Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
It was discovered when working on MCOL-271. So I use slightly modified script and results from the comments there.
The script:
use test; |
drop table if exists ti; |
drop table if exists tcs; |
create table ti(d1 char(6), d2 char(6)) engine=innodb; |
create table tcs(d1 char(6), d2 char(6)) engine=columnstore; |
insert into ti(d1, d2) values (NULL,NULL), (NULL, ''), (NULL, 'a'), ('', NULL), ('',''), ('', 'a'), ('a',NULL), ('a',''), ('a','a'); |
insert into tcs(d1, d2) values (NULL,NULL), (NULL, ''), (NULL, 'a'), ('', NULL), ('',''), ('', 'a'), ('a',NULL), ('a',''), ('a','a'); |
select 'innodb like', d1, d2 from ti where (d1 like d2); |
select 'columnstore like', d1, d2 from tcs where (d1 like d2); |
select 'innodb not like', d1, d2 from ti where (d1 not like d2); |
select 'columnstore not like', d1, d2 from tcs where (d1 not like d2); |
select 'innodb not (like)', d1, d2 from ti where not (d1 like d2); |
select 'columnstore not (like)', d1, d2 from tcs where not (d1 like d2); |
The answer for current develop:
# mysql <0.sql
innodb like d1 d2
innodb like
innodb like a a
innodb not like d1 d2
innodb not like a
innodb not like a
innodb not (like) d1 d2
innodb not (like) a
innodb not (like) a
Notice the absence of Columnstore's output for (NOT) LIKE queries. LIKE does not work properly under current develop, it seems.
Build verified: develop branch
engine: a90535e1a7ffefa0e5ae808fdd0d38d30cffc017
server: 805750b3a90ed4aecbf475025e63674aaab7f7f7
buildNo: 7829
Reproduced the issue in 23.02.3
Verified char and varchar
string lengths 1, 2, 4, 7(varchar), 8(char), and longer (dictionary)