
    • 2020-1, 2020-2


      Noticed what is likely a cut & paste error. Need to skim the S3Storage class at least, and make sure log msgs are going to the right place. Ex:

      {{ if (ms3_server_error(creds))
      logger->log(LOG_WARNING, "S3Storage::putObject(): failed to PUT, server says '%s'. bucket = %s, key = %s.",
      ms3_server_error(creds), bucket.c_str(), destKey.c_str());
      logger->log(LOG_ERR, "S3Storage::putObject(): failed to PUT, got '%s'. bucket = %s, key = %s.",
      s3err_msgs[s3err], bucket.c_str(), destKey.c_str());}}

      I can't think of a reason one should go to warning, one should go to err, it's the same error msg.


        Issue Links


            pleblanc Patrick LeBlanc (Inactive) created issue -
            ben.thompson Ben Thompson (Inactive) made changes -
            Field Original Value New Value
            Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
            ben.thompson Ben Thompson (Inactive) made changes -
            Assignee Ben Thompson [ ben.thompson ] Patrick LeBlanc [ pleblanc ]
            Status In Progress [ 3 ] In Review [ 10002 ]
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            ben.thompson Ben Thompson (Inactive) made changes -
            LinuxJedi Andrew Hutchings (Inactive) made changes -
            Fix Version/s 1.4.3 [ 24038 ]
            Fix Version/s 1.4.2 [ 24023 ]
            pleblanc Patrick LeBlanc (Inactive) made changes -
            Status In Review [ 10002 ] In Testing [ 10301 ]
            pleblanc Patrick LeBlanc (Inactive) made changes -
            Assignee Patrick LeBlanc [ pleblanc ] Daniel Lee [ dleeyh ]
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            Sprint 2020-1 [ 376 ]
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked lower
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            Story Points 1
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            Sprint 2020-1 [ 376 ] 2020-1, 2020-2 [ 376, 382 ]
            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) made changes -
            issue.field.resolutiondate 2020-02-12 20:58:36.0 2020-02-12 20:58:36.14
            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) made changes -
            Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
            Status In Testing [ 10301 ] Closed [ 6 ]
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Team ColumnStore Team
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher


              dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive)
              pleblanc Patrick LeBlanc (Inactive)
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