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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-5191

Join Optimizer: histogram statistics/ needed for cost-based optimization


    • 2021-17, 2022-22


      The previous step delivers a statistics that allows to detect uniqueness of a column to be able to cut lops in a JOIN graph the most effective way.
      The current step will deliver a histogram collected for columns of tables. The strained goal is to collect a Number of Dictinct Values statistics also.
      In the scope of this project the mentioned statistics collection is a manual operation and run by ANALYZE TABLE command as previously.


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            Build verified: 23.02

            engine: a1d89d8f311d8187d3357536a64d77ef6f9c2b8e
            server: bf7f6987c8fb7ceda9ae048ada129d11798d4392
            buildNo: 6151

            Retested the test case in MCOL-1205

            MariaDB [tpch1m]> select n_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue from customer, orders, lineitem, supplier, nation, region where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_suppkey = s_suppkey and c_nationkey = s_nationkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'AMERICA' and o_orderdate >= '1993-01-01' and o_orderdate < date_add( '1993-01-01' , interval 1 year) group by n_name order by revenue desc;
            | n_name    | revenue     |
            | PERU      | 527161.1575 |
            | ARGENTINA |  34521.3330 |
            2 rows in set (0.290 sec)
            MariaDB [tpch1m]> analyze table customer, orders, lineitem,supplier, nation, region
                -> ;
            | Table           | Op      | Msg_type | Msg_text |
            | tpch1m.customer | analyze | status   | OK       |
            | tpch1m.orders   | analyze | status   | OK       |
            | tpch1m.lineitem | analyze | status   | OK       |
            | tpch1m.supplier | analyze | status   | OK       |
            | tpch1m.nation   | analyze | status   | OK       |
            | tpch1m.region   | analyze | status   | OK       |
            6 rows in set (0.035 sec)
            MariaDB [tpch1m]> select n_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue from customer, orders, lineitem, supplier, nation, region where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_suppkey = s_suppkey and c_nationkey = s_nationkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'AMERICA' and o_orderdate >= '1993-01-01' and o_orderdate < date_add( '1993-01-01' , interval 1 year) group by n_name order by revenue desc;
            | n_name    | revenue     |
            | PERU      | 527161.1575 |
            | ARGENTINA |  34521.3330 |
            2 rows in set (0.036 sec)

            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) added a comment - Build verified: 23.02 engine: a1d89d8f311d8187d3357536a64d77ef6f9c2b8e server: bf7f6987c8fb7ceda9ae048ada129d11798d4392 buildNo: 6151 Retested the test case in MCOL-1205 MariaDB [tpch1m]> select n_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue from customer, orders, lineitem, supplier, nation, region where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_suppkey = s_suppkey and c_nationkey = s_nationkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'AMERICA' and o_orderdate >= '1993-01-01' and o_orderdate < date_add( '1993-01-01' , interval 1 year) group by n_name order by revenue desc; +-----------+-------------+ | n_name | revenue | +-----------+-------------+ | PERU | 527161.1575 | | ARGENTINA | 34521.3330 | +-----------+-------------+ 2 rows in set (0.290 sec)   MariaDB [tpch1m]> analyze table customer, orders, lineitem,supplier, nation, region -> ; +-----------------+---------+----------+----------+ | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text | +-----------------+---------+----------+----------+ | tpch1m.customer | analyze | status | OK | | tpch1m.orders | analyze | status | OK | | tpch1m.lineitem | analyze | status | OK | | tpch1m.supplier | analyze | status | OK | | tpch1m.nation | analyze | status | OK | | tpch1m.region | analyze | status | OK | +-----------------+---------+----------+----------+ 6 rows in set (0.035 sec)   MariaDB [tpch1m]> select n_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue from customer, orders, lineitem, supplier, nation, region where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_suppkey = s_suppkey and c_nationkey = s_nationkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'AMERICA' and o_orderdate >= '1993-01-01' and o_orderdate < date_add( '1993-01-01' , interval 1 year) group by n_name order by revenue desc; +-----------+-------------+ | n_name | revenue | +-----------+-------------+ | PERU | 527161.1575 | | ARGENTINA | 34521.3330 | +-----------+-------------+ 2 rows in set (0.036 sec)


              denis0x0D Denis Khalikov (Inactive)
              drrtuy Roman
              Roman Roman
              Daniel Lee Daniel Lee (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue



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