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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-784

JSON_REPLACE() returned a json_update does not exist error.


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • 1.1.0
    • Icebox
    • ExeMgr
    • None


      [root@localhost mariadb-columnstore-server]# git show
      commit 594ef1807a5d6cba45cf7c2bed03cccdc32f177a
      Merge: a5f191d ce815f9
      Author: David.Hall <david.hall@mariadb.com>
      Date: Thu Jun 8 10:12:50 2017 -0500
      [root@localhost mariadb-columnstore-engine]# git show
      commit ebaf24473c0838989bf504a7c104c511b876fcb8
      Author: david hill <david.hill@mariadb.com>
      Date: Fri Jun 16 16:53:48 2017 -0500

      As of testing time, ColumnStore does not supported distributed distributed JSON functions. JSONs are being executed by MariaDB front end (vtablemode=0).

      MariaDB [mytest]> SELECT cVarchar, JSON_REPLACE(cVarchar, '$.B[1]', 4), cText, JSON_REPLACE(cText, '$.B[1]', 4) from jsontest;
      ERROR 1305 (42000): FUNCTION mytest.json_update does not exist

      create table script:

      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jsontest;
      CREATE TABLE jsontest (
      cInt INT,
      cVarchar VARCHAR(300),
      cText TEXT)

      test script:

      1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
      2. The string is already a JSON string so we can insert it into the table
      3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        TRUNCATE TABLE jsontest;
        SET @json = ' { "A": 1, "B": [2, 3]}

        SELECT @json;
        INSERT INTO jsontest VALUES (1, @json, @json);
        SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@json, '$.B[1]', 4);
        SELECT * FROM jsontest;
        SELECT cVarchar, JSON_REPLACE(cVarchar, '$.B[1]', 4), cText, JSON_REPLACE(cText, '$.B[1]', 4) from jsontest;
        TRUNCATE TABLE jsontest;


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            This item is being closed because it was well passed the expiration date with no activity. If you suspect this was done in error please create a new ticket.

            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) added a comment - This item is being closed because it was well passed the expiration date with no activity. If you suspect this was done in error please create a new ticket.


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