Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
2um 2pm with local query
2020-3, 2020-4, 2020-5
Customer report errors on both PMs
Apr 11 19:11:05 usfit-scdb6 PrimProc[144321]: 05.309773 |0|0|0| C 28 CAL0053: PrimProc could not open file for OID 73844; /000.dir/001.dir/032.dir/116.dir/000.dir/FILE001.cdf:No such file or directory
No ExeMgr restarted, which has caused this issue in the past. Customer reported this is might have caused the problem via the Issue
There was a long running query.. and at the end of the query this uses table X. This query was running.. when at the same time a process ran that TRUNCATES and cpimports table X. It appears the data files were updated, leaving the long query to look in the previous place for the data that was not there. This is when our error returned and still presents a problem for this type of thing to be able to happen.
It is understandable that it can happen.. however the errors given seem to indicate a l detrimental loss of data