as a whole, it should also be executed by the slave as a whole.

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - - edited This is not only related to SET STATEMENT but with the whole environment on the master Sure, but it has always been so, as a known legacy limitation that we only replicate a tiny part of the environment. At the point of filing this report, SET STATEMENT was a new addition, and in my opinion it wasn't obvious at all (and still isn't really) that it should behave the same way as if the master were executing consequently SET var=new_value; <query>; SET var=old_value . While I understand the logic induced by the internal implementation, intuitively, it could be expected that if the statement is executed as a whole and is written in the binlog as a whole, it should also be executed by the slave as a whole.

            Agree that the simple solution is to include the original SET STATEMENT into the binary log.

            monty Michael Widenius added a comment - Agree that the simple solution is to include the original SET STATEMENT into the binary log.

            I agree with the idea that SET STATEMENT X=Y FOR <stmt> should be identical to SET old=X; SET X=Y; <stmt>; SET X=old.

            I think this is needed to ensure that the semantics is clear and correct. This way, it is easy to describe and for the user to understand what it does. And making it work differently opens all kinds of potential corner cases.

            That still leaves an issue. It is then a bit strange that the <stmt> is not binlogged the same way, but the entire SET STATEMENT ... original client SQL string appears in the Query_log_event (in statement-based binlogging). And it currently means that mysqlbinlog | mysql does not handle it identical to explicit set/restore, as the SET STATEMENT ... takes effect there.

            The best might be to remove the initial SET STATEMENT ... FOR part from the query string entirely before binlogging. We do have some query string rewriting before binlogging already (INSERT DELAYED...), though I'd still prefer to keep such rewriting to an absolute minimum.

            This is a good example of how important it is to carefully think through all aspects of a new feature (SET STATEMENT ... in this case). The MariaDB code is so stuffed with features and options that there are almost always tricky interactions that need to be carefully thought through in the design before coding and pushing. At least SET STATEMENT ... doesn't allow subqueries or stored function calls to get the temporary values to set.

            knielsen Kristian Nielsen added a comment - I agree with the idea that SET STATEMENT X=Y FOR <stmt> should be identical to SET old=X; SET X=Y; <stmt>; SET X=old. I think this is needed to ensure that the semantics is clear and correct. This way, it is easy to describe and for the user to understand what it does. And making it work differently opens all kinds of potential corner cases. That still leaves an issue. It is then a bit strange that the <stmt> is not binlogged the same way, but the entire SET STATEMENT ... original client SQL string appears in the Query_log_event (in statement-based binlogging). And it currently means that mysqlbinlog | mysql does not handle it identical to explicit set/restore, as the SET STATEMENT ... takes effect there. The best might be to remove the initial SET STATEMENT ... FOR part from the query string entirely before binlogging. We do have some query string rewriting before binlogging already (INSERT DELAYED...), though I'd still prefer to keep such rewriting to an absolute minimum. This is a good example of how important it is to carefully think through all aspects of a new feature (SET STATEMENT ... in this case). The MariaDB code is so stuffed with features and options that there are almost always tricky interactions that need to be carefully thought through in the design before coding and pushing. At least SET STATEMENT ... doesn't allow subqueries or stored function calls to get the temporary values to set.
            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment -

            knielsen, also considering you were last to comment on the case, I set you as the prime reviewer of the updated description. Looking forward to read your input!

            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - knielsen , also considering you were last to comment on the case, I set you as the prime reviewer of the updated description. Looking forward to read your input!
            knielsen Kristian Nielsen added a comment - - edited

            I read the updated description. Unfortunately, it is not clear to me what
            exactly is proposed?

            I see "effectively lift the design's constrain" and "I suggest to indeed
            revise that decision". But I do not see exactly what is proposed as the

            Also, I do not understand what is meant with this: "The replicated with
            session-variables SET-STATEMENT-FOR-Query could be engaged further on cases
            when correctness can be accomplished (addresses Michael Widenius's note)
            only with more reach execution context than currently Query_log_event is
            provided with."

            It sounds to me that what is suggested involves creating a list of further
            session variables that must be replicated (for Query_log_event) along with
            those already replicated (like current timestamp and so on). That is
            probably appropriate. Note that such list must be a white-list; each new
            variable must be added after suitable consideration, as opposed to
            replicating everything except a list of exceptions. This is already how it
            is done for the existing variables replicated with the Query_log_event.

            As I wrote earlier, it is important that these two behave the same:

            SET STATEMENT var= value FOR <query>


            SET @old= @@SESSION.var;
            SET SESSION var= value;
            SET SESSION var= @old;

            This is achieved by added more variables to the list of what is replicated
            for Query_log_event.

            This does not solve the problem that `mysqlbinlog | mysql` will work
            differently, obeying all SET STATEMENT ... FOR regardless of which
            variable. I am not super fond of my earlier suggestion about query string
            rewriting for the Query_log_event. I think the more general problem of
            getting `mysqlbinlog | mysql` to be consistent with replication should be
            solved in a more general manner, by implementing something that makes this
            use the same code paths inside the server as the replication slave, so that
            the various quirks and workarounds are the same between the two. Such
            general solution is outside the scope of this particular MDEV.

            knielsen Kristian Nielsen added a comment - - edited I read the updated description. Unfortunately, it is not clear to me what exactly is proposed? I see "effectively lift the design's constrain" and "I suggest to indeed revise that decision". But I do not see exactly what is proposed as the implementation. Also, I do not understand what is meant with this: "The replicated with session-variables SET-STATEMENT-FOR-Query could be engaged further on cases when correctness can be accomplished (addresses Michael Widenius's note) only with more reach execution context than currently Query_log_event is provided with." It sounds to me that what is suggested involves creating a list of further session variables that must be replicated (for Query_log_event) along with those already replicated (like current timestamp and so on). That is probably appropriate. Note that such list must be a white-list; each new variable must be added after suitable consideration, as opposed to replicating everything except a list of exceptions. This is already how it is done for the existing variables replicated with the Query_log_event. As I wrote earlier, it is important that these two behave the same: SET STATEMENT var= value FOR <query> and SET @old= @@SESSION.var; SET SESSION var= value; <query> SET SESSION var= @old; This is achieved by added more variables to the list of what is replicated for Query_log_event. This does not solve the problem that `mysqlbinlog | mysql` will work differently, obeying all SET STATEMENT ... FOR regardless of which variable. I am not super fond of my earlier suggestion about query string rewriting for the Query_log_event. I think the more general problem of getting `mysqlbinlog | mysql` to be consistent with replication should be solved in a more general manner, by implementing something that makes this use the same code paths inside the server as the replication slave, so that the various quirks and workarounds are the same between the two. Such general solution is outside the scope of this particular MDEV.


              bnestere Brandon Nesterenko
              elenst Elena Stepanova
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              9 Start watching this issue



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