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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-2120

Check NUMA devel package is installed on BuildBot instances


    • Task
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 1.4.5
    • Build
    • None
    • 2019-01, 2019-02


      There is a report that the MariaDB server packages may not be detecting it and compiling with it.



          Ben has confirmed that Debian 8 and 9 have it. The others still need to be checked.

          LinuxJedi Andrew Hutchings (Inactive) added a comment - Ben has confirmed that Debian 8 and 9 have it. The others still need to be checked.

          Buildbot has been updated nothing to checkin but need someone to confirm this is done

          ben.thompson Ben Thompson (Inactive) added a comment - Buildbot has been updated nothing to checkin but need someone to confirm this is done

          Numa for Centos is missing also for usual MariaDB 10.3.12

          Richard Richard Stracke added a comment - Numa for Centos is missing also for usual MariaDB 10.3.12

          Can you look into this now that you're doing new CI and builds

          ben.thompson Ben Thompson (Inactive) added a comment - Can you look into this now that you're doing new CI and builds


            roman.navrotskiy Roman Navrotskiy (Inactive)
            LinuxJedi Andrew Hutchings (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue



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